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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by m&m

  1. Nice pictures of healthy fish. Mike
  2. Quillback, nice fish for sure. Love the hat too! Mike
  3. I’m left handed and have always cast with my left hand and reel with my right hand using both baitcasters and spinning reels. It just feels natural to me. Mike
  4. So I guess the paper graphs are no longer the latest fish finder, eh? 😂 Mike
  5. m&m


    For everyone who was hoping for some wind, your prayers are certainly answered today. Quite a few whitecaps in the dam area. Good luck and enjoy the ride if you’re out today. Mike
  6. Steve, congratulations. Very healthy looking fish. Mike
  7. So sorry to hear about Buster’s passing. RIP Buster. Mike
  8. Wow! This thread is very interesting but exhaustive. what ever happened to the strategy of “that bank looks good, let’s fish it.” Maybe that is for another thread. Enjoy your fall fishing. Mike
  9. The perfect evening sky for these fishermen. Mike
  10. Looks like 47 + won Mrazek Mike
  11. Nice pictures of healthy looking fish Mike
  12. Jeff, nice few hours of fishing fun for sure. Mike
  13. Steve, nice looking healthy fish. Mke
  14. Nice healthy looking fish. Mike
  15. Yep, I have a Fortrex and it works great. Mike
  16. I went over to look at the ramp and pavilion. There is parking at the pavilion that will handle the vehicle and boat. I did not see a ramp at the marina so I guess everyone uses the COE ramp near the pavilion. I saw a SUV loading their bass boat but the vehicle’s 4 wheels were half in the water. Is the ramp a shallow one? Mike
  17. Bill, it gets easier. But I keep expecting that our plastic baits will fool bass every time. Some days I fish vicariously through the guys posting caught fish. It eases my disappointment. lol Mike
  18. Bill, some days the fish win. Mike
  19. Bill, awesome for sure. Anytime you can fish with your best friend, have lunch on the water is a very good day. Catching fish is the icing on that day. Mike
  20. Hope all goes well with the surgery. Mike
  21. Bigler, Awesome looking fish. And you have a wife who knows how to net. Kudos. Mike
  22. Steve, thanks for the information. Great report. Also great looking healthy fish. Mike
  23. I’ve got the plates, bowls, utensils, trash bags and napkins. Mike
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