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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I'll get to the question after the back story. Chief and I did a float yesterday afternoon. We had a great time catching a bunch of bass on just about everything we threw, cranks, jerks, spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, and plastic worms. There was also a lot of Longnose Gar in the river also, most about 24" long and they weren't shy. We had several hit our lures. I had one on for about 15 seconds until he got off. It hit a square bill red craw. Pretty cool. Now for the Gar question. What are some good rope lures that you guys use? Would it be reasonable to add nylon rope to a spinnerbait as a skirt? Would it be silly to add nylon rope to a treble hook on a crankbait? I have some ideas of ways to incoporate nylon rope into my existing lures. I have been watching a few videos today on how to make rope lures too, but they are somewhat limited. I really want something heavy enough to throw with my baitcaster. Later I might try to make rope flies for the fly rod, but not just yet. Ideally I would be able to modify a lure or spinnerbait that would also be able to catch any bass that might be interested. Any and all ideas appreciated? Thanks in advance.
  2. Buzz

    Big Sugar 6/23

    Nice fish Ollie. Did the wind give you any problems?
  3. Good looking fly. I like the idea of the weed guard.
  4. Great video. Thanks for sharing.
  5. I stop in there every time I'm in Springfield. Great shop and great people.
  6. That is a really nice brownie CDC.
  7. Where were those pictures taken Jeremy? The last one looks familiar, but I can't be sure.
  8. Buzz


    I'll tie some up. I'm hoping to get a day at the end of the month to do some trout fishing. I haven't decided yet, but it will be RRSP or Taney. With all of this rain Taney might not be the best bet but I'll wait and see. Thanks again
  9. Buzz


    Thanks Jeff. What sizes would you guys suggest? I'm guessing 18 and 20's.?Maybe 16"s? Years ago I had a great weekend fishing chocolate emergers at RRSP. It was small, probably a 20? So small you couldn't see it after it hit the water. The only way to know if you got a hit was to wait to see the white of the inside of the trouts mouth. It was a lot of fun.
  10. Well said Al. This has been going on for years. If you are innocent then you have nothing to worry about. They would be really bored with my phone calls and searh results.
  11. Buzz


    I have fished unweighted emergers in the past, but over the last several years I have moved to beadhead nymphs and midges more than anything. What emergers do you fish and how do you fish them? How about a few recipes for some good effective emergers? Buzz
  12. They look good Mic. Panfish and trout should eat them up.
  13. Buzz

    Big Sugar 6/9/13

    Nice fish Ollie.
  14. Nice. I've been trying to find a way into a couple of golf courses around here.
  15. That looks like a great day for all.
  16. Great report. Thanks for the info on the area. It sounds like a trip I'd like to make one of these days.
  17. Not a problem Ollie. I enjoyed the fishing trip. It more than made up for the slow start.
  18. Tree cover is nill. Beside the beaver dam, there isn't any tree cover at all. I would like to try some frogs next time I go there. I bet they would be awesome. I tried a prop bait early, but gave it up. They didn't seem interested in topwater.The fish would hit the spinnerbait just under the surface if it was close to the weeds and cattails. Plus, the pond is so shallow that if I let it settle the bait would pick up a bunch of moss.
  19. Thanks John.
  20. I got the chance to fish with Ollie at his new favorite pond today.Well, it was a rough start to the morning with a little truck trouble, a ride in a tow truck, and a start that was 2 hours behind schedule. We got to the pond at about 9:00AM. Unloaded the canoe and started the long drag across a field, about 200 yards, to the water. Anyone that knows my old fiberglass canoe knows it ain't light. Add to that all of the tackle, a cooler, and an anchor that weighs about 35 lbs., it was a workout. My first impression of this pond was good. Cattails all along the edges and lilly pads throughout. The wind was blowing pretty good and there was a nice chop on the water. The water had a tea stain color. We started fishing the dam, which was somewhat protected from the wind if we were right up against it. Ollie caught 2 or 3 bass in quick order while I only had one bite. We both started off fishing lizards, but the fish prefered Ollie's bait over mine, so I changed over to my go to bait, a Wareagle spinnerbait of course. I had 1 hit next to the surface and that was it. With the wind blowing against the banks behind us we decided to endure the hassle of paddling back against the wind and headed to the wind blown banks. I finally started catching fish from the pockets around the catttails. We made it back into an area that had a bunch of liily pads all across it and picked up several more fish, a couple fish that were near the top of the slot limit. I almost couldn't get bit unless I cast right up to the edge of the catttails. When they hit they hit hard. By this time we were just about even on the fish count, although Ollie had jumped off several fish. We finally had a couple baits that were working and we knew where they would be, shallow and up against the cattails. This pattern worked the rest of the trip. The slot limit humdrum was broken when I boated the biggest fish of the day. (Mine was bigger than Ollie's no matter what he says ) After a while of catching a few more top end slot limit fish and a few dinks Ollie got bit by his biggest of the day, off a beaver dam of all places. About an hour and a half later we were done. Many fish were caught. Many unused muscles were aching, and a nice sunburn was starting to make it's presence known. We made the long haul back to the truck, loaded up, and headed home. It's always a challenge fishing new water, but it is also very satisfying when you have a day like today.
  21. The wind turbines I've seen might make 4 miles an hour. Great pics Flysmallie. I'm sure that small windmill has taken out it's fair share of birds. Nuclear waste is not worse than a few bird deaths???????????????? Where do we store it??? How do we transport the waste??? Well duhhhhh, what happens when it falls to earth??? And It would..... http://www.oksolar.com/roof/ We have come along way since the old solar panels of yesteryear. They are much more light weight than what was available 10 or 20 years ago. We don't get the incentives that California does. If we did it would be a much better Missouri. The problem is that the oil and corn industry is so deeply ingrained in our political structure that they make it so that we can't afford the initial investment.
  22. Congrats Ducky. One more accomplishment to add to the list.
  23. Good for you Tommy. With the water the way it has been I've been thinking more and more about trout.
  24. Nice. Sounds like a blast.
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