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Everything posted by J.E.

  1. Interesting. I just found your thread.
  2. Thanks Cody. I thought it might have been local. I have been unable to find a fluorescent fluorocarbon line. Unless it's siren's fluorocast which doesn't look fluorescent.
  3. Where did you pick up the Stren flourecesent florocarbon?
  4. Gentlemen, Knots are tools just as rods, reels, and line. Different "tools" should be used for different jobs or applications. Palomar knots have been the best known common knot for fouro for some time. EVERY knot will fail if not tied correctly well before the rated line weight. The most common mistake anglers make is to blame the knot when using flouro when if they inspect the line end they will find nicks and abrasion above the knot are the often issue. ALL knots will break at loads, all knots will break if tied incorrectly, no ONE knot does the job for ALL applications. Chose the best tool for the job at hand. I use five different knots for 90% of my fishing, pick your's and go fish! J.E.
  5. Contact the local Waterpatrol Officers for any clarification you may need concerning speed limits and the required lighting while either underpower or stationary. Ignoring the law is foolish it endangers not only yourself but others. If you don't want to run your battery for lighting while using your TM buy a clip on light from walmart and place it on your motor. If you're unable to run your rig at 30MPH on plane either re-prop for night fishing or learn to drive at slow speeds.
  6. Jerry, I work with Navionics and strongly suggest the Premium South for what you're talking about. The HD lakes listed were surveyed and are acutal readings. Most map programs available either in SD, factory loaded, or paper are developed through various sources such as Corp. maps, existing lake maps, and satalite imaging. The 09 versions have added several new HD lakes such as Arkansas River, Chicot, Greeson, Maumelle, and Nimrod in Arkansas however, no new additions in Missouri. If you'd like to try out a Premium or a Platinum give me a email and I'll loan you one to play with. Also the $100 rebate is still good. Stop by BPS and pick one up or I can send you one. J.E. Eric, Same offer to you!
  7. Good to hear you caught some fish. I received a call Friday evening along with Billy Bird that a number of Vets had cancelled so we had no one to take out. It was reported that we had 25 boats ready to go and only 11 Vets so we missed out on the fun. Hope we get the chance next year.
  8. Hey! I've got sponsors, an expensive bass boat, and a laptop that looks like a depth finder, or something like that, but I ain't cool! If you don't believe me ask Capt. Don or Techno they'll tell ya! Seriously, Those guys are the ones that l miss out, blow it off and enjoy! J.E.
  9. J.E.

    April 18

    Eric, Congrats! It was not a total wash then. Tell Capt. Don how to find those biguns!!! J.E.
  10. J.E.

    April 18

    I'll be following you tomorrow!
  11. Any conservation agent will advise that taking fish is not unreasonable and many times is what's needed to improve the fishery. I do not keep fish as I do not like eating fish, but if I did they would be on my plate once in a while. With that said, stooping to name calling on any forum is childish.
  12. Don, The SD cards will go in the unit however if you're trying to load your waypoints it will not. I've got the program to convert call me when you get back from KC tonight. I'll be at home. J.E.
  13. Send me an email or call the number I PM'd you. JEVSkeeter@yahoo.com I've got an extra spare. I'll be there and can bring one with me if you need. J.E.
  14. Yes you are Don............... Techno I'm in town this weekend so I'll be bringing the "Old Capt. Don" to the lake with me, you know how it is he's having a hard time finding the water!!! The big thing about Don and Bill is that they tell you the truth. No fluff or marketing Bull Heads, just honest reports. Thanks guys and KEEP IT UP! See you tomorrow..........
  15. J.E.

    Cpa Tourney

    Eric, Just sent you an email... Thanks, J.E.
  16. Join us Sunday Feb. 1st. at 2PM at Bass Pro Shops in Springfield MO for a discussion on shallow water techniques for your electronics. Covering the limitations and how to best utilize your 2D and Side Imaging systems.
  17. Join us Sunday Feb 1st. at Bass Pro Shops Springfield MO. where we will discuss using your electronics in the shallow water enviornment. We will cover 2D and Side Imaging products.
  18. Join us Sunday Feb. 1st. at 2PM at Bass Pro Shops Springfield MO where we will discuss using your depth finders in the shallow water enviornment. We will cover 2D and Side Imaging products, uses, and displays.
  19. You do not want to use the internal GPS antenna if you are dash mounting the unit.
  20. Here are the links for unit compatability on Premium 08 & 07 versions along with the Platinum product. http://navionics.com/HMPlatinumCompatiblePlotters.asp http://navionics.com/HMPremium08CompatiblePlotters.asp http://navionics.com/HMPremium07Catalog.asp
  21. We'll be doing a seminar the first week of January at Center City Marine on the sonar's - GPS - Side Imaging Humminbird units. When the final times are set I'll post it up for you.
  22. Lilley I've got a 16' crappie rod I'll loan you next time you head up! The fact that you and Bill have some concern is evidence that it is simply wrong to get on someone's dock without their approval. From the dock owner's position what happens if you slip and fall or worst case catch a line and drown on their dock. Sounds like a law suit coming to me. If it feels wrong in your mind and heart it's probably wrong guys........ Other than that Bill, I'm heading up Friday.... WHERE ARE THEY!!!
  23. Bill, I for one appreciate your comments, not that it points out a specific boat line but the general attitude of many, yes I said many, tournament anglers. Now knowing Bill that we both are tournament anglers we both have the same attitude, courtesy on the water is number one. I was up at Cape Fair when the Champion derby let out. I was fogged in around the marina and started to idle around to the bluff when I heard someone running hard. I stuck my nose in the bank and waited only to see a white champ with either a father and son or guy and a small lady in the rear go flying by. If I had a number for the tournament director I would have called as is was one of the most stupid and dangerous moves I've seen in a while. Sure you can run a gps track in the fog, but what about the other guys? I spent the day being tracked by two champs and called it a day at 1:30 simply due to the actions of these guys. Although it was fun catching keepers in front of them.........
  24. Hey t1365, I live between Clever and Billings. If you ever see a firefox red skeeter behind a white tahoe give me a shout!
  25. Eric, Was one of those "knuckleheads" Capt. Don???????? He and I are fishing the AIA TR this year but I had to go to Minn. so he fished solo. You should have put him on some fish!!!!! LOL!!! Still love ya Don!!!!!
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