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Everything posted by rps

  1. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Cold and damp days mean soup.
  2. As for knots, I trust a double palomar for braid and mono to hook, a Crazy Alberto for braid to mono connection, and a uni to uni for mono to mono.
  3. Not necessarily so. I built and use a casting rod for Neds. Champ and Quillback have seen it. Choose the right blank, use micro guides, spiral wrap, put a quality reel, like a Revo MGX or a Daiwa Steez or Zillion, on it, and you do not need to mess with hay balers.
  4. I have booked a May guide trip with Phil Stone. Babler claims he is retired. Phil suggests the Shell Knob to Baxter area for that time of year. Other than the Harter House 🙂, I do not know the area. My wife and I, plus the two Corgis, will be coming over. We will stay a couple days. Please suggest a nice, pet friendly, place to stay. We do not expect a butler, champagne, or a mint on the pillow. On the other hand, no tired beds and a walking trail might be nice. TIA rps
  5. I am in the process of booking a guide trip for the last week of May on Table Rock. Because Babler has retired, I have contacted Phil Stone. He has suggested Shell Knob to Baxter area. I do not know that area well, other than the Harter House. 🙂 I will be bringing the wife and Corgis. Thus, I want a nice place in that area, pet friendly, to stay for a couple of days. We are looking for something more than a cabin with tired beds, but not do not want butlers, champagne, or a mint on our pillow. Suggest places, please?
  6. rps

    What's Cooking?

    I recently went back and reviewed all the images I had posted on OA. I did not count, but hundreds of them were food porn I posted on this thread.
  7. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Smoky lentil and potato stew.
  8. rps

    What's Cooking?

    I splurged. I ordered a Serrano ham from Costco. Now what do I do with the rest?
  9. rps

    What's Cooking?

  10. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Add a few pickled walnuts (quartered) and enjoy the contrast with the Guinness flavors.
  11. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Nancy made biscuits. I used left over chicken to make pot pie stuff.
  12. Does he have that much hair?
  13. rps

    What's Cooking?

  14. rps

    Sad but true

    Once again we have a thread that covers it all: Neds, God, craws, elaztech, two stroke engines, the comparative size of equipment, abortion, corporate consolidation, pro fishing, hellgrammites, fly fishing versus mainstream fishing, crank bait comparisons, chemistry, evangelists, why porn showed up on computers, vintage fishing tackle, secular humanism, and Ike Iconelli. Well done, lads!
  15. From now to February (pre-spawn and spawn), look for them south of 412. Jerk baits, especially at dusk, night, and dawn, worked very slowly. Minnow tipped 1/8 to 1/4 white or pink jigs. Neds. Don't be greedy. 🙂
  16. In cold to cool water, a Ned is an outstanding walleye bait.
  17. Now that we are retired, the wife and I are making new wills, etc. I have an extensive collection of equipment (rods, reels, lures, tackle). No one in my close or distant family will want any part of it. Phil, and any others, to whom do you recommend I leave it? My inclination would be to favor vets or highschoolers. TIA
  18. rps

    What's for Thanksgiving?

    I remove the skin from the breast in the largest piece possible, minimizing holes. Remove the breasts in two single pieces. Remove the tenders and reserve for another use. Make a paste of generous salt, olive oil, and herbs (I use Penzys Sunny Paris blend, but you can use fresh or a different blend). Slather (a professional term) the breasts with the paste and refrigerate more than 2 hours or overnight. Lay the breasts on the stretched out skin (exterior side down). Overlap the pointed end of the breasts to make a meat layer of roughly uniform thickness. Pull the skin up and wrap it around the breasts, hopefully with and overlap. Using kitchen twine, tie the skin on the breast every three inches to create a roll. As I tie, I use the string to tuck in any skin I have stretched to over lap. Make ons wrap lengthwise to hold the skin on the ends to the roll. Vacuum bag the roll and sous vide at 142 to 145 for 2.5 to 5 hours. Remove from the bag and pat dry. Spray grease the roll with olive oil. Cover a sheet pan with aluminum foil and put a wire rack in the pan. Put the roll on the rack and put the roll in a 500 degree oven. Turn the kitchen hood on high. Roast approximately 15 minutes until the skin browns. The process is tedious, but you can see how juicy the breast meat is when finished. I am not a white meat person, but the result pleases even me. BTW, I smoke the legs and thighs and serve the turkey two ways. I found this to help.
  19. rps

    What's for Thanksgiving?

    Turkey breast porchetta style (see below), smoked turkey legs and thighs, creamed leeks, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy from scratch, queso, artichoke squares and homemade chex mix for nibbles, grapefruit and orange segments with avocado chunks for a salad with a sweet and sour onion dressing, niece is bringing a green bean casserole, sister's apple and pumpkin pies, and the wife's fudge pie and pumpkin cheesecake. Grateful for wife, daughters, family, and mostly good health. Bless you all.
  20. Now, that's just too darn personal. You want to take this outside?
  21. Some friends and I started the high school rugby league here in Tulsa in 1999. So far, three alumni of that high school program have played for the United States Eagles. OU, OSU, Arkansas, Kansas, and Arkansas State all field both men's and women's teams. I have seen the Tulsa Lacrosse club practice, but do not know much more than that. I am unaware of any American hurling teams. I have only seen it on television. It is like watching a train wreck.
  22. Other nominees: Hurling, lacrosse, and rugby.
  23. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Leftover hot dog chili ...
  24. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Cheesy corn chowder
  25. rps

    What's Cooking?

    I grow in containers on my porch. Tonight we will freeze. I have no way to protect them. I brought them in this afternoon to see how many I can ripen on the counter.
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