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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. Unfortunately he left the forum. He posts a lot on a group he started on Facebook called Beaver Lake. Scott has that stripper fishing dialed in!
  2. LOL! Great re-intro post Cricket. Welcome back
  3. duckydoty


    It's producing on Upper Bull right now too
  4. It was tough Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Lots of bass but Walter got lock jaw.
  5. 61 at k dock yesterday, 59 Beaver
  6. Nice job. 2 more days and I get to chase them 4 in a row.
  7. I have cleaned them before with a chop saw and tin snips. Very good to eat, just a lot of work and mess everywhere from the chop saw. Fixed some fried gar back straps for my wife while we were dating. I think that helped to seal the deal.
  8. If I can get my wife to give up her fish, I'll bring enough walleye to feed 24 or more. The more hush puppies and things like that, the further the fish goes.
  9. Fished a couple hours mid day today in the wind between sits in the woods. Managed one keeper walleye, 2 shorts, a nice gar, one 15 inch crappie and one big stinking bass.
  10. Way to go Marty. I had to put a hold on the deer for a bit. Put 4 in the freezer by the second week. Will chase turkeys/ walleye till the end of the month then try to put a couple more deer in the deep freeze.
  11. Yes, have tried that with success before along with crawler harnesses going slower also. Those methods just have not been as productive for me lately. Maybe when the water temps cool down some more.
  12. Running 4 rods out of the boat 100-200 foot back sometimes makes it hard to turn around and go back to try and get one lure. The places we loose them either get a fish or a snag. One rod will snag, two other hook fish. Just one of them things about walleye fishing.
  13. Usually 5-10 or more on a good day. Lost enough that we are starting to get a few back every now and then.
  14. I did see you out there the other day. Took notice of the 18 foot center console and thought that is perfect for out there
  15. Strangely enough, I have not got into many crappie yet this year. Not bad for 2 hours. Looking forward to see what this winter brings on Upper Bull Shoals.
  16. We will have to get together and fish sometime. I'm surprised I have not run into you out there.
  17. My brother came down for the weekend to chase turkey, deer and walleye with me. A plan was set that we would try for turkeys in the mornings then change over to walleye then a sit for deer/turkey with crossbows in the evening. We started Saturday morning off early, launching the boat out of K Dock and headed down stream with shotguns in hopes of a chance at some turkeys. We sat in the woods till about 10 and did not see any. We both had plenty of deer walk up on us though. Winds got strong but we stuck with the plan and started chasing walleye. Within the first 10 minutes of trolling we had a big one in the boat. We trolled a couple more hours and caught 1 more keeper along with 3 shorts, a couple gar, a short crappie and one of them stinking bass. Headed back to the woods around 3 for the evening hunt. I had 6 toms skirt me about 80 yards out and Brother Dave had 3 hens come in. He also had a big 8 pointer that he was all giddy about make its presence known. Pretty fun 1st day of our weekend adventure. The plan this morning was to get up at 4 and hunt turkeys for a bit then back to chasing walleye. My phone decided to update last night and not keep the alarm.....☹️ My wife woke me up at 5 and said, "I though you were going fishing." I jumped out of bed in full panic. It was storming at the time , so we checked the weather, decided to forgo the hunt, and start chasing walleye around 7 am. It was sprinkling just a bit when we launched and not much wind. It took about 45 minutes to catch the first fist and it was a giant walleye. We averaged about 2 keepers an hour with a few close to the boat releases and a short walleye here and there. It started storming bad on us with big gusts of with and white caps. The fish kept biting, so we kept fishing. Finally called it quits around 2 pm. Ended up with 7 keeper walleye (4 of them over 25 inches) 5 short walleye, one short crappie, 3 gar, one stinking bass, and one good sized walleye bumped off the hook with the net. Sure was fun, but we got soaked. Sitting next to the fire warming my bones now. We caught all the fish trolling the same way I've been catching them for a couple of weeks now. Running up and down the edge of the flats where they roll off into the old river channel. We are using 3 ounce bottom bouncers with a 7 cm flicker shad in tow about 5-7 feet behind the bottom bouncer. I try to go right around 2 miles per hour up to 2.5 mph. Caught all the fish in 27-28 feet of water today and had to be bumping the bottom with the bottom bouncer every few seconds. Had to let quite a bit of line out to be going that fast and hit the bottom in 28 feet of water.
