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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Bull Shoals has very very few stripers at this point because Arkansas stopped stocking them a long time ago and they died off. Fortunately, they aren't capable of reproducing in a freshwater reservoir environment. Only after quite a few years without a significant striper population did Bull's black bass fishery return to decent status. I watched stripers take a huge bite (pun intended) out of the bass fisheries at Lake Ouachita near Hot Springs, AR, beginning in the 1970s. Same for nearby Lake Hamilton. I doubt any of us want that for Table Rock. I'm not claiming that stripers eat a significant amount of bass, but they will reduce the available forage to the point that bass numbers will decline. They are pelagic saltwater fish, meaning all they do is swim and eat. As Quillback pointed out, the irony of it all is that state wildlife agencies have long defended the practice of stocking stripers into freshwater reservoirs, claiming they do no harm to other populations. And now, out of the blue, they are using them as weapons in a childish whizzing match. So the apparent truth is what many of us have contended all along ... they ARE harmful to other fish numbers.
  2. I've caught them like that on occasion. I believe it's a pigmentation thing.
  3. I believe HLS had all kinds of colors with the hammered blades last time I was there.
  4. Amen, brother, preach it and pass the collection plate! If God had wanted the things in fresh water, he'd have put them there.
  5. Well, well ... the AGFC now seems to have some explaining to do regarding its position about the effect of stripers on other fish species. For whatever reason, Missouri (MDC) decided to restock stripers into its small portion of Bull Shoals Lake. Interestingly, this upset AGFC folks because ... wait for it ... they don't want stripers restocked in Bull Shoals for fear they will negatively impact other species. Isn't that what striper opponents, myself included, have been saying all along? Freudian slip on the part of the AGFC or what? Now the AGFC is threatening payback by stocking stripers into the Arkansas section of Table Rock. Childish shenanigans for certain but again, mighty interesting that stripers suddenly are seen as a weapon rather than the harmless "fun fish" that AGFC has always painted them to be. http://www.nwaonline.com/news/2015/nov/08/bull-shoals-stripers-spark-feud-for-ark/?sports-outdoors
  6. Laughing with you, not at you.
  7. I would never set sail in the fall without a good selection of War Eagle spinnerbaits.
  8. He is indeed a very good man. Heard the same about his wife but never met her. Really enjoyed talking to Charlie when we both used to fish the Central Pro-Am circuit. You should also take whatever Babler says to heart. He's caught as many fish from Table Rock as just about anyone.
  9. No sir, those are "slick" blades but War Eagle did come out with a line of baits this year with hammered blades. They had a good selection of them at HLS in Rogers last time I was there.
  10. If it comes together, Donna and I would likely fish it.
  11. Yes, but after that comes jerk bait and Wiggle Wart time. Hard to beat fall/winter fishing.
  12. Made a brief visit to the old striper hole Thursday afternoon and found the bass surprisingly cooperative. Caught 15 or so including some keeper LM and plenty of keeper spots, one of which was around 2.5 pounds. Only fished about 3 hours. War Eagle spinnerbait, grub and a Whopper Plopper did the damage. All fish were released alive and healthy.
  13. You nailed it there, Ham.
  14. I personally fear that might negatively affect the number of new members, which we wouldn't want to do. I would think that a good portion of our membership started out in the shadows. Everyone here should know the risks of putting too much information --- i.e., specific locations, patterns, etc. --- out on the open forum. Filter what you say or expect it to be picked up on by random visitors to the site. My personal concern is not so much for my specific spots. I can find more spots. But I don't want to arm catch-and-eat anglers with the info to kill bass. That's my big deal. We all have them. A secondary concern is giving out too much info during tournament season to those whose pretournament homework involves using their computer more than their boat. I spend a lot of money trying to catch these silly fish and none of the "bent pole pattern" guys are helping me with my boat payment, tackle shop bill, etc. Thatsaid, we should all want an active and growing forum. The more contributors, the more fish we all catch ... and the less secrets Babler has to reveal.
  15. I've fished with both of you guys. You're good folks and glad you had a fun day together. I'm also secretly glad they didn't bite too well today, coz that MAY mean they're gonna munch tomorrow when I'm out there.
  16. Shoulder surgery recuperation can be slow. Been there. Hang in there and keep working those muscles.
  17. And I certainly understand where you're coming from, too. We had far too much belittling and such last spring and none of us want that again. Ever. Frankly, given that only members can enter the chat room, I will be glad to reveal a lot of hopefully helpful information that I wouldn't otherwise. If we have members in the room who use that info to kill bass, I don't think it will be any significant number. Where my reluctance comes in is out in the main forum where you have "guests" (lurkers just sounds criminal) who cherry-pick this info and use it to either kill a bunch of fish OR who only come around during tournament season and see what they can glean without ever signing up and posting anything themselves. I will be glad to help ensure that there is no belittling or other unsavory behavior in these chats. I know that others will, too. I learned my lesson last spring. From now on, I will state my position/convictions on C&R and I'm done. I can sign off and come back another time.
  18. What we need is more CONTRIBUTING members, not just lurkers with a member name. I've said it before, but last spring's catch-and-kill fiasco certainly tempered the amount of info I'm willing to share outside of PM's with known and responsible anglers. And rest assured, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Far from it.
  19. Can't agree more with this. If these chats are going to be permanently recorded, it will definitely affect what I'm willing to share. I have spent a small fortune learning what little I know and I'm just a little protective of it when it comes to an open forum on the internet. With the chat room, at least there's some degree of control over who sees it. Sorry I missed the session. Just completely forgot. Hope you guys helped each other lots and I will see you next time for sure.
  20. Dan, a suggestion on your Spook ... At the least, put a split ring on the front and ideally, use both a split ring and a snap. This will give the lure maximum freedom to walk from side to side. Hopefully, you're using monofilament line. You never want to throw a topwater on fluorocarbon because the line will sink and give you all kinds of problems trying to work the bait.
  21. Thanks for the report, Flippin. Was definitely a "looking down" day despite the promise of being great blade/topwater/power fishing weather. Oh well, I've definitely seen them act that was before under the same weather conditions. Congrats on the nice brown fish. They are always a lot of fun. Except in a tournament when you just want them in the boat. LOL
  22. I threw that wretched thing Saturday until I had to take Advil because my left shoulder hurt like heck and had one half-azz swipe at it. You wing it out there 10 times off the bank and catch a nice LM and a K. I don't think I like you very much. I think the problem was that I never went below the KC bridge.
  23. PM sent.
  24. Dang adults always come along and ruin everything.
  25. Thanks for the report, Bear. I'm selfishly glad to hear it wasn't just me who couldn't get anything going shallow. I was beginning to wonder if I'd lost my marbles.
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