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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Bgctrading

  1. When do the white bass normally run up the spring river?
  2. Thanks that was exactly what I was looking for
  3. do you just drop the jigging rap straight down and hold it still at the fish depth or do you have to cast it and work it and let it sink I have never fished one much and was curious any help is appreciated?
  4. Pm sent
  5. I told my grandpa that was with me (he has never bass fished much) and I told him about this forum and I would have given anything for bill babler to be in the boat with us on that school of fish to show us how to make them bite.
  6. Thanks guys. Bill that makes me feel better I guess? I can sort of read the graph but can't catch the fish. Wish I would of had an arig...
  7. Threw everything in the box at them I am by no means a great fisherman caught a few shorts (like 3).Am I wrong thinking these were bass or something else ?
  8. It's tough found some on graph but can't make them bite. Any. Help? Maybe I just think they are fish.
  9. If you don't care to have a heads up on the deep bite around the darn tomorrow I am planning to go Thursday if it's not pouring down rain
  10. What depth didnyou find them?
  11. Right behind Ulrich marine
  12. I'm headed down a week from tomorrow if it's not raining. I hope the deep bite is on I have caught them in the summer but have never tried the super deep winter bite.
  13. Will these fish bite a night crawler or mainly spoon?
  14. I'm lost I guess
  15. What is Beardsley?
  16. Do you think like 30-40 fow or deeper like 60-80 and find them at 30-40?
  17. Since everyone is struggling to catch fish I am thinking about coming on Thursday would a drop shot be a good idea to try or are the fish completely scattered right now.
  18. What depth did you find them?
  19. That looks like on the finder that it could be a home run spot....
  20. Bill or anyone for that matter when or what water temp do you think the fishing will level out or go back to deep fish?
  21. One thing occurred to me after I posted that last post I haven't fished table rock much but it sure seems like everybody is hoping for that next change in bite. All summer drop shot has been really good everyone was hoping for colder temperatures to change the bite. here we are and now and the bite is terrible. now everyone is hoping for even colder temperatures and I feel like they will want to go back to a drop shot.
  22. Wow that bite changed fast!!! I am new to this deep water fishing but man that seems crazy!
  23. I was down last weekend for a couple of days by myself could have used some company then i won't be back for a couple weeks probably.
  24. Any reports on the walleye bite?
  25. Sorry to high jack your thread but what style fishing do you typically recommend in December/January?
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