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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by m&m

  1. Randy, glad you’re coming. I’ll bring plates, napkins and plastic ware utensils. Mike
  2. All, application is in just awaiting authorized permit and then will go to COE and get them to approve. Looking forward to another gathering with everyone. Mike
  3. Snagged, we also picked the Table Rock area as our retirement destination. Our kids and most of our grandkids are in STL so the short drive for visits is an added bonus. We began our search about 4 years before retirement and now have been here daily for 3 years. One of our best decisions. You won’t regret it. And meeting the people on the forum has been an extra pleasure. Mike
  4. m&m


    Can I interrupt and ask what’s a Ned? Mike
  5. Bo, tremendous pictures of healthy fish. You are a very patient fisherman. I tip my hat to you! Mike
  6. Jeff, hopefully you thawed it before this morning. Mike
  7. I wish all the forum members a Happy Thanksgiving. We live in the greatest country during the greatest time in history and have many things to be thankful for. In addition to the many blessings I am thankful for, I want to thank all of you who’ve shared advice and information on the forum. I truly appreciate it. Mike
  8. Pretty brave of you and apparently a good day considering the elements. Mike
  9. Sounds like many of the reports on the forum. Multiple ways to catch fish on TRL. Mike
  10. DeadCalm, great pictures of healthy fish. Ironic nickname. Must have been a wild ride back. Mike
  11. Seth, we’ve all had days like that. Mike
  12. Quill, I’d find a new walking path. Just sayin... Mike
  13. I just got a notification that MLF bought FLW. Merging the tournaments, series and scoring. Mike
  14. Jeff, sounds like you threw a bunch of different things at them. WT has really cooled off quickly. Healthy looking fish. Mike
  15. mojorig, thanks for the details. Sounds a lot like the meetings a few years ago about the shoreline management plan. Mike
  16. I read the link and I think it is addressing the changes in water usage demands including for recreation. So I think it could include fishing. It also may be the forum to mention a stocking program. October 29, at the Dewey Short center at TRL dam. Mike
  17. Vernon, wait to book Bill until after he and I go in October. I don’t want any bad juju from you left over in the boat. lol Mike
  18. Sweet Mike
  19. Bill, great report. I’m available when you have a free day and just want to go fishing. Mike
  20. Bill, congratulations! Well done my friend. Mike
  21. Hunter, some days you win and some days the fish win. Sounds like you had a winning day for the dog days of August. Mike
  22. Here’s my 2 cents worth....I love to fish so I try to go to a new spot each time out. I try to use the electronics to locate fish and baitfish. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. Fishing to me is like the cake, catching is like the icing on the cake. So for me it is a mindset. Anytime on the water spent fishing is a good time. I try to appreciate it every time. But I agree that this OA forum has helped me understand this lake a lot better. I wish I had Bo’s courage to fish at night but maybe I will this fall after the pleasure boaters dry dock their rigs. In the meantime, I enjoy the fishing and get really excited during the catching part (if it happens). Mike
  23. Quill, nice pictures. Congratulations on braving the heat and humidity. Mike
  24. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he has to have a boat, 10 rods and reels and $4,000 worth of tackle. Mike
  25. Bill, I’ve been out with you on the water a couple of times and we have another trip set for October. I appreciate your explanation of the various types of clients who hire guides. To anyone who is thinking about hiring a guide you should understand that you’re paying for knowledge. Catching fish is the extra part. There is a reason it is called fishing and not called catching. To Bill, all the other guides and all the people who share their knowledge of TRL, I say thank you. Mike
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