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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. We figure can rent out the Apartment for Fishing and Hunting. Got thousands of acres of Public Land and I have a place to hang Deer. Place can sleep 3 easy has everything a person would need. Thinking of putting a Firepit out back. oneshot
  2. Kind of like Beer. Years ago I had some Summer Sausage that wasn't packed good, looked like Dog Food. After a few Beers everyone thought it was great. oneshot
  3. They use us and that was who I was going through that messed up. TV uses us. I have to get better Radar which will run me $75. It was crazy last night had one Super Cell park , one Tornado and Hail. Had two different money people in there. Why are you doing this? Well to pinch pennies we don't need this because we just use it a couple times a year make do. Oh BS this will be changed. oneshot
  4. Get a call from a Supervisor. What is the weather doing? I don't know. Oh you haven't been told you are New Weather Chief. Ok call you back. So check two different radars telling me two diffent things. Went with my gut feeling.WRONG! System decided to do the opposit. Had to go to the office. Kept getting text from Old Weather Chief telling me how bad a job I was doing. I was told don't pay him no mind. So now need to upload some stuff on my phone and computer. oneshot
  5. We like the Mexican place in Warsaw. Had Chinese place in town I liked but they got shut down for serving cat. oneshot
  6. Spent many nights setting around the fire with many around the country. My Son couldn't believe the people I know. Just read where an old friend is one of the top billionaires in the country. Bet he no longer remembers me, money does this. oneshot
  7. Yesterday I started peeing Blood. So went to the ER. I have been on Warferin for years because of a messed up Leg and never had a problem. Seems this was the problem it cleared up. One good thing my wife took me to Taco John's. Never ate there before it was pretty good. oneshot
  8. Dang oneshot has started bunch in this section. oneshot
  9. We take the Thighs debone and tenderize by beating then bread and fry. Me and my wife get 6 meals out of a Wild Turkey. oneshot
  10. They had Wolves and many Mountain Lions here and it wasn't good. oneshot
  11. My wife asked me if I cared if she quit and took a Job working from home? Well it isn't my call but seems she has made up her mind already went for interview. Work 20 hours a week from home all kinds of benefits. Only thing is they are so close at work and her Boss lives next door. It's like getting a divorce they know all your dirty secrets. She is also going to rent out our apartment as Airbnb. oneshot
  12. Early 80's and late 70's oneshot
  13. Just a small one. 250 pounds + a Ham. When I was a kid we did 8 at time. We would quater and salt them. Scaring my wife take a fresh killed Deer,gut it and mop it out with Brine, salt around cuts and Bullet hole. Use to leave gutted Rabbits in the shed to freeze, use as needed. oneshot
  14. oneshot

    Yea Right!

    Done tried. oneshot
  15. oneshot

    Yea Right!

    Been working on my garden, hurting baaaad. My wife maybe they can operate on your Back and make it better. I would bet they operate then say take it easy for 6 months. 😫 oneshot
  16. Had Hog cured. Cleaned it up was going to let it age. Had some Apple Wood. Decided to smoke it. So spent yesterday Smoking it. Well 4 people ate some and are still living so guess I didn't mess up. Now my wife is wanting to Cure and Smoke all meat. oneshot
  17. Alarm didn't get me up. Asked my wife where systems is. She wouldn't tell me because I might mess things. oneshot
  18. Got a New Phone so far not good. oneshot
  19. I was a man trapped in a woman's body then I was born. oneshot
  20. Yes when I was trapping killed thousands of animals. Some used for meat. All were used for fur which there was a good market. oneshot
  21. Funny when we set people free they took our last name. My cousin said we were not Caucasian, I told her we were so she no longer talks to me. Go to Family Reunion older folks are like that is the way it was. Younger ones blame us for our ancestors what they was legally doing. I didn’t get rich because of it but plenty that took our name are very well to do because they applied themselves. oneshot
  22. I owned the two room school with Community Center upstairs. The other school was couple miles down the gravel road. Interesting Historic area. oneshot
  23. My wife found a picture of the first place I had bought. I told her it was the White School. She thought it was the name of the school. No dear it was a school for White Kids only. oneshot
  24. Wife would make Plum Butter it’s hard to find places to get worth while. I like Elderberries and Blackberries. oneshot
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