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oneshot 1

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oneshot 1 last won the day on December 12 2024

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  1. Had guy come out and check our gas. You need 3 Regulators. Told my wife I couldn't put them in. Then thought that was stupid everyone knows I couldn't. oneshot just stay out of the way. oneshot
  2. Yea if your Christian you don't fear death here. Do you ever think of dieing in your sleep? Can you think that might be the best way. oneshot
  3. Don't let you say this to a Doctor they will consider you suicidal and drug you. oneshot
  4. I was telling her I guess I'm blessed because all the ones in my family are dead. She said think about it you are the oldest in your family. Boy that hit I don't consider myself old at 71. oneshot
  5. Know a guy at the Barrel Plant had a chance to go to College. He said why? He is working a Job he likes and making good money. I use to think this way but see many ways a degree helps. My wife is over many in the office and has problems with some. She will give them a list of stuff to do and it never gets done but they get evaluated and let go if they are not doing their Job. Pretty cool live with parents they die collect something they never work for. oneshot oneshot
  6. It has always been here people in February put in applications to clean rooms or throw canoes then draw unemployment in the Winter when they might do nothing or maybe cut Firewood. Never felt bad about it because this was just normal. My Granddaughter has one application at the park. My wife told her several places that are needing help. She just is not interested in working. I was wanting to say something to her but my wife said no this is the New normal, kids are not interested. oneshot
  7. Heck if she is in DECA something is right. My Granddaughter dropped out. Her Boyfriend stays over here because his parents won't let him sleep with my Granddaughter. I thought it was a novel idea. oneshot
  8. Heck she does more than my Granddaughter. I feel sorry for her when she is on her own. oneshot
  9. Well it has started. My wife was rolling back cameras to see if this New Woman is working she is up for evaluation. But my wife said the Mobile Command Center is gone and one Generator. Sold two less things for me to maintain. My wife said she took anything of value out of the Command Center. Which is a Camp Trailer that has been gutted and Radios hooked up. I had been taking care of tires, bearings and such but it hadn't been needed in last couple years. They was saying we have no more money in our budget. We figured out where it went. Was having Computer problem, $1,000 would have fixed it but they decided we needed more qualified person to work on it so they got someone from Springfield for $25,000 to work on it. My wife said they will know more in July. Her Boss is thinking he is safe said the Governor will make it right. No Bubba you are Federal the Governor has nothing to do with it. oneshot
  10. I fell in about the riffle it was around zero outside. Long walk to the pickup. oneshot
  11. Let's put it this way it wasn't needed for over 200 years but it is fun and a lot of money has been invested in it. Most can be addressed by people being aware and take precautions. If it is shut down there will be a lot of people who have been comfortable having a good Job. Most what we do is finding stuff but we know where it can be gotten. We got use of a small Helicopter if it is needed. I pushed for a Drone. Got one but have to share it. oneshot
  12. Actually most our test are from FEMA. We take other classes and if they are far enough away Taxpayer pays for gas, room and meals. My wife right now is taking care of an older couple making pretty good money. oneshot
  13. We moved to Louisiana to get away from the cold but it was freezing down there. I thought I would check on temperature down there in Cocodrie and it was in the 30's. Was in California and at night to me was cold. Went down to Mc Allen, Texas and it was cold. Winter deal with the 22 degree temperature right now. oneshot
  14. DHS was started after 9/11 and there hasn't been an attack since so many are getting tiered of paying for it and yes it has become very big. oneshot
  15. If it looks like it's going to get bad they are there on hand. She has worked from home and still gets paid for it. It won't hurt if she gets let go because she has other Jobs. Glad there is something done with Government Waist. oneshot
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