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Everything posted by podum

  1. That is sweet. Congrats!
  2. cabelas online > cabelas store. I've had similar in store experiences. I really hope the customer service doesn't suffer in the future. BTW... you will love the Pfleugers.
  3. Fantastic Phil! Hope this round of rain doesn't undo your fine work.
  4. Cabelas has apparently revamped their Prestige series fly reel. They are getting rid of the old ones. The old one's retailed for $50 and are on sale for less than $20. It's a great deal. Especially for the smaller version for 3 and 4 wt rods. I'm not a shill for Cabelas but have bought and used a lot of their equipment over the years. I have a couple of these reels and bought another at this price. http://www.cabelas.com/product/bargain-cave/fly-fishing/rods-reels-line%7C/pc/105591780/c/105763680/sc/105764580/cabela-s-prestige-reg-plus-fly-reel/732340.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Frods-reels-line%2F_%2FN-1102797%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_105764580
  5. Are there good public access points below the park? I'm going to be in the area in a couple of weeks but have never fished Roaring River. I don't like crowds and prefer a little elbow room even if there are a few less fish. Thoughts from RR veterans would be appreciated.
  6. That's hilarious. I saw similar stuff on the Niangua in January. There were sections of fence 20 feet above river level in the trees. Like squirrel jail.
  7. All helpful thoughts. Thanks.
  8. I have recently started fishing soft hackle flies using the across cast, swing and rise. The fish have obliged, usually with an aggressive strike on the rise. My hook up rate has been about 50%. The tension in the line at the end of the swing creates a very different dynamic than a usual drift and strike. What do you all do with rod position, line tension, etc. to increase hook ups? Thoughts and experiences appreciated.
  9. Peak vise arrived. Nice tool. I like it lots.
  10. podum

    Finicky Trout?

    I use 2 and 4 pound Vanish flouro for tippet. It works just fine and is cheap.
  11. Fished a few spots on the Niangua today. Weather was unbelievable. Water levels are great right now and clear. Plenty of fish, but many small ones (I wonder if the flood washed newbies out of the hatchery). The big flood changed the river big time. There are holes that filled in and brand new holes. The huge sycamore that was down in the water at the Bennett Access as late as December was simply gone. Unbelievable power in moving water. The fish were finicky. Very few hit flies on a dead drift. Lots of bites on swings. Leeches, woolies and soft hackles. A few fish on streamers stripped across the current. Good luck out there.
  12. Thanks for the link. This is fascinating.
  13. I don't care what anyone says, that there's funny...
  14. will add the small midge jaws
  15. Cuda might be a little too pricey. Considering. After further research, the current front runner is the Peak Rotary Vise.
  16. There's a lot of advice out there to tie a fly one size smaller than the hook. Love the pheasant tail Mic.
  17. That's what I do. We may have different styles. The pressure I apply spinning deer hair and schlappen causes slip.
  18. Flysmallie, on my Griffin, the main tension mechanism is a dial that widens with the O Ring providing resistance. This is the main tension holding the hook.
  19. I need to roll with you Gavin. Our taste in flies and rivers is similar.
  20. I'm thinking of upgrading. What vises do you all love? For value? If cost were no object? I use a a Griffin Spider vise and it is ok. I don't like that the hook clamp tension is created by a rubber o-ring. In bigger streamers where a lot of tension on the thread is needed, it tends to slip. Works great for all other ties, but I'm tying more streamers lately. Cheers.
  21. No promises. I hate the lob casting you have to do with those trawler rigs.
  22. Al, I think confidence is the biggest driver. Wrench, I like the loop knot idea. Sometimes I like to plan a fishing day where I commit to doing something different, and out of my comfort zone for the whole day. I think I'll do size 12-16s and loop knots on the next outing.
  23. Bigger midges is a good suggestion. Never tried that. I hate throwing tandem rigs so I avoid attractor flies.
  24. I've noticed over the last couple of years that i almost never fish medium sized flies (sizes 12-16). I've gravitated toward small to very small dries and nymphs (18-24) and streamers (10 on down). Happened by accident based on success and confidence i guess. To those of you that throw a lot of flies in the 12-16 size range, what am i missing? FWIW i fish mostly on Niangua, Taneycomo and a few other white ribbons in MO and in the Colorado high country a few times per year.
  25. Buy a kayak and use it. Fly rod saltwater reds. I want to go back to the Eleven Point and fish the North Fork of the White for the first time.
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