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Micheal Kyle

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Micheal Kyle

  1. Yep I thought that was you good to see you guys yesterday. Hopefully the fishing bite will come back when the winds die!! Not that's it has been bad just more difficult to keep on the spots:)
  2. Do you know Cale Smith?
  3. The last few nights have been great on the James except for Wednesday night it was either the spot or the cold front that moved through. We ended up going up to the top shoal about a mile up from Blunks last night and hammered the fish again using the 150gr sink tip on the fly rod. The color of choice last night was pink\purple clouser. Casting it out in the current and letting it swing into the calmer water and that is when they would hit it, most of the time you did not even have to strip the line they were already on it . They are not hitting it very aggressive either just a little tap. Lots of fish every where up top. Good luck this weekend with the temps in the 70's it should be a stellar weekend. We ended up with 26 nice keepers be for we had to leave I guess some people have to get to bed to go to work:(
  4. It has been great fish are all over the place. Lots of big sows every where and fish are rolling on top of the water as well. I only fly fish for them and have been using 150gr Rio dc 24 sink tip. I have been using clouser minnows in chart/white and grey/white. The fish are just attacking it seems to be a day time bite right now Monday and Tuesday quit fishing around 8pm and we all had our limits. I prefer to fish at night so last night I did not start till 8 pm and fished till midnight and only had 7 fish. They would not touch the fly with the sinking line had to end up going to a straight floating line dead drifting it and picked a few off. I have been fishing straight across from boat ramp and down and there are a few spin fisherman that are catching them on white jig and purple bettle spins on that side as well. With the warmer weather headed our way this weekend it should be an awesome spot. I will be in the turkey woods with my daughters so good luck to all.
  5. Awesome fish!!!!
  6. Well said Justin!!!!!!
  7. Awesome I can't wait to see what they have done with the place. It is nice to know that we are going to have a fully stocked fly shop again here in Springfield. I and my wife wish them the best of luck with the new adventure!!
  8. Maybe I should consider my self lucky I have a wife that likes to fish and she loves the White. We were sitting around the house on Sunday and I was tired from from being out all night on a guide trip and Kristina said hey you want to load the girls up and go to Arkansas and fish. I am pretty sure you know my response to make a long story short we ended up down on the White at Dale Fultons Lodge.. What a great spot and what a great guy he does everything right, from the rooms to the nice continental breakfast he provides a great service and atmosphere. We put in at Wildcat Shoals this morning and floated down to Cotter and the streamer fishing was hot they had one unit on when we put on and cranked it up to around 4 in the afternoon. It was not long be for Madelyn had her first fish ever on her fly rod stripping a streamer. We fished a type 4 full sink fly line with a 56er as the choice of fly and the bite was hot catching a fish on all most every cast, what a morning stripping streamers. Madelyn's first fish on a streamer Once we got down past Wildcat shoals the water started to rise and to me it was egg time with girls because I wanted them to catch a bunch of fish and that is what they did.I am not sure how many fish they caught but it was lot and they had a blast. I had the egg set for them around 5-6 feet deep and we fished river right. Water stayed good and clear down to Cotter. Here is a pic of Olivia with a fish she caught on her fly rod dead drifting the 56er. I also had a first today had a triple to the boat with little help Maycee had her first fish on a fly rod today. Here is a pic of all 3 with there fish Had a blast till next time tight lines. Michael
  9. Had a great night on the water and had the whole river to ourselves down below Point Royale. The fishing was awesome fishing with Mohair leeches (that are now sold in Phil's fly shop). We put on the water around 9:0pm. and took off around 3:00am. The water was in great condition good flows and and was not to dirty since the rains the past couple of days. Caught lots of cookie cutter fish nothing of size but just quantity. I had them throw the mouse down on the bluff for a little while no avail last night. The Blood Red leech was the ticket just letting it swing in the current and stripping back very slow just keeping up with the swing. Caught all Rainbows last night, had something happen last night with a beaver he came right up to the boat swam around it them smacked his tail and left not sure what he was up to just strange. Never had a beaver do that be for. Here is a pic of one of our cookie cutters from last night it was Justin's first fish on a fly rod at night. See you back down there tonight. Michael
  10. Yep I realize it is nothing new Brian, but there are some people on this forum that are new to the sport and have not been around it for as long as you, me or even Rick and might not know how to read the charts and graphs like we do. Just trying to make small talk. Rick let me know when you get back down you need to get in the boat for one night. I have found a honey hole that a bear can't live with out!!!
