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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by shawncat

  1. Congrats Seth
  2. yo one funny feller.To bad yo cant kill a duck!


  3. still mad about that skin I left on your filet.....t'aint ya?
  4. oh,my bad.....thank you!
  5. .....hard to miss when you got old ladies in lawnchairs and fish on,screaming at you for snagging them!BWHAHAHAHAHEEHEE
  6. Id worry about it being high more so than low this time of year.Dont be surprised if you still catch trout along with smallmouths.Theres at least one pay to play trout feeder stream still above hwy 8 where escapees get in the mac. Streams thin and faster up by low water bridge and widens and slows as you near hwy 8......so save some energy to paddle last 3rd of float.
  7. that's hurtful....not the name call'n,just you couldn't come up wit something better'n that!
  8. ....what...no pic's?LOL Did you try lighter line?
  9. Wow,very nice!Had to watch the cast twice was hard to believe the first time!Well done!
  10. nice Bman
  11. nice!
  12. ...cool pics!
  13. ....thanks for replies gentleman,color is nice but rock snot [didymo] is discouraging in pic.
  14. rainbow
  15. ....started feb.1st walking bank just below C&R sign at bull shoals state park thowing barbless white x rap,son barbless 1/8 white roostertail.....both lures hooked up after first cast.Got checked by game warden right at C&R sign.Nice guy,gave me some info and told me barbs looked good.Ended up c&r'ing about 8-10 fish,12"-!3" Switched to flesh fly and big puff balls in orange and pink on fly rod and picked up 3 more.Moved downriver to partee shoals and hooked up 10-12 more.....fish were fatter with more color and seemed to fight more.....but it was rapids so that could be expected. Sunday got snowed in for most part[about 4" snow] and rented boat Monday on 3 generators.C&R was slow with only couplo 12"-!3" caught,ended up floating state park when they shut down to 1 geney using rooster tails,pink and white jigs,wht/flo power egss,air injected crawlers and put a pretty good eater stringer to take home[13"-!5"] .....first pic is minimum flow 50 degrees[water was a little deeper but I didn't notice any more current pressure] second pic is 1 unit,11 degrees and 4" snow. third pic is fatty from partee shoal,which are a little different from silver bullets in state park[way more color,orange fins with white tips]
  16. ....Place seriously has been exposed here before many times for many years.Bottom line is aint nobody here can tell a man how/where/what he should post....but phil.As long as forum rules haven't be broken,phil hasn't asked me to post/edit i'll continue to post what I want,where I want,when I want period.Dont like it,dont open it....that easy. I know seth,guess what,from here and consider him a friend and a good steward....im sure he didn't post spot to ruin resource,ruin somebodies honey hole.I think he posted for reason he's stated....give somebody a tip,help them turn a cold day into something special,give somebody a good read.He certainly don't deserve a backlash like this...especially after all the good reads he's turned us on to. Seth's young,an excellent fisher,and again a good stewart....I doubt he'll make a mistake[as some here think]like this again.He'll be around longer than most here will due to his age,his hardiness[he don't give up easy....as seen]and his true nature to help. If you knew seth,i'd bet anyone here would be happy to have him in a foxhole wit ya or the type you'd let marry your daughter.So for you older nay'sayers,he just needs a little school'n,for you younger ones....don't open it,just say'n.Carry on....
  17. ....I think seth should be spanked and sent to corner!....not for give'n up a spot but exposing me as a old mangy stray cat!Just say'n!
  18. ...it all depends on which way wind blows and what momma cooked for supper last night.One week a feller can post Bennett smallie report complete with pic's and lures used....next week a mac report wont go as smooth.Thanks for report seth....I mean stay outta me spot....sorry wind shifted.
  19. good stuff!
  20. nice'n.
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