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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Trav

  1. I have no room in my world for bigots. Trump is a bigot. Bernie walked with MLK. <------ feeling the Bern still. I find it funny nobody is talking about anyone else but Bernie or Trump. In all actuality Hillary has the fattest resume of them all. If you look at the candidates as work history instead of personalities the Dems own this election. The only real guy for the GOP with a long job history in government is Jeb and he is where? Trump has turned the GOP into a freaking circus and the Dems are capitalizing with the kinder more polite approach. You do get more flies with honey.
  2. 34 inch muskie out of Pomme... not sure of the weight
  3. My Gram is gonna be 90 this year... age is just a number. The presidency ages ya but when you are already old it don't matter if you look older when your job is done... haha
  4. It's ok Al... I can write a manifesto about what needs to be changed so we don't repeat history. And it is a fiery subject with lots of room for debate. I am a little more simplistic when it comes to the reality of our country. However I am biased on many levels. I like the idea of universal health care and free college. As far as the five most important issues of our country today I tend to lean against money and power. There is so much wrong with our system it is a joke. Bernie might be running as a Dem but I can assure you he is only doing it to have a viable route to get his message out. He is a true independent at his core and won't let a party lead him by the nose. The true innovators of politics are coming from the liberal side of the arena. Find one the party doesn't own you have a winner. Still feeling the Bern!
  5. Am thinking the volunteer thing for next winter. I am dragging around my canoe. Kind of important to be able to get off shore in Florida. I will be back in the Ozarks this summer. Looks like May until October I will be helping my father remodel a house in Urbana. Doesn't hurt to have free parking as well... haha
  6. There isnt a single person I like with either party. Bernie is an independent.
  7. I bought a travel trailer back in April and have lived in it ever since. I bounce around from camp to camp. Anybody else live this way? I have been from coast to coast with this camper.. dont think i am done with it anytime soon.
  8. The good thing about south florida is every day is a good day.. even when it rains.
  9. Been a crazy winter here in the sunshine state. Crazy El Nino rain during the dry season. With weather swaying from record highs in December to January being the wettest in history it has been less than routine. With the bass spawn under our feet it appears February will peak with a big question mark.
  10. March in Texas. The wind will beat ya up but it is worth it. My best baits in the past have been spinner baits, spinner baits, and spinner baits. If you can get on the water when there is little to no wind(good luck) try spooks and floating rapalas. But trust me on the wind and spinner baits.
  11. Bill is on the money with this one.
  12. I guess like the dog piles, the catch and release debate never dies either. If it is a legal fish it doesn't matter. Here in Florida the LM bass are black not green. In Cali they are almost mostly white. It is based on environment and genetics. Evolution over many generations will change colors.
  13. Trav


    That is a lot of water Phil. Climate change is real.
  14. Trav


    I grew up on the lower Taney. Most of the bass are under a pound but bass can be caught in the 2 to 4 pound range regularly. Think my biggest out of the lower Taney was in the 5 to 6 range. When compared to other lakes in the area it isn't very prolific with hefty bass. I have been to more than a few weigh-ins with local yokel tourneys. They usually average about 12 to 14 pounds. Maybe 17 if you got a couple kickers. To "average" 17 to 20 pounds in lower Taney you must be hella good.
  15. Nice to see the dog piles are still alive and kicking.
  16. Trav


    The lower part of the lake is always changed with every flood.. it hasnt been the same since 08.. the big brownies stick to channels and the bass stay small... rainbows are abundant any time the water is running. Below powersite dam is the place to be in winter after a big flood.. the trout run to the dam. they are chasing cold water.
  17. Trav is around and the ozarks are his summer home. Peace. Gonna be in Urbana this summer. Hello pommy, Stockton and Truman. During the winter there is Florida... bass spawn in February. There is a lot to be said about florida fish. This is my third winter down here. It does fish better than any winter in the ozarks.
  18. I am lurking around....
  19. The Blugills on Lower Taney tend to bed right after Summer Solstice.
  20. Most our lakes are within an hours walk of a home. Ditch your boat and take care of yourself. duh........
  21. I have kept quiet to this debate. I have fished with Phil and from what I know of him he is a realist and he don't let his faith or his political views stop his fishing. That is what I respect. Nobody has more opiions than I do and over the years on this forum I see a dog pile with no merit.
  22. Found water temps between 50 and 53. The water is up another three feet since my last outing two weeks ago. One good thing is the visibility is about three feet but the fish couldn't see anything I threw at them. It is pretty tough out there right now.
  23. I resemble that remark. I read that article too. Makes you think some. I don’t think twice about my fuel. I stabilize my gas with every tank and hope for the best.
  24. haha....everyone should have four boats....one for big water...one for small water...one for streams...and one to let your friends and family borrow all the time...
  25. I wouldn't ever do a co-angler event again. Something about having my own boat and having the control of where to fish means everything to me. Plus.....it is never fun to fish out of the back of the boat. Bothers me.
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