  11. Who paid the Corp off looks like the water is going to be fish-able for waders all week end except for a couple of hours each afternoon. Should be a great weekend of fishing good luck and catch a big fish or two!
  12. Decided to do some research on the lower part of the upper section of the trophy area last night, got on the water and fished some new flies including the you guessed it the mouse. With the full moon I could not pass up at least one run on the bank. It was awesome lots of action lots of strikes and quite a few hook ups stripping the mouse fast then letting it sit, that is when they would hit the mouse. Then I fished some new streamers last night with some good success on them as well. They pretty much wanted the streamer presented on the swing. lots of fish. Fished from 8:00pm to 3:00am. Here are a couple of fish pics from last night. This one fish caught on the mouse I have seen more Rainbows in the past couple of weeks eating the mouse more so than Browns. It is usually more Browns than Rainbow. Here is one caught on a small olive streamer Until Next Time Tight Lines.
  13. Great article Phil. My favorite jigs are the Turner ginger with a brown head and the Olive with a bronze head.
  14. This past Saturday I was asked to help out with the PHW event on Taneycomo and what a great event it was until the rain hit. I had the chance to guide 2 Veterans Charles an Army Veteran and Loren a Marines veteran . Loren and Charles had never been down on Taneycomo let alone even Trout fished with a fly rod. We got started promptly at 7:30am up at the MDC boat ramp. I rowed the boat up to outlet three with one unit on and floated down to Achasea Club Road. After a few minutes of casting instruction it was on, they started to pic up a few fish on an egg. Although the bite was slow up top as we drifted down the bite got better we broke for lunch around 11:30 down by Point Royale for about 30 min. After that the sky's turned a little darker and we could hear some thunder in the back ground. We started our drift and the egg bite was hot they were catching a fish just about every drift with some some coming un buckled before they got it in. I had the egg set at a depth of about 6 feet with the one unit running. The fishing was hot before mother nature un-leashed the greatest rain storm I have had the pleasure to row in quite a few years. We had to cut our trip short because of the rain I bet we got an inch of rain in the first 30 min of the storm. I hope that all of the PHW participants had a great time . I can not wait till the next event. Thank you to all The Veterans that make it possible to do what we are able to do in this great country of ours. Here are a few pics of Loren and Charles . Charles Loren Loren and Charles at Lunch I thank PHW for the pleasure of being able to take these gentlemen out on the water for the day. Michael
  15. Thank you Vanven. I am in the process of getting the dubbing packaged so it will soon be available in the shop as well.
  16. Well as luck has it or I guess luck for the DR I will not be able to fish. I was really looking foward to meeting you and showing you around down there. How ever there are plenty of people that can. Good luck and have fun
  17. I am hopping to be down there if my broken foot will allow me to. I would be more than willing to show you a few things . I will keep you posted if they put my foot in a cast which I am sure they will because that is thier way to get back at me so I can't fish for a while, then i wont make it. Just hope my foot heals be for white bass.
  18. I think that the mild temps along with the longer day light hours are going to make an earlier run. I know I am deffently ready to catch some, I hope we have a better year than last floods combined with cold weather sure does not help. I am praying that we don't get a major flood just seems the last couple of years when it starts cranking so do the rains. See you all down on the river but only at night though. Night time is the right time!!!!
  19. Sorry I could not make it Russ sounds like you had a great night. You know my wife and I's date night are rare with 3 kids. How ever I found it very funny when I was at dads dropping the hirls off my phone rang I did not answer it was not 10 seconds latter my dads phone rang. I just laughed dad looked at me and I said it is Russ. Any way glad you guys had fun we will do it soon again!!!!!!!! Maybe on a big,big,big boat;)
  20. Had a great time Duane, glad we made it out for some action. I have to say I do wish at times we would have shot at those groups but I am always haunted by what an old wise man once told me while on a duck hunt " son any man can shoot at passing ducks and get lucky or make a great shot how ever it takes a real duck hunter to actually fool the ducks and make them land". Had a great time now it is on to fishing if the weather will hold and stay mild I see some early day success in our near future:)
  21. Awesome!!!
  22. Nice job Russ and Larry
  23. Great Bow congrats you have to love those bunny leeches.
  24. You also have to figure out what all the loud animal screams in the trees are too:) only seems to happen when people are down in the big hole:)
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