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Sherwood Flycaster

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Everything posted by Sherwood Flycaster

  1. The timestamp on the Andy's is not 10pm. What is MFU?
  2. I believe that if someone interferes or harrasses with a person fishing within the banks of a stream or river that has been accessed by way of a public boat launch put in by the Missouri Department of Conservation, then the harrasser/interferer should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. The state of Missouri has laws in place to keep this from happening and yet it still happens all the time. The only way to stop this type of harrassment and intimidation is to punish the law breakers. This stream, Shoal Creek, has obviously been deemed navigatable by someone in the higher powers of the states government, or the MDC would not have put in, not just one, but five public boat launches on the stream in order for the public to navigate, explore, fish, and clean up trash and debris on the stream. I, Aaron Pohle, strongly demand that something be done in order to correct this wrong doing and to insure that it does not happen again
  3. On the Swing Some light reading on wetting.
  4. Do I know you? I've joined the Church of MyAnthology. Unfortunately, you've dug up the post that brought my soul much etymological tumult, and thereby enlightened me to that salvation. I must now go hither and thither for prayer and meditation.
  5. Where's my Lion King?!
  6. May want to read this: http://threeriverspu...d=66&Itemid=264
  7. PC, consider those sold if still available. See TRW....
  8. And normally that consists of some serious bloviating. Carry on however you want to, my little oracle "neighbor".
  9. I just love it when someone asks a simple question and someone else thinks it so secret they cant state publicly the answer, YET they will publicly indicate they offered it privately. Whatevah, "neighbor".
  10. I smelleda little of that myself. I also think it presumptuous of anyone to assume they know how/where/why Shaffer got a hold of this now infamous batch of fly line much less why he would like to get rid of it since that information isn't available far as I can tell.
  11. Yeah I saw that. Seems about the online going rate. Just thought I'd see if I could find one from 'round these parts without it gettin' another big business/personal debate going. Thanks!
  12. Only reason he beat me was I took the time to point out this thread to his butt and didnt realize I hadnt hit the submit button! What gator said, BTW. Wish I could join you boys, GB, but the wallet is already stretched too thin, especially since I had to buy a new rig to replace the one I broke. (Oh the irony- buy a rig and cant afford to use it where/when you want!)
  13. Recently purchased a new Pflueger Trion- digging it, and would like to get a spare spool for some sinking line possibilities. Anyone that has one or knows where I can hook one gimme a shout. Thankya- SF
  14. Might want to stop throwing that much lead to start, GB. LOL!
  15. Lilleys Landing May'08-
  16. Cool thread. 1981- I'm 14yo in Philmont, New Mexico. I have a wad of line, a couple hooks and not much else. So, I took some fuzz and thread from a sock, tied it to one of my hooks and fashioned a pole from a branch. The creek was unbelievably small, but had a reasonable flow and there was definitely fish in there. Little did I realize at the time they were wild little brookies. And my sock fly fooled them. 1995ish- Creek down the hill from my first house. A fave of myself and Patfish, we speak often of going back there one day. Caught quite a few there back in the day. 2003- My most recent trip down to the White(with PFish of course). Gotta get back there too we do... 2005- Canada trip, Sandybeach Lake. Yup, need another trip there as well. Sept2009- Lake Alan. I totally hate takin self portraits fish pics....
  17. Well, that sucks. Another smaller local operation that caters to us biting the dust.
  18. And I guess I shoulda never done your homework for you. If you didnt like what I found for ya, no, no you shouldnta brought it up. Thanks for playin'.
  19. From the link I offered- " While the cost of visiting the International Space Station is well beyond the means of most people, for the most elite group, Space Adventures is currently planning on selling tickets for a more expensive journey, which will go all of the way to the moon. While this option isn’t currently accessible yet, the details are indeed underway to make such a vacation possible for a few of the wealthiest people in the world. Of course keep in mind that the logistics are more complicated than sub-orbiting the earth or landing at the space station. In part this is because the journey will necessitate two separate launches, one of the Soyuz space ship and one of a booster rocket that the Soyuz will need to attach to when it reaches low Earth orbit. It is also important to note that at this point, such a journey will likely be a planned lunar flyby, rather than a full orbit of the moon, because this will be the most cost-effective use of fuel that will be needed for this mission. The price for a ticket to the moon is currently estimated at between $100 and $200 million."
  20. 100k may get em in orbit, but to da' moon? Not even remotely likely- M/Billionares need only apply <-clickety click Good luck to pops nonetheless!
  21. Wow....I rarely get to lookin' this far down on the topics list. Glad I did! Those are some freekin awesome mods, Eric. And I too am totally diggin' the rod holder(no need to mention how awesome that "stuff" pouch is as well!). Now you have me wanting to "recreate" my Penobscot! Maybe to do so will get it our more often.....thanks for inspiring! Oh, and I kinda like the camo......I wear mine all the time. Did you make that beer bag yourself or find em somewhere?? (You hearin me, Patfish?!)
  22. Not sure if this helps or not Al, but it's all I have to offer! I've got a number of slides myself that I'd like to get digitized (not nearly the number you seem to). The auto slide feeder is especially interesting. Your idea of project and shoot seems plausible as well, though a few more steps to the process I think. Of course the cost looks a bit restrictive, but what would it possibly cost to have it done for that many slides I wonder? May be cost effective in your case. Slide Scanning ~SF~
  23. T'was a great day, eh! 'Cept that swirling wind, a motor that just refuses to simply run consistently, me gettin' Clunned (inside joke), wrappin' line in the trolling motor during a 'Clunn' on our last stretch of water, and having to call it a day! Come out ag'in soon, brutha!
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