  18. My brother came down for the weekend to chase turkey, deer and walleye with me. A plan was set that we would try for turkeys in the mornings then change over to walleye then a sit for deer/turkey with crossbows in the evening. We started Saturday morning off early, launching the boat out of K Dock and headed down stream with shotguns in hopes of a chance at some turkeys. We sat in the woods till about 10 and did not see any. We both had plenty of deer walk up on us though. Winds got strong but we stuck with the plan and started chasing walleye. Within the first 10 minutes of trolling we had a big one in the boat. We trolled a couple more hours and caught 1 more keeper along with 3 shorts, a couple gar, a short crappie and one of them stinking bass. Headed back to the woods around 3 for the evening hunt. I had 6 toms skirt me about 80 yards out and Brother Dave had 3 hens come in. He also had a big 8 pointer that he was all giddy about make its presence known. Pretty fun 1st day of our weekend adventure. The plan this morning was to get up at 4 and hunt turkeys for a bit then back to chasing walleye. My phone decided to update last night and not keep the alarm.....☹️ My wife woke me up at 5 and said, "I though you were going fishing." I jumped out of bed in full panic. It was storming at the time , so we checked the weather, decided to forgo the hunt, and start chasing walleye around 7 am. It was sprinkling just a bit when we launched and not much wind. It took about 45 minutes to catch the first fist and it was a giant walleye. We averaged about 2 keepers an hour with a few close to the boat releases and a short walleye here and there. It started storming bad on us with big gusts of with and white caps. The fish kept biting, so we kept fishing. Finally called it quits around 2 pm. Ended up with 7 keeper walleye (4 of them over 25 inches) 5 short walleye, one short crappie, 3 gar, one stinking bass, and one good sized walleye bumped off the hook with the net. Sure was fun, but we got soaked. Sitting next to the fire warming my bones now. We caught all the fish trolling the same way I've been catching them for a couple of weeks now. Running up and down the edge of the flats where they roll off into the old river channel. We are using 3 ounce bottom bouncers with a 7 cm flicker shad in tow about 5-7 feet behind the bottom bouncer. I try to go right around 2 miles per hour up to 2.5 mph. Caught all the fish in 27-28 feet of water today and had to be bumping the bottom with the bottom bouncer every few seconds. Had to let quite a bit of line out to be going that fast and hit the bottom in 28 feet of water. View full article
  19. Started off early this morning with a buddy, launching the boat at 5 am. Headed down the lake for a sit in the woods. On the walk in, we jumped 8 deer, so I did not think we would have a chance of seeing another. That was ok with me, because I was hoping for a chance at turkeys. Just after shooting time, I could hear a turkey behind me about 75-100 yards up in the roost. After that I heard one to my left fly down. About that time a giant murder of crows flew in raising all kinds of ruckus, flushing the still roosted turkey off in another direction. I could see my buddy's ground blind from where I was at and apperrently he had deer skirting the limits of his shooting range all morning. About 10:30 we gave up on the hunt and changed gears to chasing walleye. Good move on out part! We had rigs in the water about 10 minutes when we caught the first keeper. We kept trolling the flats from just below K Dock to almost Snapp. Had 3 different areas we picked up walleye in 20-27 feet of water. Tried one long run back down the lake and again picked up walleye in the same 3 areas. Decided to concentrate on the 2 most productive of the 3 and that was w the flat just above K Dock and the one just across and below K Dock. Trolled 1.9-2.3 mph depending on if we were in 20 feet of water (1.9) or 27 feet(2.3). Had enough line out with 3 ounce bottom bouncers to hit the bottom ever few seconds. We averaged 1 short for ever keeper we caught and had a welcomed bonus of a 13 inch crappie. Did not catch any of the stinking bass which was awesome! Only target species today. Ended up with 2 limits of keeper walleye and 8 shorts in 5 hours of fishing. Great day filled with adventure and good company! Oh, and got to meet Paco while taking out. Lots of fun chatting with you!
  20. Come on down to jigfest in December. Those walleye are dedicated to that fish fry.
  21. Started off early this morning with a buddy, launching the boat at 5 am. Headed down the lake for a sit in the woods. On the walk in, we jumped 8 deer, so I did not think we would have a chance of seeing another. That was ok with me, because I was hoping for a chance at turkeys. Just after shooting time, I could hear a turkey behind me about 75-100 yards up in the roost. After that I heard one to my left fly down. About that time a giant murder of crows flew in raising all kinds of ruckus, flushing the still roosted turkey off in another direction. I could see my buddy's ground blind from where I was at and apperrently he had deer skirting the limits of his shooting range all morning. About 10:30 we gave up on the hunt and changed gears to chasing walleye. Good move on out part! We had rigs in the water about 10 minutes when we caught the first keeper. We kept trolling the flats from just below K Dock to almost Snapp. Had 3 different areas we picked up walleye in 20-27 feet of water. Tried one long run back down the lake and again picked up walleye in the same 3 areas. Decided to concentrate on the 2 most productive of the 3 and that was w the flat just above K Dock and the one just across and below K Dock. Trolled 1.9-2.3 mph depending on if we were in 20 feet of water (1.9) or 27 feet(2.3). Had enough line out with 3 ounce bottom bouncers to hit the bottom ever few seconds. We averaged 1 short for ever keeper we caught and had a welcomed bonus of a 13 inch crappie. Did not catch any of the stinking bass which was awesome! Only target species today. Ended up with 2 limits of keeper walleye and 8 shorts in 5 hours of fishing. Great day filled with adventure and good company! Oh, and got to meet Paco while taking out. Lots of fun chatting with you! View full article
  22. Nice job. Wishing I was out there today. Love front days out there. I've been trolling the 7 cm.
  23. I'm sure Phil and I will be coming down. I've already got enough walleye for a fish fry. Ham, been looking for that boga with no success. Still got a couple more boxes to go through. Looking forward to the fishing and story telling again!
  24. I've been throwing Ozark shad, starting off popping fast and slowing it down as it gets further from the bank. I've been fishing them up in the trophy area when 3 or more units are running.
  25. Glad to see you back on here Glen!
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