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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. You guys are ahead of me. I went yesterday and worked up two Beds for Strawberries I got coming in. My Son watched. I didn’t say anything because he has TB so bad. oneshot
  2. I don’t have to buy fishing or small game. Neither does my wife. oneshot
  3. Ok I have two different charts on Grow Light. One says 24 hours the other says 18 hours. I have a Timer so will cut mine back. My stuff is starting to sprout. oneshot
  4. Tell them at Doctors office I’m perfect weight for someone 7’ 8” oneshot
  5. Just got an order in several Boxes all from China. Most of the stuff could be made here. Remember years ago talking with a Senator telling me they would rather be getting cheap stuff from China than seeing Missourians working. ????😔 oneshot
  6. Bad thing is even now I don’t consider Skunk smell that bad. Even Stink Bait isn’t that bad. Now taste is a different matter. Skinning Fox always got me everything I ate for awhile tasted like Fox. oneshot
  7. I’m just nuts grow what I can. Was told 24 hours on Grow Lights first 3 weeks. I have found the roots are as important as the tops. They like air and not too much water. Sprays I’m thinking watch what I put on my plants considering I’m eating them. I’ve always had plenty of food and firewood thinking if I run out I’m in bad shape. oneshot
  8. Was just watching the News and they are saying Boat Parts are in short supply. They said Fishing Supplies the same. I order fishing stuff in bulk and so far doing ok. What makes me mad is ordering something they say is in stock only to find they don’t have it and don’t know when they will . oneshot
  9. I had to laugh one time it the store where they had whole Carp in the meat section. A woman at check out said I smell a Skunk. Other woman I do to. I’m standing there I smell it to. LOL oneshot
  10. That is why many burn woods off this time of year. More food for Deer. oneshot
  11. Mostly Cooper, Moniteau and Petits. Sold to Jack Viers whom my family had sold to since 1902 when he would bring horse and wagon around buying. Jumbo Coons were bringing $50. I killed 4 out of one tree. Left Coons in it. Rats were bringing $7 I caught bunch of them. Grinners and Skunks were bringing around $3. Grandpa said long as we was skinning Skunks didn’t have to worry about getting stopped up or dry hands. Oneshot
  12. Once again saying I’m BSing or calling me a liar. Like I say I was putting my paycheck of $200 a week in the Bank. I would make $50 a week working for the Cemetery. This money went into the Bank. I trapped and run Dogs Fur Season made $10,000+ My wife worked making 100 a week this went for our $40 a month Rent and Electric, Groceries. Her money from the Nursing Home went in the Bank. After 3 years we found 100 acres with a house for $150 an acre. This is the way it was go on with your stupid thoughts. oneshot
  13. Try most are annuals but might have to hit them couple times. My Son is supposed to be dying of Lymphoma Cancer they are saying he got it from Round Up. oneshot
  14. I knew guys that would hunt Den Trees. Oh I did run Black and Tans and couple hundred Traps not all legal. oneshot
  15. Most I drove my Pickup to . Remember using over a box of.22 shorts in one day. I was selling Green. This was three seasons. All my paycheck was going in the bank. My check from the cemetery was going in the bank. My wife extra check was going in the bank. Sleep what was that? That was one reason my Ex was glad to be shed of me I didn’t spend time with my family. Well shoot I was working 10 hours a day 7 days a week and running a farm. oneshot
  16. This was back in early’70’s. I lived on 350 acres after the first year it wasn’t worth trapping. I killed the crap out of critters. You figure catch over 50 Coons a day adds up not counting other. So I trapped and hunted in other areas. oneshot
  17. NO is ok I guess if you’re young but I’m more of a stay at home Party kind of guy. oneshot
  18. Yea Fat Tuesday is it but I was being nice. And it is better away from New Orleans. oneshot
  19. My kids hated eating Rice and Catfish 3X a day. Hunt all day with Dogs thought 2 Rabbits was good. Here hunt 30 minutes kicking brush piles get my limit. My family is different but fun. oneshot
  20. Well it has been 40 years since I have been down there. oneshot
  21. Been using Spray I think this will be better. My wife says I should have someone around. oneshot
  22. My wife needs it. oneshot
  23. Kind of wanting to go back to Louisiana fish and visit family. Thought staying at Hot Springs couple days then drive on down. It would cost. But could go to our Cabin at Truman Lake and have a good time with plenty fishing. Cheap. oneshot
  24. Thing with it though you have to be on Private Property setting still. I asked about taking ATV on Public Land. It is a pain. You get a permit for one day if for some reason you don’t go you have to reapply. oneshot
  25. I would be concerned on this. I often fall asleep. I know there is straps to hold you but if I had to deal with them I still couldn’t get back in the Stand. My main thing now is holding the front of my Firearm up. I know guy’s wingshoot with only one arm I would have to watch them. oneshot
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