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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Grew up catching those kind out of local ponds in Arkansas. Can't have much more fun than that.
  2. Yep, just try preaching the benefits of catch/photo/release and watch em come out of the woodworks
  3. On the same cast, no less! 😂
  4. Nice job. Thanks for the report!
  5. Sounds like a blast for sure. Wasn't quite that much fun on the Rock. Caught some TW fish and actually did throw a blade for a bit just to see if I could catch one on it. I did. Small one. Emphasis on small. Emphasis on one.
  6. Something tells me we wouldn't have read about this had it been a Skeeter owners tournament. Yeah, it was a nitwit move on the part of tournament organizers. But it had nothing to do with boat brand.
  7. Ask Johnny. I know he's busy wheeling and dealing but since he's such a great friend to the little man, I'm sure he has time to sit down with you and explain.
  8. Lies, I say. LIES! Everyone knows that bass won't hit a tandem willow spinnerbait in the bushes in the backs of creeks/pockets in the spring. You are in timeout until further notice.
  9. Nice trip, Joe. And yes, that is definitely a meanmouth.
  10. Well said by both of you guys. I would add that there's another complete guide to how to think, act and otherwise navigate life ... the Bible.
  11. Phoenix has a very good market share for a company no older than they are.
  12. Upper lip certainly looks odd but, as you stated, obviously a healthy fish. Congrats on overcoming the boat traffic well enough to catch a few.
  13. Let's think about this for a minute and it should become more than obvious how this situation has come about. IF our democracy was operating as intended way back when, we might have a chance. But, pun intended, that ship sailed long ago. The little guy has no voice anymore because of one simple factor ... MONEY. In a perfect world, moral integrity would prevail. But the world, nor this country, is anywhere near perfect. The U.S. is a Godless, depraved, morally bankrupt society where the will of the rich is rampantly imposed on everyone else. The boats that you want "legislated" off of Table Rock, or even just policed, are owned by the rich folks. They pay huge amounts of money to store these rigs in the biggest marina slips on the lake. They pump millions of dollars worth of fuel into them, rent or buy the most expensive properties around the lake, dine at the finest restaurants and otherwise generally throw money around like it's toilet paper. Meanwhile, fishermen --- for the most part --- tow their rigs from home, stay at modest fish camp-style resorts or camp at Corps campgrounds, buy fuel sparingly and often dine on a budget. But the real difference is, these people you are wanting legislators to target with new regulations --- or greater enforcement of existing regs --- are the ones lining their pockets with CAMPAIGN FUNDS and treating them to all kinds of favors (legal and otherwise) after they are elected. I'd venture to guess that you couldn't buy a decent used car with all the money combined that members of this forum have contributed to the campaigns of these state and/or federal lawmakers. Yes, we should not be run off of the lake that we all paid for by these mammoth vessels. But no, things aren't going to change.
  14. Typical average results for right now. At least you had enough action to keep things interesting. Nice shirt. Woo Pig!!!
  15. One of the things that makes the situation more dangerous than it has to be are the numbskulls that shut down and just park in the middle of the main channel. Like everyone else these days, I suspect it's a combination of ignorance and don't give a flip about others.
  16. Looking at going one day this coming week.
  17. Awesome fish. Congrats on the great experience.
  18. One thing is certain --- we aren't setting any records for common sense or courtesy. Not on the high end anyway.
  19. What's a Ned?
  20. Good synopsis of the deep bite. There are definitely lots of fish to be caught right now. If we get the rain they are predicting, I may buzz way up the Kings and see if there's a crank bait bite. Water temps are getting right.
  21. Thanks, my friend. Escapades is right most of the time. 😂
  22. I had two Pflueger Presidents snap where the reel seat stem goes into the gear case. Replaced them under warranty with Pflueger Supremes and no troubles so far. These are 4000 size. Grew weary of line twist issues with smaller reels.
  23. Finally broke my summer hiatus and dunked the Ranger at 6 a.m. Tuesday at Big M. Surprisingly, there was no sighting of Quillback either in the parking lot or on the water. Not sure, but rumor has it he may have taken up golf --- possibly due to wandering threads here on OA. Anyway, whatever topwater chasers may have been in action on recent mornings were thwarted Tuesday by NE winds at 5-10 mph. Doesn't take much of a ripple to put the shad down and mess up the breaking fish. Even tried to find some slick water in the larger/deeper pockets but to no avail. What I did eventually find was just what some here have been reporting ... a pretty darn good football jig bite on main lake points. While most of my fish were small, there was no lack of action for several hours. Get on the right point and the fish are there. As others have stated, the right points for right now seem to be those with a mix of gravel and chunk rock. Deep water nearby also seems to be a requirement, although I did not get bit deeper than about 20 feet. Even on a Tuesday, the wake makers were out in force by 10:30 a.m. and by 11:30, my two remaining choices were to load up and leave under my own conditions or be hauled away in shiny wristwear. Evolution is not a thing, as the Bible clearly states. Actually, the case could be made that we may well have the gearshift in "R" in terms of common sense. But enough about that. For what it's worth, both Viney ramps are closed and those launching at Big M would fare better to pick the right spot and back off the parking lot rather than use that crappy ramp. Got my feet wet (sandals, so no biggie) launching from the ramp but found it much easier loading off the parking lot.
  24. Hang in there 😆
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