fishingwrench, I believe it is common for the "lake" whites to fail in the spawn. I catch alot of them around easter up smaller creeks than the larger rivers and they are spawning then, but they are very tempermental with weather. One day they are up spawning and the next after a front they are gone for good. And im sure some of the lakers dont even make it up in those arms. Believe it to be kinda common for them.
danop, 7" all the way. Looks big but works, love the jointed. Either in the smokey joe or the one with purple and green scales on the back (dont remember the name). Remember to change the split ring in the front with a stout snap (no swievle) and the hooks for a better action and better hook-up. Redfins are made to go to saltwater without changing anything but hate those hooks for here.
Sam, not a bad idea. Would think you would miss some fish with a circle hook, could be wrong, but in the maylay of fish anouther one will probably hit it again. should work. Keep us posted.
Still wondering if the bite is hot, hope to find them in the morning. Hate when I hear "should have been here yesterday".