....Place seriously has been exposed here before many times for many years.Bottom line is aint nobody here can tell a man how/where/what he should post....but phil.As long as forum rules haven't be broken,phil hasn't asked me to post/edit i'll continue to post what I want,where I want,when I want period.Dont like it,dont open it....that easy.
I know seth,guess what,from here and consider him a friend and a good steward....im sure he didn't post spot to ruin resource,ruin somebodies honey hole.I think he posted for reason he's stated....give somebody a tip,help them turn a cold day into something special,give somebody a good read.He certainly don't deserve a backlash like this...especially after all the good reads he's turned us on to.
Seth's young,an excellent fisher,and again a good stewart....I doubt he'll make a mistake[as some here think]like this again.He'll be around longer than most here will due to his age,his hardiness[he don't give up easy....as seen]and his true nature to help.
If you knew seth,i'd bet anyone here would be happy to have him in a foxhole wit ya or the type you'd let marry your daughter.So for you older nay'sayers,he just needs a little school'n,for you younger ones....don't open it,just say'n.Carry on....