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Everything posted by taxidermist

  1. There has been walleye in Bull Shoals since the beginning. I can remember back int he late 1960's early 1970's that we caught a lot of walleye under the lights fishing for whites and crappie from Long bottom at Peel to the Bluffs across from Tucker Hollow.
  2. http://www.fascoepoxies.com/products.html Steel flex with Teflon in it is great for aluminum boats, slides right off hte trailer and over rocks like nothing it there. I have it on the aluminum boat.
  3. The whole length of the Arkansas river, Lake Dardenelle.
  4. Lucky, no more than 100K.
  5. Yak is right, just up and around the bend is as far as you will get. that gravel bar is dry almost all the way across. Sportsmans or Stetsons, rainbow resort at Cotter. They have web sites.
  6. I can get a "Fishin Guide" anywhere in this country for 75 Bucks Where???? cant ever rent a boat for that!
  7. The fiberglass will glide over rocks, aluminum hangs. If you are going to fish other water there are several versions out there. there is a 32 inch fiberglass that was used on the White years ago Gastons still rent them!! I have seen upto five people in them with a 9.9 2 stroke. I am like Griz, I have my not new but new tome 20-48 Shawnee thats is pretty darn good and very stable 15hp 4 stroke. does well even in lower water. I could down grade the motor to the 4hp Mariner and float on almost no water. Iam setting up my 22ft 32 inch wide aluminum with the 4hp Mariner for Crooked Creek and middle Buffalo River. Later in the spring we are going to float from Buffalo Point to BuffaloCity and have a 9.9 Susuki for that. Willput it on the 20 48. Check the Baxter Bulletin for boats.
  8. drum are good eating. large flaked flesh, white flesh. not many bones, can be filleted like a bass or walleye. good fighters. They drum from grinding the mussels and crayfish in their throat, the throat is line with what looks like thousands of small baby teeth.
  9. Mt Lions will varies in color toms will be different than females. That pic appears to be a cat. but loks more like a tiger than a Mt Lion. lat 100 years no melenistic Mt Lions have been seen in the wild or captive. Yea as said dont google Cougar. As mentioned Mt Lions dont dig a hole for the prey, they do how ever cover it up and come back to it over a few days.
  10. Protecting his livestock. Thats a claim only he would know is right or wrong. If you thought someone was about to take $1000. out of your wallet what would you do? Just stand there and allow it? I some how doubt anyone will miss the cat.
  11. We need to get the boat docks after the AGFC to stock more stripers. I recently talked with Steve Eastwold about it. If people will send Mark Oliver an email in support of stripers it could happen. I recently ask for just 20,000 fingerlings per year. This would provide a great striper fishery for the next 20years. Most of these 40lb stripers are in the 10-12 year range. Some Hybrids are showing up in the 2 lb range, maybe because of the high water a couple years back.
  12. Yellow perch have made their way into White River. I have seen them in the water near Cane Island and as far down stream as Miller Hole at Cotter.
  13. Come one its kerosene lamps and wood stoves! Get it right. This kerosene powered computer is pretty slow! On the fish kill I am thinking that maybe something the drum ingested, like mussels with a toxin. Breaking news on the birds, Wonder woman was flying her invisible airplane and ran into the birds.
  14. With the low low water. they fish are hitting everything, to include suckers hitting rapalas.
  15. Or waited until it killed a small child. The story says the mans hounds treed it in his pasture where cattle were. Sounds to me like it was stalking calves.
  16. http://agfcnews.wordpress.com/2011/01/03/blackbirds-fall-on-beebe-on-new-year%E2%80%99s-eve/ http://agfcnews.wordpress.com/2011/01/03/arkansas-river-fish-kill-investigation-continues/ Ozark Lock and dam is 124 miles in a straight line from Beebe. Beebe is north of Little rock . Ozark is about 40 miles east of Ft Smith. http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Ozark&state=AR Map to Beebe. http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Beebe&state=AR
  17. The fish kill is on the Arkansas River near Ozark AR, a hell of a long way from Beebe! Sometimes lightning is not visible as it will fall outside the spectrum visible to human eyes. One theroy on the birds is the fireworks spooked them and they are not night flying birds, they were confused. So studies today announce that the bird internals looked like they had ran into objects at high speed. High wind slamming them into a house?
  18. We headed out this AM about 9:00. Picked the boat up and went to put in at Rim Shoals for a run up river. After the rain, thunder and lightning and the storm sirens in both Gassville and Cotter. We decided to hit the river There was very very little water running. Crooked Creek was running higher at Pyatt than White at Rim Shoals. We managed to get over Redbud Shoals and on up above the houses but that was it. We fished about 5 hours catching a bunch of bows, several nice browns nothing over 18 inches. But many fish so it was a good day. While using my White River Wonder stick, I was seeing Suckers following the lure. I thought at first it was just curiosity. But when I finally hit of a retrieve they liked I was catch suckers on artificial lure! We left about 3:30 after having a great New Years Eve on the river. End of Rim Shoals ramp was at the water, huge drop off. Several smaller 4X4s dropped their trailers over the end of the ramp and had problems, getting stuck when trying to pull out. Check out the ramp before you launch!!!
  19. Found around Leadhill several years ago. There has been warnings about washing and bleaching the boat before using in another body of water. Bull may get cleared up like it was 40years ago!! If it does then its going to take a lot of brush piles to make habitat.
  20. How many family members go to visit the graves of their dead great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents whose rotted remains are somewhere under some old tombstone that is no longer even legible? We use to go. but not anymore its a thing of the past. When my Paternal Grandmother passed, she wanted to be buried by here mom and dad. well the backhoe guy ripped the end out of Great Grandads coffin. He was buried in the early 1950's He looked like the Crypt Keeper. With the bedrock in the cemetery both are all of two feet under the grass. Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring substance in the environment made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Methanal too. it is produced industrially by the catalytic oxidation of methanol. The most common catalysts are silver metal or a mixture of an iron and molybdenum or vanadium oxides.
  21. Smallmouth is the only fish in the river with a size limit... If using live bait i.e. minnows they must come from the Buffalo River drainage. Some catfish have tags worth a few dollars, these are used to track where the fish go from where they were stocked, so be sure to report the number on the tag. Now the water has cooled, I dont know if the 24 inch size limit on brown trout applies to those in Buffalo River. There has been a few caught up at Rush in the last week.
  22. Tight wads, if they will hit a 25 dollar bait, use it!!!!! Yea so you might loose it but what if you got it to the boat and the 8 buck rapala would not catch them???? I am just saying that sometimes the fish is worth the investment.
  23. Branson Belle Titanic, heard they last power to the paddle wheel. KY3 report said earlier.
  24. Nice toad!!! Esp for this time of year!!!!
  25. Well the boat has some gel coat rubbed off on the bottom, So I have ground out the old very dry looking glass and redone it, with a lot more glass mat and resin. Come spring I will put a week into it and redo the gelcoat. When I reg. the boat I found out it was a 1968 Shawnee, has aluminum rails not the wooden ones. Anyway I am replacing the guide on bunks tomorrow and will possible get the 15 Merc 4 stroke on it Sunday. reall excited about getting out on the river with it, I have not had this much room in a river boat!!! Did find a 9.9 Suzuki for the red boat. I am going to rig it for the Buffalo, if the 2 stroke 9.9 is to big I have a 4hp Mariner full shift 2 stroke that I know will be fine for Buffalo. Anyone run a 20 ft boat on Crooked Creek?
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