I haven't been following this topic cause I'm not a bass fisherman but your comment caught my eye. Someone might have already touched on this but -
to answer your question about bait in sanctioned Missouri tourneys, MDC requires sanctioned bass tourneys to be catch and release, artificial lures only. They're not going to let you say you're catch and release and let you use live bait- mortality rate is too high when using bait.
This is the only reason MDC allows culling -- in sanctioned tournaments, otherwise you're not allowed to cull.
So if you do see a tournament that allows bait, it's not sanctioned or they're slipping one in on MDC.
Private tournaments are another thing. If they bend MDC rules, they open themselves up to individual violations.
I'm going by what I've been told in the past by MDC people so I'm not saying I'm 100% correct. I can check and get back.