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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. I feel ya Cricket. The question stands. At what point does a guy look out for his own pocket instead of the local businessman? Pete
  2. At Cow Shoals at 5:30 AM, EVERYBODY was carrying SIO3
  3. I know what I saw, by the thousands. Already in the books Gavin. Might have to sneak back down Friday to confirm. Pete
  4. I think it was worse years ago Jason. I thought November was the big month. That's why they shut down Bull Shoals tomorrow till Feb. We've been doing a Thanksgiving trip down there for many years and we always see big browns around then. Pete
  5. Thanks Gavin. They are not listed on the stream I was on, but I am sure that's what it was. I thought it was strange, but it was a huge hatch. They are distinguished by a set of double wings that you can see when they are flying. Pete
  6. I've fished Yellow Sally hatches out west but never recall them in Missouri waters. I swear I saw some this week. Are they native to Missouri streams?? Pete
  7. Could we be early? It's only Halloween. Pete
  8. Old Ezra snuck up on me... Stuff packs a whallup on an unsuspecting innocent fly fisherman. Pete
  9. I'm talking about everyday items like lawn care supplies and household goods. I don't need help or service just a cheaper price. If the toilet is running all the time I go to the old time hardware store where the people know how to fix it. If I need a bag of millorganite I want the best price. Pete
  10. I've heard gun play threatened at Cow Shoals. I myself have been known to offer to break someones casting arm for illegal encroachment in my younger days. Not in the outlets or the trout parks though. Well, maybe once at Bennett in the area now known as "Pete's Blue Pipe Hole". But I had a hangover. Pete
  11. I agree with Phil. I remember guys with stringers of 20+ inch fish all caught on mightcrawlers. With live biat they would put the hurt on some big fish. I said it back when they started it and I'm saying it again today. Fish ladder. Those bigguns could go up the ladder undetected to do their thing and return down river. SIO3
  12. I don't go to Walmarks. Can't stand the place. But this is the question I've been asking lately. At what point should I forget my loyalties to local businesses and just shop price to save ME some money? SIO3
  13. Who's the rube in the pink hat. And why is he posing with such a small fish??? SIO3
  14. My brother and I were at Montauk yesterday in the wind. The hared it blew the more we caught. We absolutely whacked em stripping soft hackles. I love a good strong wind when trout fishing. Makes em think they're alone. I prefer it blowing downstream but I'll take what I can get. Pete
  15. I'm in if the date works out. SIO3
  16. That may be true Wayne but how do you account for angler exageration and flat out lying???? Tha math to determine real catch rates based on angler surveys has to be extremely complcated and exhausting?? And I thought Quantitative Chemical Analysis was a hard class in college. Pete
  17. I saw the lantern deal going on 20 years ago. They used to set it at the rock chute of outlet two. Not sure why. Okay I've said this before on the forum and I don't think anyone believes it. A very famous Arkansas guide used to spotlight big browns at Cow Shoals and the dam at Norfork, while his customesr would swing red asses and buggers to those fish. He used to catch em by the truck load. I was friends with him and used to fish with him quite a bit. Now you can't fish Cow Shoals at night for this very reason. Those spotights never bothered those fish at all. Pete
  18. Post up, I love reading fishing reports. I used to fish lower Taney years ago. Pete
  19. It wasn't a comment on banning the activity. Although I don't understand the purpose of it. My .38 has never crawled out my car and shot anyone on it's own. Even when the car was unlocked. Pete
  20. I don't think it matters how it's controlled or licensed if the owner leaves the cage open. Pete
  21. Nice!!! Looks like a mohair leach in his mouth. SIO3
  22. I knew I should have saved this link when I was reading it. It was a CnR study on trout by some college professor. It was conducted using artificial lures only.They stocked pond A with trout and fished for them. All the fish they caught were put in a nearby pond, pond B. After several stocking and catching cycles they noticed something strange. If you fished pond A without a recent stocking you couldn't catch any of the left over trout, of which there remained about half of what they stocked. But you could go to pond B and always catch trout. In fact they caught the same trout over and over again. Meanwhile if left unstocked, you could never catch a trout from pond A unless it was restocked. They cofirmed that while some trout will readily and repeatedly take artificial lures, other trout will never take an artificial. I thought it was a pretty cool study. Right now my 12 year old daughter and her class are participating in the trout in the classroom program. They are raising trout from eggs and watching their development. Then they are released into MDC approved streams in MO. Pete
  23. Don't worry about it. I was glad to pass it along to someone who could use it. Pete
  24. How'd the fly line work out Brian Nice fish Pete
  25. Give em a fly rod, a set of clubs and a 22. Then just bring em along. Nature will take its course after that. DNA helps. Pete
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