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Everything posted by kelley72

  1. should have been crappie fishing
  2. kelley72


    Are any ramps open
  3. between millers cove and springfield cove. up from cc lanch.
  4. 50 today
  5. What part of the lake were you fishing.
  6. but did you catch any fish.
  7. only had 7today, must have been too nice
  8. 30 more crappie Monday afternoon
  9. had 22 crappie Sunday afternoon. Caught around Birch branch
  10. Can we still go fishing or not?
  11. WAS on Turnback around Millers cove and had 15 crappies.Water was 59 and pretty clear.
  12. Have too order them out of Minnsota.
  13. Have any of you guys ever tried a jig tipped with a minnow instead of a worm. I've used leaches before on Stockon with good luck.Perch can't steal them.
  14. Caught mind on 3" smoke grub on 1/16 oz head.
  15. Went back friday evening. Caught 20 keeper crappie and 18 whites. same place as before. Pea gravel banks,throwing to 18" boat in 4ft. All males except two.56 degree water. really weird deal.
  16. they usually quite after dark
  17. north
  18. kelley72


    CAUGHT 30 CRAPPIE THIS EVENING IN ABOUT 2 HOURS . water temp was 57. All males but one.Largest male crappie i believe iv'e ever caught. Most were betweem 11 and 13 inches long. All caught in 18 to 36 inches of water.Caught near Millers cove near cc launch
  19. Are you sure it wasn't a goggleye.
  20. I caught all my fish in 7 to 9 ft of water
  21. Millers cove below cc
  22. same place i fished yesterday with different results. Because of the wind the water temp dropped from 59 to 55.Fish were done.4 keeper crappie 4 white bass
  23. Fished between cc and Candian cove . Put in about 2:00 fished tii 5:30. Caught 11 keeper crappie,2 eyes and 16 with bass. All fish caught in 7 to 9 ft of water on 3" smoke grub
  24. Does anyone know where devil pt is on stockton.
  25. No new topics for a week. Did everybody quit fishen or did the fish quit biting
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