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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I know that first guy...
  2. Not lately.
  3. Pothole - it would make sense to me that fish wouldn't be up there due to the cold(er) water coming over the dam there but it's usually pretty good fishing. Haven't heard anything lately though.
  4. Read up on fizzing fish. There's a good article someplace on this site....... It's good to know if you're fishing deep. Great report. Sounds like you had a awesome fishing trip. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Good answer considering the question. Need to be specific and post your question under the appropriate forum. You'll get good answers.
  6. I couldn't be more proud, Jeremy! Sure miss seeing you though... new wife, great new job and fishin' and winnin' all those tournaments. Going to chase whites on TR before church this am .. . maybe I'll see you on the lake!!
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/29/pirates-threaten-boats-mexico-border-lake/ ZAPATA, Texas – The waters of Falcon Lake normally beckon boaters with waterskiing and world-record bass fishing. But this holiday weekend, fishermen on the waters that straddle the U.S.-Mexico border are on the lookout for something more sinister: pirates. Twice in recent weeks, fishermen have been robbed at gunpoint by marauders that the local sheriff says are "spillover" from fighting between rival Mexican drug gangs. Boaters are concerned about their safety, and the president of the local Chamber of Commerce is trying to assure people that everything's fine on the U.S. side of the lake. At the fishing camp his family has owned for 50 years, Jack Cox now sleeps with a loaded shotgun at his feet and a handgun within reach. In the American waters, Cox said, "you're safer, but you're not safe." Mexican commercial fishermen regularly cross to set their nets illegally, why wouldn't gunmen do the same? he asked. Two weeks ago, the Texas Department of Public Safety warned boaters to avoid the international boundary that zig-zags through the lake, which is 25 miles long and 3 miles across at its widest point. Authorities also urged anyone on the water to notify relatives of their boating plans to aid law enforcement in case of trouble. Since issuing the warning, most boats have stayed on the U.S. side. "That's a good indication. It means they're getting the message," Texas Parks and Wildlife Capt. Fernando Cervantes said Thursday as he patrolled with two other game wardens. "They're still coming out, but they're not going across." The border is marked by 14 partially submerged concrete towers that mark the Rio Grande's path before the lake was created in 1954. Game wardens and the U.S. Border Patrol watch over the lake but do not cross into Mexican waters, and no Mexican law enforcement is visible. Men armed with assault rifles robbed fishermen on the Mexican side of Falcon Lake on April 30 and May 6. They traveled in the low-slung, underpowered commercial Mexican fishing boats that are familiar here. They asked for money, drugs and guns, and took what cash was available. No one was hurt. A third incident happened a couple of days before the warning was issued, but Cervantes said the fishermen were able to escape without the thieves boarding their boat. The attacks "were really unusual," Cervantes said. "We had never seen it, and then they started up." Violence on the Mexican side of the lake has been climbing for several months. A fractured partnership between the region's dominant Gulf Cartel and its former enforcers, the Zetas, plunged many of the area's Mexican border cities into violence. Police stations were attacked, officers killed and rolling gun battles between the gangs and with the Mexican military became commonplace. "To me, this is spillover violence," Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr. said. "I don't do the Chamber of Commerce talk. I talk reality." Still, the sheriff says, boaters should safe provided they stay on the American side. Cox, 81, says it was only a matter of time before the violence from Mexico crept onto the water. And the idea that gunmen looking to score easy cash from fishermen would not cross the lake's imaginary boundary doesn't make sense, he said. That perspective is what worries Chamber of Commerce President Paco Mendoza. "What's keeping our town alive is our lake," Mendoza said. In recent years, drilling in the county's oilfields has virtually stopped, and the wells are no longer producing like they once did. In those days, oilfield workers packed Zapata's restaurants and hotels, he said. So Zapata increasingly looks to the lake for economic growth. Five fishing tournaments are scheduled between now and July, and a few big ones are set for next year. "As far as we know, all of our contracts are still in play," Mendoza said. Falcon Lake landed on the national map of fishing destinations after the 2008 Bassmaster Elite Series tournament, where bass-fishing world records were broken. The pirate warning could hurt businesses that depend on the lake, "but anglers will continue to come to Falcon because of the great fishing," Mendoza said. Norma Amaya, who runs a tackle shop with her husband, insists there is plenty of good fishing in U.S. waters. She points to a photo taken in December of a woman holding a 13.2-pound bass and smiling broadly. Amaya said her husband's guide service had had a couple cancellations since the pirate warning, but they are still booked solid for next year's peak season, which runs from December to March. They've stopped selling Mexican fishing licenses because no one is fishing over there now. Robert Amaya stopped taking clients into Mexican waters back in March, when violence was peaking in Mexico. "It is dangerous over there (in northern Mexico), I wouldn't advise anyone to cross," she said. Norma Amaya said the reports of pirates "have been blown out of proportion. It's probably just some hoodlums. I don't think the cartels want the exposure." As he helped launch his cousin's bass boat from Falcon Lake State Park, Ronnie Guerra said he hadn't heard much about the pirates. But he knew enough to stay on his side of the lake. "We already know what's going on on the other side," he said. "It's been going on for a long time."
