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    Current River

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Red Shiner (40/89)



  1. There has been a few around my neck of the woods but nothing worth bragging about....yet.
  2. Been layin low Gavin...couple of 5,6 pounders this winter, nothin to brag about. Didn't fish much. Catchin those 2 at daylight kinda speaks for itself, gotta hunch you know, lol. later
  3. For whatever it's worth I have fished the Current for 40 years. 99% of my bigger fish(6lbs. and up) have always come at daylight. Undisturbed water is almost a must IMO. later
  4. Reminds me when they banned tires from landfills...really didn't have a feasable plan on where to go with em just no more landfills. The result around here has been every sink hole, public access, ditch line, just about everywhere...worn out tires. I do see more hanging on fence posts filled with rock to keep the posts down in low spots, more tire gardening guess you would call it, few more tire swings. Folks got creative with em for a while then started pitching them any and everywhere. Before they outlaw or ban something I wish they would have a solution for the problem it will create. The foam is another prime example of 'What do we do with it now ? Guys out in the sticks were burnin em and the end result is a pile of wire left. I bet the foam is plentiful around LOZ...maybe someone should build some foam condo's...by nature they would be well insulated and water resistant. later on
  5. The newest MDC warmwater hatchery is Lost Valley at Warsaw...it's my understanding that the hatchery is pretty much a total flop. The corp wouldn't let them use Trumans water and the wells at the hatchery are pumped out, underground water table issues, residents wells being affected, numerous problems. If this is the case what was suppose to be such a great warmwater hatchery has ended up literally wasting millions of tax dollars. All fish have their place but IMO smallies are in dire need of help, just based on the decline I've seen over the years. Some streams may be holding their own but the ones I have fished...it's just not the same seems to me. In most rivers the natives are just on their own. IMO if this is indeed the case it's sure a shame. later on
  6. Just speculation but IMO the mdc didn't show much interest because the findings were not their own...who knows. later on
  7. I know the Current like the back of my hand...really haven't spent enouph time on the rest to give an honest comparison. I can say every trip I've taken on the NFOW have produced nice fish...several 20 inchers plus and a few over 25". The Meramec has produced numerous fish in the 20, 22" range...have seen very few from there that would beat 25" but I haven't spent near the time on the water there. Having never fished the Niangua I can't say anything short of a fishermans tale, and I know none of us would ever do such a thing, lol. later on
  8. We all have our opinions depending on what each of us has seen...IMO Brian you are just touching the tip of the iceburg. Those 'In Charge' so to speak of specific waterways do not spend enouph time on what they are supposed to be in charge of...a couple of studies a year, a shocking, task forces, special commitees, public meetings (IMO a total facade), bioligists invaluable input, etc... You said 6 ppm...that's about how much oil it takes to keep a well run Propoganda Machine oiled, lol. All of our opinions come from things we have seen and experienced...this forum shows that each of us have sure seen many different things...on such matters I feel we should just agree to disagree and move on. Getting seriously aggrevated about each others opinions to me just isn't right...I for one don't care what anyone thinks and hope I am viewed the same as long as nobody is too pushy with their opinions. I don't mind anyones opinions as long as they are respectful...I'll be the first to aknowledge there are many things I don't know...have probably forgot more than I ever knew, that darn CRS stuff, lol. Brian, maybe your eyes are seeing through the smoke screen a little...JMO but it is a very nice expensive smoke screen. Our burning desire to control mother nature itself has been destroying natures way of creating natural habitat for many many years. Mankinds attempts to change or control are doing little more than killing what's left of 'Mother Nature', she needs help and in most cases all I see is talk...the direction we are headed is just flat talking everything to death. IMO this is also the real deal. Sorry to get off topic...couldn't resist, lol later on
  9. Wrench, You be the man when it comes to nailing the weight of chubs right on the head. lmao. You know... later on
  10. I agree with the spoon but have to say from what I've seen dropping a live shad down there just might catch one to...or are we considering that a given amoungst those of us that fish bait also. Without a very nice live tank (a shad tank) they have to be one of the fragilest bait fish I've ever messed with. Might be a good topic for another thread...reasons shad are so delicate and take certain tanks, rounded corners, excellent filtration due to an excessive amount of very small filter clogging scales, whatever it may be. Could be something good to discuss. With the diversity on the board maybe we could all put our noggins together and come up with a prototype, outsource it and get filthy rich...YEAH RIGHT !! LATER ON
  11. Same way with shad in lakes... Gulls hitting the water are generally the first indicator. Birds, fish, whatever their food source is they follow it...smarter than us in their world so we follow them, lol. IMO the whites blow the shad and while they are exausting their energy killing and injuring shad the big old hybids often are below or close by to pick up on the injured, parts, whatever is left. I don't feel there are many species of big fish (besides spoonbill and they move constantly and slowly to filter plankton) that wear themslves out chasing small baitfish around. My opinion is that's why muskie take on avereage several hours on the water for a hook up. IMO they feed big and for a short period then sit, digest and watch all the youngins wear theit butts out...then take advantage of the situation if they are hungry. Anyway...another idiots opinion, lol. later on BTW, Happy Turkey Day to all...I used to be married to a big family, you know how that goes (hopefully not, lol) but I must admit I do miss it...more of that change stuff, guess it really is the only 'Constant'.......
  12. The boulders were used for this a few years back at Montauk towards the lower end of the park in marginal flat water to try to create some pockets. I saw this effort with a trac hoe used, it appeared to be a pretty big trac hoe but I don't know much about trac hoe sizes, and it really wouldn't support a very large boulder without tipping the hoe when the arm got extended out...really surprised me, I thought it would have handled larger boulders. Just guessing, half as big as a VW Bug?? somewhere in there. Far as I can tell they have stayed and created some small pockets behind, to the sides and filled gravel above...typical. To create a nice pocket will take a much larger boulder than one would think...don't know how big, but big from what I've seen these do. Getting huge boulders in there would be a challenge...maybe a monster chopper... sounds stupid but a chopper would do the least damage. Maybe one could be rented at one of these equipment rental places, lol. later on
  13. Howdy, We have something in common...we'll be talkin hopefully. I'm one of the worst/best CRS guys on the board...gotta take pride in somethin, lol. later on
  14. Like Wader I always wade light also. I have done everything mentioned...anymore if I need to know a specific length I just cut a piece of nylon string and burn the ends to avoid it fraying. In your pocket, tied on a vest, whatever works best for ya...I always cut it about an half an inch too long for good measure. I don't know for a fact but have heard some say the stick on tapes may shrink a little after being exposed to the elements...guess I've never checked one to see. My dad used to lay them on the cross member of the old wooden canoe we had and mark them with his knife and measure them later. I have told this before but the longest smallie mark was back in the early 60s I'd say...he and the local cons. agent were fishing the Piney and they caught 2 huge ones, they marked them both...1 mark was 24" and the other 26". That's huge smallies, always have wondered what they would have weighed. The old canoe is in a local antique shop and still has the marks. The history behind that old canoe is a neat story in itself. later on
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