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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I think we got ripped off. I only show 1.25 inches total for 2 days. It was a nice soaking though. Glad to have it. The grass is starting to green up again.
  2. I don't know about the Elk, but Shoal Creek doesn't look too much different. I'm only a couple of miles from Shoal Creek and I only got 1.25 inches of rain. The way the bands of rain fell was a lot different than with hurricane Ike. Isaac seemed to be more hit and miss around here, but Ike raised all of the creeks. I'd be interested to know how The Elk is running too.
  3. Could you expand on this thought? Grey Fox would not have entered my mind. As far as pigs go, I haven't seen any sign of them rooting around.
  4. Nice and easy. Thanks.
  5. Ha Ha. Some great input. I really believe it to be from a young Black bear. I haven't seen it or heard of anyone seeing one around here either. If not bear then I'll go with Wookie Poo. I have no idea where the nearest Peach tree is, but I'm sure someone has a few. I actually hadn't thought about it being a pig, but it just didn't look like it. The pics don't show the hair very well and there wasn't much, but it appeared to be white or grey. There was some grass mixed in also. The sheer quantity of the peach pits is what got me though.
  6. This scat was found on our 5 acres. The scat is not new, but is only about 2-3 weeks old. There are 3 piles seperated by about 10 yards. The rains have started to break it down and show it for what it is not. It is not dog doo, although it is in the same area that we walk our dogs, there are a few glaring differences. The size of the scat piles are about the size that a very large dog might leave. Similar to our 80 lb. lab. I have my suspicions and have done some Google searches, but I'd like to hear your ideas on it.
  7. I'll agree with Ollie. I think they are looking for something or someone. Maybe Prater is contributing to Sheriff Copelands campaign and this is how he takes care of his biggest contributers. Maybe or most likely, they are reading this forum and getting some ideas. Not long ago someone started a thread about getting LEO's off of the highways and down on the creeks. HMMMMM....
  8. Did they check you as you were putting in or did they stop you as you were floating? I never carry PFD's. Did they say anything specific about them?
  9. Great story. Thanks for posting it.
  10. Sounds like a fantastic trip. Those fish pics are great. I wish I could do as well.
  11. Super fish Phil. Congrats on your PB. I enjoyed the videos too.
  12. Great pics. Nice fish too. Looks like you guys had a good day on the creek. I'm with Chief, the car pic is very cool.
  13. I saw the same commercial. I commented, to my wife, that they didn't have a clue what they were doing. Two handed 10+ wt fly rods on an obviously small stream? Then the old man, who is supposed to know all of the important stuff is showing his grandson a big old style red and white plastic bobber. Not a strike indicator that some call a bobber, an honest to goodness bobber. LOL. This is not the first one I've seen either, and all are pushing drugs on our elderly. I'm waiting for VIAGRA to produce a fishing commercial with someone using an obviously over sized rod.
  14. Congrats.
  15. Great report. Thanks
  16. I will do that Ollie. Thanks
  17. Nice fish man.
  18. You guys are killing me. Thanks for the reports. Fishing always seems to be its best during drought times. At least that's my opinion.
  19. Nice fish Ollie.
  20. I like the indicator method and agree with Ness's post. I prefer to fish with heavy tungsten bead nymphs and an adjustable float seems to help. Indicators are easily and quickly adjustable to meet the changes in depth. I've tried fishing without an indicator, but I've had problems picking up on the strike soon enough to hold the fish. It's still something I'm working on though.
  21. Nice bass Ollie.
  22. Something needs to change for sure.
  23. Yeah, that's what I meant by "INTERESTING."
  24. My Verizon works too good down there.
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