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Ozarks Chillbilly

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Ozarks Chillbilly

  1. Totally forgot to try this out.i was having too much fun fishing leeches tonight. Will post an update/report tomorrow... It was a great night for sure!
  2. I think we all know who failed kindergarten math class....
  3. I think it would be kind of cool to come across a bear while fishing... Until it mauls you. Still would be a neat experience though
  4. Welcome to the forums, Skyler! I've learned a ton on this site so you're definitely in the right place. Hopefully you can head out soon and target some fish! Feel free to ask any questions here or anywhere on the forums!
  5. Gotcha. Fortunate enough to have a 'for life license so I assume this would cover. Probably won't head to Bennett until less populated seasons... or maybe not at all
  6. I've been using an old Regal vise that my father used a while back and it has been nothing but great for me. It's a little iffy on larger flies but I can still manage to lock them down. Will be upgrading to a vise with a larger jaw. Anyone have experience with a vise regarding larger streamers?
  7. Awesome stuff you have in the works. Hittin' ya with a follow and will stay tuned!
  8. I've never heard of Swan Creek (call me a young buck) until today when a fly shop guy told me about some big Smallies being caught there. Looks like a beautiful place to fish. anyone have experience fishing there in the Fall? Would be looking to fly fish in general. I'll check out the articles in this forum, but I'd love some general info about the watershed! Thanks
  9. Welcome to OAF! I never really got into Scuba; though it is definitely worth a try and is super cool if you enjoy the sport. There's some local places where you can learn Scuba on TRL, so it is worth a go. Some places have a "discovery scuba" trip that I've done in the past, they give an introductory experience and explain some of the basic instructions. Worth a go for sure! Keep us updated and glad to have you here
  10. What a stunner of a Rainbow, nice work! Proper catch & release is encouraging, too. Hopefully I can land a few this weekend
  11. Preparing a large arsenal of leechs for this weekend. A variety of small leechs size 6 and 8. Will continue to experiment with colors. But my prized creation is the articulated leech which I am naming the "Organized Chaos Leech".
  12. Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about the injury causing a short lived trip! Enjoy your time out at steal-your-dollar. I've almost strictly been dead drifting / stripping in VERY slowly last couple trips so I definitely need to switch it up. Those sz. 6 sculpins seem to consistently be the ticket lately. I'm hoping to try some leech patterns this weekend too. Thinking about casting really close to the bank and retrieving it parallel to it. Havnt tried that yet. Cheers P.s. darn that Giant Squid
  13. I find it hard to read the water at night without spooking fish, aside from the massive fish jumping out of the water and occasionally scaring the ____ out of me. I guess it comes with experience. Let me know how it went!
  14. Dry flies still working here? Sounds like I need to bring the 3wt. Never been on the Current but definitely need to check it out. Fish size doesn't scare me away, just want to catch something!
  15. Anyone been back to Bennett recently? I've never been but want to visit some time this fall/winter. Thanks
  16. Headed under the dam at around 8 PM. Started with a small pine squirrel sculpin and managed to hook up on the second cast (pic below). Released. Fished for another 2 hours and only had a couple of hits. Finally hooked up again at around 10:30 and I knew it was a better fish (my first Taney Brown?!?!). Got em' within range, reached for my net... pop goes the fly, gone. Still salty about that one. I know there's a small tree in front of the hole I was fishing, so i'm going to blame it on that for personal support haha. Fun night nonetheless. Couldn't get a good pic but this guy was a tank
  17. Welcome back!
  18. Anyone fishing under the dam lights tonight?
  19. Panda Express...........................................
  20. Cool video and what a species pull! I love that you are catching & releasing. I saw this picture the other day though regarding bass jaws and seeing that first fish made me thing it might be swimming around w/ a broken jaw
  21. Welcome to the forums! Hopefully we will see some pics of your catches soon. Congrats on your tourny results.
  22. NZ would be legendary.
  23. Only 5? Perfect number. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 2003 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 2007 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 2011 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales 2017
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