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MOBass N Beer

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About MOBass N Beer

  • Birthday 10/06/1989

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  • Interests
    Bass, Walleye, Musky

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  1. That would be awesome to see. I've fished it a few times for musky but I can't even manage to get a follow. Maybe it's just the wrong days or maybe i have no idea where to find em 🤷‍♂️
  2. They are, they always surprise me when they hit a 3" bass lure
  3. Ya, I was wondering if it was a hybrid too. It's gill is long like a longear but it's mouth seemed too big and the coloring seemed off. Most the green sunfish I catch have the yellow-tipped fins
  4. Anyone skilled with panfish identification or weight estimation? I caught this while bass fishing. I believe it's a Longear Sunfish but I'm no expert. I didn't have my scale on me. Looked up the state record (11 oz for Longear) was wondering if anyone could give me a good guess on how big this one was, wondering if it might be worth going back to target panfish and see if I could find a larger one and make a run at the record. Thanks!
  5. Went out last Monday and floated 5 miles with Route 66 canoe rental. Caught quite a few smallmouth and rock bass. Biggest was 16" almost 2 pounds. All on the bitsy bug jig with a paca chunk trailer. I imagine any craw imitator would work. They were all in eddys and current seams below riffles. Here is the video for anyone interested:
  6. Well shoot, thanks for the update Dutch
  7. Thinking about heading down early Saturday morning and hunting some bass. How's the bass action been? Worth the trip from Columbia? Thanks!
  8. Hey guys, longtime fisherman in Mid-Mo and travel to Northern Mo fairly often. Fished largemouth and Muskie up here so if anyone is in the area and want some tips, feel free to hit me up. Looking to get more knowledgeable about SW Mo lake like Pomme and Stockton, also looking to get better at Walleye fishing. I've tried several walleye trips and been unsuccessful. I don't know too much about Missouri walleye but I feel like they should be easier to catch than Muskie. So if anyone wants to take a 32 y/o kid walleye fishing, I'm game. I also just started a youtube channel if anyone is interested in that kind of thing : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCnCu-AtOVXPX1jOBDzDiOg
  9. Put in at the ramp near bona beach and worked our way into maze. Got out about 8 and back to the ramp about 6 hours later. Caught largemouth and smallies with a bonus drum and bluegill on a jig. Found them in 2-8 fow, on both brush and rock. Seemed like if there was any mud on the shore there were no fish around. Caught em on jig, kietech, ned. Thanks for the tips.
  10. Thanks for the tips guys, hopefully the wind will keep down on some this weekend. I'll let you all know if we hook into any. From my understanding closer to the dam the more likely you'll find brown bass, correct?
  11. Hey guys, coming down this weekend hoping to make it out on the water Saturday. Will be my first time on Stockton was hoping to target some smallmouth and maybe a few walleyes. I've fished for them up in Minnesota but never in a reservoir. Not asking for honey holes but if you guys could help me out with where to put in and depth ranges that'd be great. Planning on throwing neds, blade baits, swimbaits, maybe some jerk baits or cranks. But if you guys have better bait suggestions I'm all ears. Any tips are appreciated, thanks!
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