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Everything posted by Bman

  1. Phil, Thanks for passing along the information!
  2. I had a great time spending the day at M.S.P. with my son, Matt, his lovely wife, and two of my four awesome grandkids, Mira and Cole. We caught enough fish to keep my grandkids happy, although I practice catch and release normally, grandpa was obligated to keep a limit to BBQ. Conditions: The water was clear and a bit low. I got there late morning, and many of the nicer fish were feeding high in the water column. There were plenty of scuds in the water too.Yep they were munching on bugs! Ignoring the bait being thrown at them. Not so with the chinass trout. C'mon Tisha, give the little fishy a little sugar...
  3. Guess who was on the lake during that deluge? Me and my son Matt. We were dressed in shorts and t shirts ready for upper 90's temps. When the fog came up afterward...while boating, we were FREEZING!!! Who woulda guessed!
  4. This is something that the folks at St Croix recently put up on their site. This may help explain what I liked about the Bank Robber.
  5. sold
  6. Guy’s Sorry, I haven’t logged on O.A. in a while. I sold this rod. Micheal, The line was a SA Mastery Series GPX. I’m sure the roll casting was no fault of the rod. Any rod I pick up exceeds my casting skills. Gwh, the line on the Bank Robber was a SA mastery textured “GPX taper”. This line really seemed to do the job for a novice like me.
  7. Is it a spring break thing?
  8.     SWEET!!!
  9. I'm offering this fly rod in perfect condition for $340 OBO. They sell for $440.
  10. Cmurray, Here they are.
  11. Bman


    Mitch, The first pic nothing but a fluke cast ;-) the second was on a hair jig.
  12. Yes, it is still for sale.
  13. Bman


    Here's 2 that bring fond memories.
  14. Bman


    Mitch, Wasn't that a 21" Smallie that the Guru released when I met you two on the river that day
  15. I just noticed another similarity to Eric's picture. If I'm not mistaken, that picture was taken in the exact same spot as my pic. Just out on that shallow shoal from outlet #3!!! Only difference is Eric is facing the outlet and I have my back to it. That's Rebar over his shoulder, right? It appears that it's just about the same water condition too, roughly 1 unit. Is it possible we both landed the same fish in the same spot? WOW.
  16. Eric, awesome fish! I released this one 2 years ago, fall of 2011. Could it be??? The same fish??? The Kype, coloring, body type? Maybe...I would like to think the fish I released that day is still alive and doing well and being enjoyed by others.
  17. Rick, Best wishes!
  18. Sweet! Thats a thumper.
  19. This rod is rod is one year old, in perfect condition. I fished Taney with it last fall, and on my recent Taney trip. $290.00 obo. SOLD
  20. Spotting them, and fishing for that one fish is the way to go for me. I love the process of sight fishing...
  21. Thanks guys. Yes that's a Lamson reel. It performed perfectly.
  22. I had the pleasure of fishing recently for a day with good fishing buddy, fly fishing coach, Guide, Captain Chuck Griess. The Dam had two units running as we explored for Biggen’s. When suddenly we froze on our tracks when Chuck grabbed my shoulder and said, “Look at that”. There she was a dark line in the high swift water. I tried to reach her with the rod I had, a Sage 9ft Z Axis 5wt. I couldn’t present my flies properly, I couldn’t reach it. That’s when Chuck handed me the rod he was carrying, a new StCroix “Bank Robber” 9ft 5wt. Wow! This rod can roll cast halfway across Tanney, throw weighted Sculpins, or a delicate dropper rig with ease! With the higher water condition and where we were, I had no back cast to the fish, so it was a long roll cast to the exact spot and a sufficient mend to get the drift needed. After a refusal of the flies, a quick change of flies and rigging, and she was on! You can zoom in to the lower jaw back in the corner of her mouth and see the scud! I saw my backing two times, the fish taking me right out in the middle of the Lake with 2 units running. We had to chase a bit, but Captain Chuck masterfully netted the fish for me as we high fived. I'm going to pick up one of the St Croix BankRobber 5wt's cast sculpins and streamers to a size 18 sucds. Anyone interested in a one year old Sage 9ft 5wt Z Axis rod?
  23. Mitch, Gavin, Thanks guys. Mitch, Have you been fishing with Nick?
  24. A lead head, or sculpin helmet on a PMS!
  25. Still a memory for a life time! I know that I will never forget the look on your face that early foggy morning!
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