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Everything posted by KLiK

  1. Some of the places mentioned are closed now. I'd like to add The Old Spaghetti Factory!
  2. This looks to be a game changer, anyone seen this yet?
  3. Have to love the classics!
  4. Fished the banks today, didn't have much luck but cleaned up a bit of trash that was on the banks, guess that was my purpose for going there today. Also fished the Island Lake at Suson and redeemed myself with a little bass. Overall a nice relaxing Monday.
  5. Those are hilarious!
  6. May of already seen this but it's worth watching again for a few more chuckles. "Six in a row ready to tow, Eight in a vee you probably sit down to pee!"
  7. Think my 80/88 cost around the same. Upgraded to 20meg and Dos 5.0 and thought it was something! 😆
  8. You're welcome! Wow, that has been some time ago, believe you'll find with the smart phone versions that things have been simplified since then. Also suggest checking out other editing apps that do color splash, can do some neat tricks with those such as the subject in color and the background black and white. On a side note, funny to think how advanced Pentium processors were in their day and these tiny cell phones of today are far more powerful than those PC's.
  9. There's a bunch of photo editing apps, I find Adobe Photoshop Express has many useful tools and filters.
  10. Nice looking jigs, had to order me a few!
  11. Don't have a craft unfortunately, reside near 21/141, quite often fish the banks and lakes at the parks. Have only ran into one gent on the Meramec, his name has slipped my mind currently. Anyways it would be awesome to meet up with a few of you at some point.
  12. KLiK

    What's Cooking?

    Thank you! It is delicious, can't wait to have some for lunch tomorrow, chili is one of few foods that seems to get better reheated.
  13. KLiK

    What's Cooking?

    With the chilly weather what better than some chili to warm you up?
  14. My thoughts are fish drive off of instinct and not cognitive thinking so presentation and bait is of more importance than color of line.
  15. Great observation! I might of learned me something today! I'm thinking there's several factors at play such as, elevation, slope, resistance of terrain, depth and width are a few that come to mind. When you look at those reference points on a map there's quite a bit of distance between them for those factors to have an effect. Another thought is where the rivers converge the rate of flow is probably slowed due to the waters merging with one another. Link to map I observed: https://maps.waterdata.usgs.gov/mapper/nwisquery.html?URL=https://waterdata.usgs.gov/mo/nwis/current?type=flow&group_key=county_cd&site_no_name_select=siteno&format=sitefile_output&sitefile_output_format=xml&column_name=agency_cd&column_name=site_no&column_name=station_nm&column_name=site_tp_cd&column_name=dec_lat_va&column_name=dec_long_va&column_name=agency_use_cd While processing all this another question came to mind, how much water depth would there be if inflow rate was less than the outflow? Seems like the river would go dry if that was the case.
  16. Welcome! Recently discovered this forum myself, may not be the most active but there's a wealth of knowledge if you browse around.
  17. Great pictures, looks like it was a fantastic trip! Thank you for sharing your adventure.
  18. KLiK

    Low water

    My wife and I noticed that yesterday, meant to go down that way today to explore and snap some pictures but ran out of time.
  19. KLiK

    Low water

    It's super low again! Snapped this picture today at I-55.
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