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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/waIaKYEyJlE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. You didn't tell me it was your birthday! Be fun to go tonight with ya. I'll bring a cake.
  3. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/blog/2012/02/20/tims-crane-creek-audible-fishing-report-220/ Good one! Share it on facebook if you get a chance.
  4. About 18 inches. yes- same rig.
  5. Babler uses the same configuration as the rigs in our shop. I just use a split shot above the fly(s)
  6. http://ozarkflyfisherjournal.wordpress.com/2012/02/13/show-me-the-shad-baby/
  7. The walleye this guy is talking about are being caught down lake I'm sure.
  8. If you knew their habits here on Taneycomo, I'm sure you could hone in on them and be successful. He's right about the amount of anglers fishing for trout only and not targeting other fish. Yes some do but not as many as other area lakes. I don't know of any guides targeting walleye but that doesn't mean much... I doubt if he's blowing smoke.
  9. Got out this afternoon and fished with friend John Johnson. Boated up to the Narrows and started with jig and float... and ended with pretty much the same thing. Four feet under an indicator, I used a black half-micro jig, John used a 1/125th oz scuplin/ginger with an orange head -- 2 pound line. Actually fished below the Narrows and up against the chunk rock bank and down to the boat ramp and caught rainbows. Some were nice - up to 14 inches, heavy and fought hard. Great conditions- cloudy and a slight breeze chopped the water perfectly. Boat traffic didn't seem to bother the bite. Everyone was nice and polite. Looks like they're going to run water tomorrow. The boys have already rigged up with an egg fly / scud tandem for drifting the trophy area.
  10. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/blog/2012/02/17/bablers-table-rock-audio-fishing-report-21712/ Bill's audio report.
  11. They're doing the same with the lakes down here. All lakes in our chain are higher than 2011 right now.
  12. I use Damyl's TecTan line which is labeled much differently than other lines. I like 6.4 lb - .16 mm dia. for almost everything including jigs up to 1/8th oz. It'll handle small jigs too- down to 1/32nd oz. Compare than dia with Trilene XL - 2 lb is .13 mm, 4 lb is .20 mm. Vanish: 2 lb is .15 mm It's hard to find but you can get it here - http://www.fishusa.com
  13. Met Duane at the dam mid day today. Water was dropping out. Headed to rebar- Duane had a new worm material Tim Homesley gave him he wanted to try out. Yes- it caught fish! But I tied on a brown san juan and caught this rainbow - Good fight too. Cool beans!! Caught a bunch actually till the water completely dropped out and then it got slow. Here's some more pics - playing around while the sun is out bright.
  14. Exactly- that's what I'm going to use today.
  15. Fish cooperating is a nice plus... I thought I'd just catch dinks. Pleasantly surprised how many browns I caught, especially the big brown - last fish caught.
  16. I'm getting a little more serious about my instructional videos. Trying to come up with some new camera angles, showing different techniques for jig fishing and later drift fishing and fly fishing. This is my first try. Need to improve - this is by far a final product. But because I caught a few nice trout, I thought it should be shown. Watch in HD - you'll be able to see the rod better. That's one thing I need to work on - seeing the rod better. <iframe width="853" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/614Ud-5-AUk?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. Should all meet over there and build a big fire some night. Stay away from weekends if we can though.
  18. Search members for his member name and you'll find him. You can send an email or private message from there. If you have trouble, let us know and we'll help. He might even see this and respond- if he can get off the CCW thread that is.
  19. If you're not checking the front page of Ozarkanglers.com everyday, one report you will miss, among others, is Darrell's report from this morning. I think Darrell does a great job with these reports and I want to thank him for taking the time to provide them. Want to hear it? Go to OzarkAnglers.Com/Montauk and click the link. Remember, Google Chrome doesn't play .wav files.
  20. Talked to a fly shop owner last week and he said 18 months.
  21. Audio report posted on frontpage.
  22. Cody Smith, a guide on GF used to post reports and answer questions but he hasn't for a while. Interest dried up unfortunately.
  23. I haven't been following this topic cause I'm not a bass fisherman but your comment caught my eye. Someone might have already touched on this but - to answer your question about bait in sanctioned Missouri tourneys, MDC requires sanctioned bass tourneys to be catch and release, artificial lures only. They're not going to let you say you're catch and release and let you use live bait- mortality rate is too high when using bait. This is the only reason MDC allows culling -- in sanctioned tournaments, otherwise you're not allowed to cull. So if you do see a tournament that allows bait, it's not sanctioned or they're slipping one in on MDC. Private tournaments are another thing. If they bend MDC rules, they open themselves up to individual violations. I'm going by what I've been told in the past by MDC people so I'm not saying I'm 100% correct. I can check and get back.
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