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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Hope you make yourselves immediately unwelcome in your new league. Because of your talent, not your deportment. But that would never be a problem with your team anyway.
  2. Oh, and congrats on the new 521, Vernon. That's as good as it gets.
  3. Hmmmm, looks similar to the Buckeye baits that came out several years back.
  4. What are you saying here, Mizzou Boy? That my jersey is the size of a summertime revival tent?
  5. Wake up, Vernon! Suntans are out. These days it's all about the SPF-rated jerseys, face-smothering buffs and those darling little sun gloves. No offense, QB. You and others with a history of skin cancer get a pass. I'm only picking on the Shaw Grigsby wannabes.
  6. Devan, do you mean Big M up to Eagle Rock? Shell Knob is several miles downstream from Big M.
  7. We missed you Dave, but we also fully unerstand that a man must heed the call of football.
  8. QB, are you SURE they're in stock?
  9. Pretty solid sack for a weekend day in August. Nice work.
  10. Glad you're OK, L.D. And thanks for sharing the experience. Keeps us all cognizant of what can happen in a hurry out there.
  11. Beautiful fish. Congrats on the PB.
  12. Can a peace-loving guy like myself not catch a break? Here I am taking a respite from fishing, minding my own business out on the golf course, and you guys are chunking rocks at me! You'd think I was a rabble rouser or something along those lines.
  13. That's a big ol' white for sure. And welcome to the forum!
  14. Pretty fish and glad you got out for some R&R.
  15. Great job, rps. Your friends are fortunate to fish with the best walleye guide on the lake.
  16. 1. Keitech's rainbow shad or electric shad 2. Yamamoto's natural shad (Dave Barker once told me it's the only grub you need on TR --- good enough for me) or possibly green pumpkin 3. Jelly smoke or green pumpkin/orange --- both with green pumpkin trailer
  17. The Homer Sloan derby on Oct. 1 is a good one. Reasonable entry fee includes a steak dinner for both partners. It's a fundraiser for the Shell Knob chamber and has been around for ages.
  18. Dance could never withstand FatCat's power.
  19. Not quite as mind-blowing as a Fat Cat Newton "high kick" but not bad indeed.
  20. That's the good stuff right there.
  21. Good stuff lol
  22. Very nice! River fish will generally be river fish regardless of the heat.
  23. The only drawback for me is the smaller front deck in comparison to Ranger. I am a non-swimmer with size 15 feet so I need every square inch of room I can get up there.
  24. I will say this ... I'm pretty sure there isn't a more loyal bunch of owners to be found than the BassCat boys. That alone says a lot about a boat and the company that builds it.
  25. Loomis GLX 7-1 topwater rod, Shimano Core reel, Whopper Plopper 130 trailed by a series of five custom-painted pre-Rap Wiggle Warts.
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