  8. Some say 55 and most say 60. I was a little low. 42 is cold but I don't think it's affecting our trout. Fight hard and feeding well.
  9. Polock is having a hard time finding them... may be it's not that easy. Hope you find them!
  10. There are so many blue gill and gravel banks on Table Rock, I wouldn't think you'd need specific locations. That's half the fun and satisfaction anyhow... the hunt- and finding them. Get out early - you might see some fish surfacing and then it could get real interesting.
  11. Not speaking for Eric but his post doesn't appear to me to refer to client's fishing but his experience. Most, if not all, of us guides know 99% of our clients can't do the things we do as far as casting, working the bait or feeling the bite. But it is fun when we get someone who can! I think I'll add this topic to the "best of". Great answer Eric- and anyone else who wants to add to it still can.
  12. I fished 4 hot white bass spots around the dam and caught 2 whites trolling. They weren't hungry after the rain I guess. But what a beautiful sunset!! Pic to follow.
  13. What's at 2333 E. Bennett? Need to post the name of the store... No problem - this isn't spam at all. Everyone loves a fishing sale! You've been a member for over 2 years. If you were a spammer you'd be a "sleeper spammer". Thanks for posting it.
  14. Depends on people weight. If it's just you, then a 15 hp would be fine. A 25 hp would be better, esp if you're taking more people. A 25 hp will pushing most any size jon - up to a 20 footer. I'll have some used 25's this fall if you can wait. Probably about $1000 each.
  15. The top image is manageable... the other one is too big. One thing... I had to cut off the west end of the lake cause the map needed to be 8.5 x 11 inches. I guess I need to make another map with the west side included. It'll have to be done later this week - no time right now.
  16. Ugggh... I need to update those TR maps. They have an old email address on them, plus I bet I could improve them. Here's the updated map. Any comments?
  17. Look at this map I created and see if I'm missing anything. I guess what I'm after is accesses and parks and places to fish from the bank. Thanks pl bank.pdf
  18. SKMO, Can you give directions to this place. I can't find it on any sites. Thanks
  19. Oh yea... they love jigs down there. I don't think they see many. I'd love to go down there more often. Did well at Rim and below the dam.
  20. I'm going to move this topic to "best of" so keep the great info coming.
  21. <object width="800" height="471"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="800" height="471"></embed></object> This isn't the great video-report-run-up-the-lake-trip I was hoping for. The wind wasn't that bad- gusty and blowing downstream. But being in a jon boat, I was pushed around more than one of our bass boats. Need to devise a way to keep the boat in one place. Curtis gives out a fish basket with a plastic trash bag wadded up in it. Hang it over the side of the jon and it keeps the boat from being pushed around- that's the idea. I'll have to try it next time. Did hook a nice trout that pulled line and headed to the bank. Never had a trout take me to a log before like a bass would but this one did. The jig came back with a lump of moss on it. Would have liked to see him. The bank across from the ramp was productive. And they liked white.
  22. Event at the Springfield Nature Center June 5 11-11:30 am Meet D. Shane Andrews, son of Glen Andrews, 2-time World Champion (consecutive years) and author of Pro Bass Fishing, The History and a Legend. A book signing will follow the program until 1 pm. Call 417-888-4237 for program information. probassfishing.pdf
  23. Remember, all bank line is owned by the corp to a certain water level, which is WAY up the bank. You can walk the bank even in front of homes or condos but you can't walk up out through private property. So you can start at any public access and walk up and down the bank.
  24. Bull Shoals rose a little over 2 feet yesterday! Wonder where it will crest. Looks like they're not running much water.
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