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Everything posted by Walleye13

  1. Hey Mike, I’m well. Hope the same for you. I agree with you on where these guys will be fishing. They will cover every good main lake point on the lower end and take those fish for a 15 mile boat ride. At first I thought June 6 was a Sat and they wouldn’t be able to get to the lower end because of the boat race. Unfortunately, the 6 th is a Thurs. Exactly when the non-tournament guys want to be out there! Thanks for the regatta info Wrench. Doesn’t surprise me given the number of tourneys on this lake. My concern is if they start expanding big events into the summer months, it will negatively impact fish survival. With the mild winter we’ve had, the tourney pressure on the lower end has been insane.
  2. I see they are having a Missouri Invitationtional Solo Pro Qualifier June 6-7. Fish will still be recovering from spawn, water temp in the 70’s, and fish will be on deep points in 20-30ft. Seems like this flies in the face of fish conservation. Shame on the MDNR for issuing a permit. Now we have to start having tournaments in the summer?? Anyone else concerned about this or am I just overreacting?
  3. Good report Mike, stay on em! I like that bird analogy Wrench…..👍
  4. Nice fish Mike! Looked a window of a few hours yday afternoon when Ameren was pulling water. Was that a factor in your bite? Wish you would’ve got that big one…😖
  5. I can’t comment on glass boats since I’ve never ran one. I am, however, on my second Lund 2075 Pro V Bass. At nearly 21ft and with a deep V front it handles anything here at the lake safely. It has a Bass deck interior, endless storage, and sits level in the water. Not as flat as a glass Bass boat but I have my 3 trolling motor batteries mid ship under the center rod storage to balance the boat and keep it level. As Wrench mentioned, the interior and fishability are important. I fish year around here at the lake and love this boat. It’s an aluminum hull so the trade off is speed. With the 250 Pro XS my top end is only 58-60, but it’s a dry and comfortable ride.
  6. Nice fish Guys! Looks like Wrench had you on em. Good way to wrap up a “project”….🍻
  7. That certainly looks like a feasible and manageable solution to me. Hoping this gains some traction in the tournament arena. State DNR’s could help by publicly supporting the concept. Thanks for sharing the link 196 Champ!
  8. Thanks for the feedback Wrench. Disappointing that no biologist would speak out, but not surprising I guess. As others said, not likely to change as long as people keep showing up for tourneys. All we can hope for is that fuel prices and inflation impact participation. This is a national issue if you follow other fishing forums. MLF format is the only answer as long as fisheries managers refuse to acknowledge it. We are at least fortunate that LOZ has more docks than any res in the country that provide some security for the bass population.
  9. I think the increased number of anglers and the increase in tournament craze has heightened the risk even if tournaments follow MDR regs. Seems like fisheries managers are slow to react these changes. Boat and tackle companies are driving the push to “grow the sport”. Over 400 boats at Pickwick last weekend for a high school championship!! Are you kidding me?? I’m sure they followed the TN DNR regs too
  10. Well said Wrench, I totally agree! Makes zero sense from a conservation standpoint point. Lucky there were only 3 fish over 5 lbs hauled around in that Laker Lunker Challenge last Sat. Disgusting that our DNR even issues tourney permits for the catch and keep format in the summer. I think we have a new biologist for LOZ now after Greg Stoner retired? Is there any point in contacting him? I would at least like to hear their rationale for justifying it (I’m sure it’s all about the money!).
  11. Dandy fish Wrench! Totally agree that it’s been difficult to stay on a pattern for more than a day or two. Maybe because the water warmed up so fast? Went from 70 to low 80’s real quick. Seems like there are still late spawning largemouth just getting out on some of the points.
  12. Nice fish, good report Mike. Stay after em! Sounds like Ameren going to slow down the flow in a few days with Truman getting near normal
  13. Saw it go by this afternoon heading up the Gravois. Hey Wrench, do you know where it will harbored as a bar and grill?
  14. Wondering what other anglers think about the timing of this event. It’s June 22 from 6:00-12:00. Weigh in periods every 2 hours for biggest fish. Seems risky to have a mini big bass bash in the heat of the summer. It’s one thing to haul 5 keepers around in the live well but the stakes are higher when it’s all big fish being hauled to 3 different weigh in sites. I thought fish conservation was one reason they hold tourneys at nite in the summer? I know this is a fund raiser for a local booster club but I would think there are better options. I posted this on Bassin Bob also, they are one of the sponsors.
  15. Congrats, that is an absolute trophy there! Like MO Smallies said, big anywhere, but especially LOZ. I went to Bay of Quinte in Ontario for 5 yrs in a row in Nov strictly fishin for giant walleyes. That fish of yours is built a lot like those.
  16. Wow, nice report Wrench. Those are some big Whites. I was up the Gravois yday afternoon bass fishin and caught a couple accidental Whites. I picked up 3 more casting a lipless crank down the gut of a narrow finger but nothing like you got into and not at as big.
  17. Nice bass Mike. Don’t wait too long to get back here. After this rain and cold front get thru, water temps should be goin down and the bite should get good!
  18. Dandy bass there Mike. Night bite was good then around the full moon. Got a few over 4 but no 5’s like yours.
  19. Looks like you had a good evening out there last night Mike! Those are nice fish. I haven’t seen a bass over 4lbs in a couple of weeks.
  20. Shrapnel, not too bad considering the conditions. Couple more like those 3 you got would've been nice! I see Jamie Enyard won it. Not sure where he was but I know he likes to fish the Gravois. I'm glad to hear they are not dumping all those fish at PB 2. I'm with Wrench though, wish they could bring some back to the Gravois.
  21. Conorsixtakc and Nomolites are right on.....x2!
  22. That's a real impressive limit for sure. Especially so if that was caught on the upper end in dirtier & colder water. I believe that's the 2nd 8lb er weighed in a tourney this winter...
  23. Dandy fish BQ1970 and Wrench! Other bait options coming into play with warming water. Looks like Wrench has his favorite bait tied on!
  24. BQ1970......got that fish on a 3/8 finesse jig, channel swing bank WeekendWarrior.....I've seen you around in that boat before. Beautiful rig!
  25. Yes..... white ProV Bass XS with 250 Merc Opti. How bout you?
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