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oneshot 1

Fishing Buddy
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oneshot 1 last won the day on December 12 2024

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  1. I usually cut the meat away from the Y bones on Carp and Buffalo then cut into pretty good pieces and fry. Catch mostly Red Horse. Scale, Fillet and Score. Use no flour in the breading just Corn Meal. oneshot
  2. Thank you I was thinking the same. But Buffalo has them all beat and some consider them a Carp. Even Channel Cat I take the time to split the fillet and cut the dark meat off and the fat. oneshot
  3. I use to sell Carp $1 apiece which was pretty good back then. Most people fished for Catfish and Carp. The board thing with Bass was mostly couple guys went every evening to Fellows Lake Bass fishing. Still think Suckers have Crappie beat as far as taste. oneshot
  4. I was just thinking on which fish are liked for eating and found most of them easy to clean. I've ate Carp and Suckers since forever. I looked up why people don't eat them? And found it is because they are full of bones. If a person cleans them and considers the bones and cleaning accordingly they can be good table fare. But I also grew up in a time when you would find Carp at the Store and would see Bass Heads nailed to a board. oneshot
  5. Ok cool thank you. oneshot
  6. Actually that is one thing I was afraid of I'm thinking along the line of Catfish and Carp. Fishing on the bottom. oneshot
  7. I only go to her if it is something very serious like the other day I accidentally deleted two thirds of everything off my phone. Not good. But I see what is going on at the Lake they are dealing with the same drought we are. Thanks oneshot
  8. Might try Sucker Grabbing if they run in season. oneshot
  9. Ok very low and still going down. Same as here no substantial rain the last 3 years. In a pickle. I live next to the Niangua River and it is low. I like fishing over towards Pomme de Terre and not seeing it looking any better. Got a Cabin at Truman Lake and just to get to the water a boat would be nice. oneshot
  10. Ok I slow but don't know how but I know they draw down in the Winter just looking ahead to Spring. oneshot
  11. I was just looking it has what we need but is it worth fishing there? Do they have bunch of Cedars on the bottom there? If they do I would have to use a float. oneshot
  12. Went online asking where to fish close to Lebanon? Came up with Horseshoe Lake supposed to have everything I want in Warm Water fishing. Got directions and caught a ride there. No Lake???? So if I want Channel Catfish and Carp continue to fish Lindley Creek. Internet says there is Channel Catfish in the Niangua by Lead Mine sure is I've caught 3 in 30 years. LOL oneshot
  13. My wife told me years ago that 98% of the time she was in training and the other 2% she was working. She got her Job because of her Medical and Computer skills but she is the highest trained in the state. Instead of having training in one area it involved traveling which we did plenty of. Now since nothing what they consider has happened since 9/11 my wife is having to explain why she is paid. If she don't have a good enough reason she will lose her Job. oneshot
  14. Well there is not much I can eat but thanks. oneshot
  15. Went had test done in Springfield yesterday. Seems when they did Radiation on me they burnt my Bladder bad and it healed and drawed up now it holds about a quarter of normal. So I pee all the time and my Valve don't help. They are going to try Botox to enlarge it. If it doesn't work oh well. oneshot
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