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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by slider

  1. Looking for opinions on a acc crappie stix. How do they compare to a g loomis rod?
  2. Yea we were right above the handi cap ramp.
  3. Brother in law and I fished the tail race last night. Lots of rough water. Caught 20 whites and 12 crappie between us. Sliders and bettles.
  4. I just got a new phone and have lost my login information. I was lucky and it is still on my old phone that I could get to the forums but need it to get to my new phone.
  5. Johnsfolly, the Indigo Milky really tasted a lot like a morel with a bit of a bitter taste when you swallow. We fried it like a morel. So maybe sauting would be better. That's the first time I've found more than one or two.
  6. Made about a half hour walk this morning. Very productive. Lots more chanterelles to come.
  7. Johnsfolly, we were on the bank fishing sliders, beetles and swimming minnows. Had limits of whites last night along with this 13.4 flathead.
  8. Staying a few days in Warsaw. Fished last night and 30 whitebass and 8 crappie between 2 of us.
  9. The two long beard gobbled all morning just wouldn't come the extra distance.
  10. It's been a tough season fore me so far. Been messing with one old gobbler with no luck. Changed to a new location this morning and had two long beards coming in but just wouldn't come to where I needed them. This Jake came in from behind, so I went ahead and killed him. 15.6 lbs 4 inch beard. Maybe this week on one of the long beards.
  11. I don't know where all the bucks are, I saw 13 does and not a single buck.
  12. Chief still after the sucker's. I'm still using my little one burner I fried sucker's on the day we cooked.
  13. I killed this doe yesterday about 8. Went back and watched the field last night from the house and saw a good buck come out right where I killed this one. I'll be back in that stand.
  14. Vonreed, they weren't running any water. Did have 1 flood gate open.
  15. Just figured out how to post as slider aka Donnie Lupton.
  16. I always love the high water below the dam, you never know what you might catch. I have had stringers of as many as 5 different species on my stringer before. Good Luck.
  17. I was raised in church as a kid but fell out when I got older, stayed away fore several years. I finally got a wake up call and started back. Didn't know how I was gonna get all my fishing and hunting in just on Saturday. Let me tell you I catch more and do more killing than before. The Lord will provide.
  18. Wrench I see them on EBay, you might give it a look.
  19. I went last night, kind of slow 2 of us had 13 crappy and small whites between us.
  20. I usually grab a sucker every spring that looks just like that. I wonder if it's been injured or just hatched this way.
  21. I was there Thursday evening 2 of us had limits of whites and 14 crappie between us. Fished fro about 7:30 until midnight.
  22. slider

    Finally got a bird

    Killed my second bird Satuarday, I hunted Friday and only heard 1 bird after he hit to ground nothing. No gobbles at all Saturday just happened to be in the right spot when 3 Jakes came by.
  23. I found 3 chicken of the woods and some chantrells last week.
  24. If you have a small bucket, I only caught 4 today. Lol Did manage to catch limit of suckers at Bull Creek.
  25. slider

    No More Tags

    First turkey 23.8 lbs.3/4 inch spurs 11 inch beard.Second bird 22.8 1inch spurs 7 inch beard.
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