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Chief Grey Bear

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. The other ones didn't stand up all nice and pretty like these.
  2. I first saw the pelicans in September. I thought it was early. Some gulls weren't far behind. This was in the Clinton area.
  3. Coots are already on the rivers and pelicans showed up on Truman over a month ago.
  4. Tried some chicken pops tonight.
  5. I didn't fold. I encouraged you to start your poll. Nice twist though.
  6. It will be impossible to care any less. If that's what you need to make yourself feel better about yourself, by all means get it going. But we all know what the results are going to be. It's really not my life mission to be popular. But by all means start the poll so you can high five yourself with the results.
  7. I'm pretty sure we all know that ain't it.
  8. Is this more of your "shock value" posting?
  9. If you understood the game, you wouldn't hate it. Paying for the info has nothing to do with the insurance payment on the merchandise. Holy cow!
  10. This one took a craw too. Hooked in the nose too. But it wasn't an HD Craw. Just a regular one. I guess they still work too.
  11. I guess I'm probably the only one that finds it extremely ironic that we have a resident poster that continually posts extremely disparaging comments about those that have dedicated their lives to the science and biology field and blatant misinformation about our conservation department is given cart blanc. But if a guy post a few articles about Carp, we all lose our ever loving minds.
  12. http://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2017/11/02/rare-mccloud-rainbows-crane-creek-get-unusual-ally-new-bridge/727448001/
  13. Hell you can't even get a sticker from the MSA. And less conservation value.
  14. Yep. Its an east coast bass club masquerading as a conservation organization. For a $20 per year entry fee, you can fish with them.
  15. Yeah I'd love to do that!
  16. They seem to much more organized and active than the MSA.
  17. First pic looks like Linda Griffith's and the second looks like just up around the bend from White Bluff. You didn't give me much to work with on the last one. Nice job on the fish!
  18. Stay out of my back yard! or take me with you.
  19. You couldn't have said it any better my friend!
  20. Texas style? Just what the heck is Texas style? I always hear Texas style this and Texas style that. Is it because a Texan made it? Is it really far superior than any and all others as they claim? Ever time I run across Texas style something or a Texas style recipe, it all looks just like what everybody else has done it for ever. Is it that if you put the name Texas in it it makes it better? I say to hell with Texas.
  21. I think they just got back from Colorado.
  22. And marriage!
  23. Love deer heart. Fried or grilled. Just a little S&P to the rare side and let the natural flavor shine. Love liver. Chicken liver, beef liver, calf liver. Deer liver is a bit strong. I can eat it, but wow, not much at a time. Maybe I need more onions. Pressure cook a liver??? I'd think that would make liver soup.
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