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Chief Grey Bear

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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. You can opt to Unfollow them and it will stop the flow without having to unfriend them.
  2. My experience is that they use both. I have found many businesses via FB and then clicked on their webpage. FB learns what you like to see and will put more of those pages in your feed. And you can search FB for pages you may like. It does work a lot like Google if you know how to use it.
  3. That’s why it’s not logical. Please don’t encourage him.🤣🤣
  4. Most likely. It’s been trending for about 3-4 years but has really started getting traction in the last year or two. Another favorite is Eye of Round. Fabulous for smoking and slicing thin for sandwiches!!
  5. I love that color!!
  6. Slip on by sometime. Bring Lucky. It was fun with you two!
  7. Haha! Yeah I quit the main forum and would occasionally stop by the massive food thread. Then I remembered the political forum and thought what the heck. I really thought it would have more players than it did. But as I expected, it entertains me. Kind of refreshing in a sicko kind of way. 🤣🤣
  8. Well, there’s #2! All in one week! 2020 is crazy for sure!!
  9. I should have stayed out! Where have you been anyway??
  10. Voting 3rd party means nothing. Your words mean everything.
  11. Just wear your MAGA hat. It will explain everything.
  12. Oh, we are so close to getting you there!! 😆😆 As side note, I didn’t realize spellcheck helped me out. Thanks spellcheck, but please, one lost soul at time.
  13. That is probably the most bazaar comment you’ve ever made. You know with all your scientific data that you expunge on society daily.
  14. They actually have no bitterness. Like grilling an onion, it turns them sweeter.
  15. Have you ever grilled turnips? I guess you technically don’t grill them, I wrap in foil and toss on the grill for about an hour until soft and mushy. A little S&P and wow!
  16. I was up there today, 12-5-20, and caught a monster too! I didn’t get any measurements either.
  17. Well, that went buzzing right by ya didn’t it? Now, reread what you just said. Then use that same scenario only add a mask to the lumber yard clerk. Well, looky there. Your chances of bringing it home were greatly reduced. And all lived happily ever after. Then she got caught in bed with the lumber yard clerk and now they are both dead. But nobody could identify the perp because he had a mask on. Saved again!
  18. That and the fact you are infected long before symptoms show up. Giddy up
  19. You anti maskers realize you just made the argument for masking right? You all just stated that a mask won’t help me, but it will help me from spreading it. Great job everybody. It has been confirmed by the experts that masking does indeed help to control the spread. Thanks to everyone for playing along.
  20. I’m not against masking. I don’t like it but I do it for the betterment of my fellow Americans and my country. But I get personal freedoms and temporary minor inconveniences are what’s most important in life.
  21. Interesting. So they stop droplets from moving one way but not the other? So if I don’t have the virus, I can flip the mask around, wear it backwards and it will stop me from getting infected droplets from somebody else? Thats essentially what your saying. Droplets can move one way through the mask but not the other.
  22. The Stones have never broken up or stopped touring.
  23. My PB Brown was a 23” from Jolly Mill.
  24. That beats my PB. mine was just shy of 20.
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