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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by flyfshn

  1. flyfshn

    Top 100

    Dang!!!! I missed the word "fourth"....I thought it said it was ranked in the top 100 when I posted my comment!!
  2. flyfshn

    Top 100

    I'd say its in the top 10!
  3. Boy Thom, you are always traveling.....must be nice! ha ha What part of Florida are you visiting? Glad your back on!
  4. I voted for Huckabee, but he only stands a slight chance if the Romney fans support him, now that he is out of the race. Going to be a tough election and the ridiculous commercials are already starting!!
  5. Bittle, thanks for all you do! I have a friend/neighbor who is a Kirkwood police officer and knew these two very well. You hit it on the head.....Coward!
  6. Bums you......I was planning to give mine to you and stay a night or two!! Now I will have to apply it to the credit card!
  7. Thanks Dano! Wanted to make sure it wasn't my computer!
  8. Thanks Dano! Wanted to make sure it wasn't my computer!
  9. Happy B-day John! If I forget (2 weeks), Happy D-day Terry! John, since you are 29, Leonard would be the dinosuar!!
  10. Thanks for the report Bill! Wish I was down there!
  11. No Leonard the big question is........can we go with you!! You know....he can adopt us and take us along. Better yet, we could get Al to take us to his cabin and have Michael set us up with his guide buddy....us poor people that is!
  12. Dano, it is pretty sad. Kirkwood is approx 6 miles away and I attended a zoning meeting there a few years ago for work. The guy violated the city ordinance of operating a business (construction contactor) out of his home, owed $18k in tickets (city waived), sued the city and the supreme court (tried, lost/denied yesterday), disrupted city hall meetings, etc and his brother/mother says something to the effect that it was a long time coming, was discriminated against and they (city hall) were picking on him. He was involved in the city and served on the housing authority. Sad, very sad!
  13. Not to change the subject or complain......but is anyone else having problems posting comments? I just timed the last post and it was 2 minutes before it posted? Anyone else experiencing probs??
  14. Interesting! I always wondered and basically guessed what size to use. Typicall for size #18 and smaller, I use 7x...size #12-#16 I use 6x and 5x for the rest. I always use flurocarbon....have always had better luck with it vs mono.
  15. many will disagree with me, but I wear neoprene in the winter and breathable in the spring/summer/fall. Have not figured out a way to stay warm in them in the winter.............they are much easier to get on and off!!!
  16. I have blue.....mine remembers me when I log in, but I have it saved as a favorite
  17. Actually heard that story....not sure if it is true
  18. flyfshn

    Super Bowl

    Great game!!!
  19. Nice fish.....and report!
  20. Leave it! Glad to see you posting more Terry.....miss the humor!!
  21. flyfshn


    Kind of slow on the site.....assuming everyone is out shoveling snow? We have 4" already and I already shoveled to keep up
  22. WOW!! Didn't realize that it was split up until I read this thread!
  23. That is a huge improvement! Checked it out at lunch and it is much easier to navigate and find things. I agree with you Brian.....like Ed's jokes in "Ed's Specials", but it was difficult to find things.
  24. Welcome! Yep, this is a fine site!!
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