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Everything posted by EastTnAngler

  1. They do have rentals on base. We rented a kayak and canoe a couple weekends ago and floated the big piney. Didn't really catch much. I think the cold weather had them shut down. Only fish I caught was one largemouth. I threw everything at them too...jigs, fly n float, tubes, swimbaits, flukes etc.
  2. Does the Gasconade have better smallmouth fishing than the Big Piney? I'm at Ft Leonard Wood. I have fished the Big Piney, but have yet to hit the Gasconade.
  3. I doubt they will lose there licenses since these are criminal charges. Not sure the theft charges will even hold up. They would have had to kept more than the maximum allowed number of fish or undersized fish for there licenses to be in jeopardy I would think.
  4. I know people use the 3 armed rigs with grubs for crappie. They are good for catching smallies also.
  5. The fish is officially the new TN state record. I believe this is one of the Florida strain bass that has been introduced to TN. Unfortunately the fish was not released. I'm not sure why it was killed, but have been told it is not a requirement by TWRA for the fish to be killed.
  6. Was confirmed as the new state record. Was caught about an hour from where I live with a TN rig. They have been stocking a Florida strain of bass in that lake, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's one of them. They grow much larger than our native largemouth.
  7. Yeah, I'm not sure of the specific location. Just says its on Olney Circle in Linn Creek, MO.
  8. We are planning to go up to the army recruiting area Friday and it looks like it's on Linn Creek. Anyone familiar with the area? Would we be better to go after crappie or bass? Also, what lures does everyone reccomend? I'm from TN, so it's a whole new fishing scene out here for me.
  9. Have done quite a bit of research on the big piney and hoping to check it out. Will have to look into Gasconade. There are also several ponds on the base that look to have some good fishing. Was hoping to fish a lake while I was here. What would be the best one to try? I have heard table rock and lake of the ozarks were good.
  10. I will be at Ft Leonard Wood for the next few months and am looking to do some fishing. I mostly fish for smallmouth, but like to go after largemouth, trout and crappie also. I don't have a vehicle here so my transportation options are limited. Let me know if anyone fishes around the area or has any connections. Thanks!
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