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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ramman123

  1. NO NO NO its the kayak/canoe shop just past silver dollar City right next to DEER Run Motel at Indain Point
  2. Ozarks Extreme Outdoors at Indian Point its located just past Deer run Motel
  3. Harbor Marina by the dam has great food
  4. might as well look at stockton Pomme can be a hard fishery during the summer
  5. Also with the Catch and release format you could still weigh in the best 5 even during the hot months since its a quick release compare to being in a live well
  6. Thats kind of Judgemental just because someone hasnt fished a bigger tournament doesnt mean they should choose a smaller one to start with
  7. If u see me ill be out in a Kayak fishing cant say what color of yak because that seems to change but so far im in a Malibu brand I still catch fish all that matters As for the Rig i drive its an 04 Mountaineer with logo stickers on each side
  8. Slow Bait Ill do it anyday that im not in a yak tournament, and it would be a fun experience riding with the guys and showing them new structures without having to haul fish in.
  9. nothing on that side of the lake
  10. Well if there are so many Circuits then why dont they Start combining to make larger groups, its because some dont like the other guys rules or what ever and start their own groups instead of all get along and play in the playground. As much money that is spent in the lil clubs or Circuits there should be more than enough to cover the cost of Electronic tracking and maybe not as big of pay out. Also alot of these circuits have older gentlemen that arent up for change so they are going to fight tooth and nail about not having a physical weigh-in/check-in when in retrospect it is actually faster to have it all sorted out by electronic counting so that means less time waiting for results. If you guys never give this a chance then you all really shouldnt have much to complain about at least until u try it
  11. not that i know of ho hum is past corkery just a lil bit on the opposite side of river
  12. Champ Well i Suggest to your Tournament Group that they have Volunteer judges ride around and measure fish/ document fish so they can be released. The MLF (Major League Fishing) does it and those pros dont seem to have an issue and they use electronic system to log fish.
  13. Well its better for the Fisheries when the Fish are released upon catch because they arent out of the water for that much time. Times are changing and if you guys dont like the Rules then u can stay to your own clubs and not complain about how others run theirs. Besides with Programs like IAngler fish biologist can track specific species/ at Specific fisheries to help with fish studies. We all want better Fisheries but then alot of you guys complain about how things r done its impossible to please everyone. i would guarantee the fish release rate compare to you guys hauling them in every Friday, Sat or Sun will have a better survival rate then u all releasing them at weigh in and majority of them dieing because shock or stress
  14. hey brad r u back to fishing yet or did u have to sit it out. Hope ur healing well
  15. Actually all you do is save pic of fish (Kayak/measureboard) or (fish&scale/weight) and enter it when u get service. I know Iangler u can submit pics without signal and once signal is received it will send to be Qualified. It has worked well with kayak tournaments
  16. its off of 64 there is a conservation sign at the turnoff T Hwy . check google maps its very popular for hunting and equestrian riding
  17. Delaware to shelvin Kerr to Galena
  18. i still watch his videos but looks more like private ponds/lakes than public
  19. hes up in Jeff City now so no more southern videos unless he makes a trip down
  20. well if you seem to have an Issue maybe you can start your own Paddle group that would allow Canoes but the reason has been explained that they are a chartered group with KBF and some other Groups that are only Kayaks series
  21. If your interested in fishing and ur ever down around SDC head into indian Point and OEO (Ozarks Extreme Outdoors) is on the left next to Deer Run Motel they will answer all questions you have.
  22. We do that with kayak fishing CPR and some tournaments we us IAngler as our score tracker its live feed once we add pic and is accepted by the tournament official, say your not fishing a tournament and they use IAngler you can keep up with the scores jsut by logging in to get live updates
  23. Colorful but i bet it works
  24. was at Fisher branch and it was Toad Soaker for the First few hours on the Water.
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