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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. I was just including them as being disrespectful is all..no harm no foul..
  2. The wake boats, tubers and jetski's are worst, them guy's will about run over you or swamp you.
  3. My bet is they are not the same carbs or matching carb's...
  4. Couple questions..but im no expert on outboards but know enough to be dangerous....Did he rebuild the fuel pump since the fuel lines where deteriorated? You said he had carbs off to clean out did he do a proper link and sync when he put carbs back on and one other thing do the butter flies open up all the way when throttle is wide open? Other wise i would let Wrench put his magic touch to it.
  5. Monday afternoon i saw the biggest school of gar fish i have ever seen and the biggest gar fish i had ever seen. West of the camp ground, that big long bluff that runs kind of in front of the big M camp ground marina all the way down to that point was solid gar fish...
  6. There is lots of loop holes in this whole gun carry deal, i believe i read somewhere that you can have a gun in your tent. There has been several debates about this in congress trying to make it legal to carry on COE land . I read for a couple hours this weekend so i may be all confused, that's what happens when you get old...lol.
  7. Thanks for report Quill!! I was out Monday around noon till 4 and only managed one on spinnerbait, it was 87 degrees out there Monday. Saw fish up in the back end of coves but could not get them to bite seen water temps as high as 72 degrees. Only saw 2 other boats on water Monday. This is the first time i have been able to get on website since Sunday evening...guess i was put on vacation temporarily.
  8. But Officer i'm carrying it in case i'm attacked by an anger alligator or crocodile while fishing.
  9. I would never ever think about carrying a gun on COE's land.🙄
  10. Even though i only caught one fish it was a win win day for me, got to play with my new sonar more, getting use to my new Tatula reel and most of all getting away from the stress i have been under. I sold my house and bought a house in town on 1/2 acre lot, both are pending and my house was bought by a couple that sold there house which is also pending, so on May 30th if all goes as planned there will be 3 closings. Now i have the chore of packing and cleaning and getting rid of 22 years of clutter in the house and then there is my shed with all my tools and stuff in there to pack and sort thru as being a mechanic i tend to hold onto certain stuff...lol...Life is good..
  11. Put in at Big M today around 1 pm and pulled out at 4 pm, water temp 64.7 up by point 23. I caught one spot 14 inches and one great big stick fish. Water is dirty with maybe 1 foot visibility and stuff floating everywhere, so everyone be careful on the water. There was about 10 truck and trailers in parking lot, i'm beginning to think no one works any more. I did catch one big crappie but he don't count since i didn't get him in boat, he got off my fire tiger wiggle wart, guess i just had him by the lip. Quill the dock is fixed and the park attendants are there.
  12. Nice Bo thanks for report...
  13. Well kind of hard to run someone down when you have a bass boat hooked to the back of your truck..
  14. The thing with arthritis is if you don't exercise or move about it will get stiff and be worst off. I would do like Quill said talk to your Dr. or see a physical therapist.
  15. I was told by a friend of that there has been some break ins of people trucks parked at the ramp, they broke out the windows to get in a couple of his friends trucks. One guy stopped at the corner station and got gas and when he was walking back to truck someone was running down the road with his butt seat that they stole out of the back of his truck.
  16. Got my line up in, why i don't know im going backwards...😀
  17. Thanks for the report Quill! Nice fish.. I don't know why they don't have 2 cables on that dock as they only have one cable on it. What's a NED?
  18. Nice fish! thanks for report. I heard the bass are on the beds on lower end of Table rock.
  19. I lived in Florida at the time slothman...The out of state summer camp was up in Georgia at camp rainy mountain where you seemed to walk up hill all the time..lol
  20. Very nice Dark, i was a Scout master for 2 years and assistant Scout master for 6 years. Use to do 2 summer camps, one out of state and one in state which consumed about 3 weeks a year total. Also use to staff adult training courses as well as scouts courses probably a total of 6 weeks a year total. It was very satisfying to see a child smiling and learning and having a great time, i meet some great people as well.
  21. You migh try bassboat seats .com for seats they maybe cheaper than getting them redone. I redid my own carpet for around 175 bucks and to have the carpet done by someone your looking at around 1,000 bucks depending on size of boat.
  22. Slothman i caught you, i fell down some more today, down to 28th now.
  23. I already bought my baits to be sending to the winner just before this started.
  24. I dropped 6 places in the standings..i'm catching you slothman...lol
  25. Well i thought i had a couple of planner boards that you could of had but i guess i threw them out. I use to use them out in the gulf of Mexico trolling for fish and i think one was a 2 and the other was a 3 or something like that, salt water probably got to them.
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