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Everything posted by Flysmallie

  1. The ads kind of suck, but like others have said, there are ways to get rid of them if you really want to. If it pays to keep this place running then just leave them on mine. I'll even click through some links if it helps. Seems odd that guys that are "advertising" on the site would complain about other ads. But I understand the frustration. You basically can't do anything in life anymore without being subject to advertising.
  2. Yeah but you get a new Scott rod at the end.
  3. I doubt he has the ability to turn off ads for a single user.
  4. I use my phone a lot on this site. But the ads are much better on a laptop. I'm using two different laptops on two different operating systems and the ads are fine. On my phone they suck.
  5. Ok but then the current laws suck. Or the judicial system does. Too many idiots going through life just being a drain on society.
  6. Well when man starts acting like an animal then he needs to be put down like one.
  7. I like dogs more than people. They can all live with me.
  8. Thanks Gavin. Glad you enjoyed it.
  9. I’ve heard rumors of this study. But like you, I’ve never seen any results.
  10. One last thing I want to say about this. If you are interested in visiting Crane Creek you really should look at Walnut Bend Lodge. We spent two nights there. It's a great little place with 3/4 mile of private access to the creek with some amazing looking water. The owners, Kevin and Jeanie Skibiski, are great people. They were there to greet us and to make sure we knew everything about the place. Kevin even took a couple of us on a little tour of the property in his gator. https://www.walnutbendlodge.com/
  11. I’ve caught plenty of bass out there. A lot of that was out of a kayak.
  12. That was a special moment.
  13. Thank you very much. And yes, all the underwater shots are on Crane Creek. That was an eye opening experience. I never in a million years would have thought I could get a trout from Crane Creek on camera underwater, unless it was being released. I head down there one Saturday just to get some footage of the creek for this video. I found this nice pool and just saty back to watch it for a while. I couldn't see any fish at all. But after a few minutes I saw two larger fish chase each other through the pool. They were 15-16inch fish. They did this 3 or 4 times and then just vanished. Once they were gone I got down in the water and had one of my GoPros on a stick I built. I held it under water for a few minutes but couldn't tell if I got anything or not. My GoPro has a small screen on it but I can barely see it. I was climbing back up out of this hold and was going to make my way around to the other side of the creek to try some different angles. About that time I start hearing all this talking and these 5 college kids come crashing out of the woods. At the time I didn't know there was a trail up past the trees. They immediately head straight for me and when they get there thy pick up rocks and start tossing them in the pool. Idiots. But they didn't know any better and were just hanging out. So I left. When I popped that memory card in my computer later that night I was amazed at what was under the water. That pool that I couldn't see any fish in was loaded with fish. And those rainbows might be terrified of things over the water they sure aren't camera shy. The next day I went back with a GoPro on a much longer stick. Everywhere I went on that creek and shoved a camera in the water I saw fish. That little creek is absolutely full of fish. Makes me curious what I will find in other streams.
  14. Thanks. I really appreciate that.
  15. Thanks Ness. Crane is a special place. I have a different and better connection with it now. To me I don't care much about the legend or the purity. They are 100% Crane Creek Redbands to me. And yes there are a ton of videos on Crane and I have watched the majority of them. I watched them all before I created mine because I wanted it to be different from any of those. I know there are hard feelings about exposing special places, but the cat is out of the bag on Crane and I had nothing to do with that. The stream is being heavily loved at this point. Not only will you find a lot more fisherman, you will also find a lot of folks just out walking the trails along the creek. I saw more people just out walking and throwing rocks in the water than I did fishermen. But you might have noticed there are still plenty of fish in the creek.
  16. I’m using a small inexpensive drone and it does really well. I only flew it 4 times to get the footage. Almost crashed it into the river all four times. LMAO. One of those was a real struggle to get it back to me so I could land. I think it got some debris in the motor.
  17. Thanks Marty and Pat! Glad that you enjoyed and there will be more. Kind of enjoying this more than the actual fishing right now. Never thought about submitting it to anything. Don’t know if it’s that level. But if it meant more people could enjoy it then I might look into it. Now I just have to make a decision on the next target. But I’m thinking it’s going to see if smallmouth are camera shy.
  18. Thanks Mitch.
  19. I hope you enjoy it.
  20. My boss was giving me some instructions on a little project yesterday. He said: It’s not due till the 17th so you got at least a couple of weeks to work on it. Had to explain how calendars work to him. He doesn’t get treated any differently than anyone else by me.
  21. I truly appreciate that Glen. That does mean a lot to me. Pros get paid. Period. But that’s okay. The only times I tried to make some money I absolutely hated it. People are horrible. I already have a job dealing with whining people and I’m not a fan.
  22. Well okay. But remember you are the one that asked. LOL It was a long road to end up here. It has been a project looking for a subject for a little while. Just as COVID was kicking in I was gearing up to do something in the music industry. This video should have happened then. And it should have been a journey in a van with a band doing a string of shows throughout the southwest. Then everything shut down and that opportunity vanished. I tried to line up a couple of music videos and every time I got a band interested they broke up. COVID was a tough time for music. So I just continued on with concert photography. But late last year I shot a show and it took several days for my hearing to recover. It wasn't a particularly loud show, especially where I was hanging out, but my ears are trash. I have never taken care of them and that is my stupidity. So after that my wife suggested getting back to nature. She never liked the music stuff anyway. Since then I've been looking to fulfill this video need. I have all the stuff, just needed an idea. I have been planning on doing a smallmouth video this summer, so when this trip came up, I knew it was a perfect chance to get in a little practice. And that video of my buddies fishing, that was supposed to be a few minutes, has morphed into this. Just my friends. They are not rainbow trout experts. They are not Crane Creek experts. They have fished it way more than me for a lot longer than me, but that's it. I didn't seek out any experts. I will say that I met 3 out of the 4 on here. The other I've known for a lot longer but he was a past member here as well. I love these guys. A few weeks before our trip I asked them if they would have a discussion about Crane Creek and the fish. I didn't want them to research anything. I just wanted their thoughts and stories. And the last thing I will say about these guys is that when you need someone to catch a fish on video, these are not your guys. I still love them though. The video was shot with two Nikon DSLRs, two GoPros, a drone, and there are even a few clips shot on an iPhone. I don't have professional gear. Audio either came from one of the cameras or from an audio recorder. I need to up my audio game. I wish I would have had mics on everyone. It's a learning experience. And it was all edited in Final Cut Pro and few things done in Photoshop. A mere amateur is all I am. But I'm not trying to be anything more. Just need something to occupy my mind.
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