dave does have the best NED heads, but if you don't have a chance to get any before you make it down, BPS has shroom heads, that will work, they do have a collar on them, but it is soft, you can take a pair of needlenose and twist off the collar.
I haven't checked the 2015 prices for single game royals tickets, but i would expect, after last year ticket prices have gone up a little. anybody checked prices on tickets this year??
not a cubs fan by a long shot but I think they have a good mix of veteran leadership and young guys, along with one of the best Managers in baseball. Early prediction: NL Central 1.Cubs 2.Cards 3.Pirates 4.Brewers 5.Reds
my dad has a tracker deep-v 175 90hp opti. he said his only regret was not getting one with a 4-stroke. I am not sure on the warranty of other boat brands, but tracker has a 5yr warranty. And a 24v trolling motor is a must IMO
put in at aunts creek around 12pm, with snow still flying. fished until 3pm. water temps 39-41 caught one K around 3lbs on megabass jerker (kohoku reaction)