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slab slinger

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by slab slinger

  1. Way to go D. Congrats on sticking another hog.
  2. This late in the spawn The fish on the banks are so sporadic one day they bite and the next not. Your better off locating the post spawn females for a reliable bite. Look for suspended fish in spawning coves thats them. Good luck.
  3. Great report hammer. Awsome day on the water. Glad to see some males still in spawn colors. Was on Truman all last weekend. I'm ready to get back out on Stockton.
  4. Good job on 2 old gobblers. Man what hooks on those birds. Congrats.
  5. Glad to join the tagged out club. Got it done this morning with a good buddy of mine. Yes a prostaff hunter and competition caller. Its almost a guided hunt with him. His land him calling and videoing. Kinda nice to just sit back and enjoy the show and just worrie about pulling the trigger. Got lucky and Got one before the rain started up on dade county. Another 2 yr old. 10 in beard and 1 in spurs. Hope it good for those hunting this weekend.
  6. Congrats Billethead...Taged out...you dog....haha. I bet you get tired of all the hunnting, fishing, and shroomin you get to do all the time. Sounds like an awfull life. Lol. Haven't had a chance to go again but headed out in the morning to try for my 2nd bird.
  7. Those are some big whites. Hammer Time hope you stick around you are a great attribute to the form.
  8. Thanks guys.
  9. Love seeing the kids enjoying the day fishing with dad. Looks like she couldn't be happier.
  10. Congrats Mrs. Billethead. Great bird. Way to go.
  11. Yes shes a English Setter. Retired bird dog of mine 14 yrs old. She's the clean up crew around here.
  12. Fished my friends work tournement today from 630 to 330. It was good early morning till around 10am then boy did it slow down. Targeted pre spawn females on the Big Sac Arm. The fish were there but tight lipped after the sun got high. Fished 8-12 fow with 1/8 oz. jigs slow retreave was key. We managed 22 keeper crappie, 3 eyes, and 3 whites. We took first place with 6.30 lbs. (7 fish) and our big fish was 1.20 lbs. We lost big fish by a darn ounce and squeaked by with the win by an ounce. All in all a beautiful day and a great few hours fishing. All boats had fish but said it was tough. Took an eggpic for those who care to see. Good luck.
  13. I had trouble with finding keepers on little sac arm last Thursday. Tons of fish on banks but you have to work through all the shorts to find any size. Moved to big sac arm today and it payed off.
  14. Congrats on the morels John. Couple real dandys there. Cool info. Thanks billethead.
  15. Don't think you'll be able to get above powerline in a boat unless you've got a jet. Gets real shallow and narrow up there.
  16. Congrats on the big eye. That's a dandy fish. Don't get many like that on Stockton. 28.5 inchs is my pb on Stockton caught last yr. Only took 17 yrs to beat my old pb of 25". Lol.
  17. The pale ones are small females. They still had eggs but they looked ready anytime. The fish had more color till I threw them on ice and Sat during my boys soccer game.
  18. Fished this moning from 8-2 and caugh alot o fish just not many keepers. Found fish from 15 to 2 ft water. Caught fish all day just no size. Managed to get 12 keepers but had to work for them. From the looks of things evning bite is best on bigger fish. Threw jigs and color didn't seem to matter much. Water temp was 63. Good luck.
  19. Hope not. Leaving the house now. Haven't seen any good reports on morning bite though. Hopefully I can sling enough in the boat for supper. I'm ready for some fresh crappie and Morels.
  20. Nice job hammer. Good looking mess of fish. Those walleye and crappie will make for some fine eating. Thanks for the good report.
  21. Nice pics. The black hear mount is awesome.
  22. Headed out in the morning. Putting in at Aldrich. Hope to find some crappie. Will post report Good or bad. Nice fish Jason.
  23. If you feel safe leaving the small ones and rain is in the forecast the will get big. Morels can sit at idle waiting for rain up to a week or two given no frost. I tried this a couple yrs ago and it's true. Went back and those 2 inch smalls were now 5 and 6 inches tall. It is a gamble though with other hunters or no rain in site you could return to nothing or a real meal. Hard to do this on public but I promise it's the truth.
  24. I have always wanted to shoot a limb hanger with hook like that. Wow. Thats an old boss Tom with books like that. I would mount that dude for sure. I have shot 29 birds and not came close to 1 3/4 spurs yet. My PB set is 1 1/4. Have shot 3 double beards but all three had spurs 1"-1 1/8" long. Congrats man thats a true mature gobbler. Great bird.
  25. Now that's my kinda eatin. Looks great. Thanks for report.
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