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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. They are doing good on shad up by the dam. I've been catching good trolling flicker shad along bluffs across from Beaver Creek.
  2. Have you downloaded the app to use your phone as a remote? The terrova has the app and it works great. Can also down load all updates through the app and upload them to the motor via phone/app
  3. top of the narrows has an awesome shoot above it with small gravel bars sticking out. looking up the narrows giant gravel bar on Fall Creek side has a huge gravel bar going way down Lake towards fall creek. Lots of guide boats did not make it through the narrows today. The water is moving fast through the narrows.
  4. Trouble again today Screen shots upload but pics don't. Sized anywhere from 1.6-2.2 mb Upper Lake Taneycomo forum
  5. Launched the boat at the MCD hatchery boat ramp about 5:30 this morning and headed to the cable. Slowly worked my way down to Fall Creek, and by slowly, I mean it took me till 10 to get down there. Beat the banks hard with a grey and white 1/8th ounce marabou jig. Boated several species, but no browns or walleye today. Biggest bow was about 18 inches. Lots of short strikes and short hook ups this morning. Couldn't even begin to guess the numbers caught, but it was a bunch. Going to try and upload photos again..... sorry. That's all I get.
  6. Still catching all them stinkin bass you can shake a stick at up on the upper end along with a few walleye, whites, crappie, bluegill and such. We boated 9 different species using 1/8th ounce grey and whit jigs on Sunday. this is the error I get when trying to load photos. This one was 1.9 mb
  7. The wife and I have been wanting to get up to Stockton for a couple of weeks now and yesterday we finally got the chance to go. We set the alarm for 4 am and on the road by 4:45. Dodged a few storms on the drive up to CC, but everything was starting to clear out by the time we launched the boat. Started trolling flickershad on the flats at different depths and speeds with no bite. Switched over to the bluff side and first fish of the day was a keeper walleye. Stayed with that program till about noon and ended up catching 3 keeper walleye, 1 big largemouth, 5 whites, 2 crappie, 3 drum, and 2 channel cats. Only kept the Walters. Looking forward to getting up there again. Tried uploading photo twice but keep getting upload failed notice..... sorry
  8. You just never know what is going to happen. They have had it down to two units till about 9 am the past two mornings.
  9. Our boat rentals at Lilleys' already included fuel, so you don't need to worry about fuel usage. If the water is running, we like to demonstrate, with you in the boat, how to safely pull out and pull back into the dock. We are also very thorough in explaining the map of the lake and things to watch out for. We also give you a class in the operation of the boat you will be renting to make sure you understand how to operate it. If you pay attention to what we share with you, the likely hood of damaging a boat is very small. Come on down and look me up. I will be happy to help you in anyway I can, even if you are in your own boat.
  10. Separation between bench seat and sidewall small areas of transom repair Front corner repair
  11. It is flowing pretty fast. You could set up a shuttle and do a one way trip with kayak but still might be dangerous at night. 20,000 cfs flowing right now.
  12. We did not figure it out till yesterday afternoon.
  13. What a weekend! Got last minute reservations for our bed and breakfast on Tuesday, I think, for my old high school buddy to come down and fish this weekend. Thursday, Blake, his son,found out he could come too. I was already scheduled to work Saturday Morning and Sunday afternoon, so I could fish with Blake and his dad after work Saturday and again before work today. We got on the water around 3:30 Saturday afternoon and fished till 8. I decided to do something I have never done on Taney, and that was to fish with big crank baits. I brought the regular trout gear, jigs, drift rigs, and shad flies for Blake and Jack to fish with if they wanted to use. I started off throwing a mega bass 110+1 while Blake and his dad, Jack tried jigs and shad flies. I think Blake caught the 1st fish on his 1st cast. On my third cast, I hooked my first fish. He absolutely slammed the mega bass. Got it to the boat and it was a 20 inch brown. It did not take long before the others were tying on crank baits. Nobody else wanted to take a chance of loosing a mega bass so they tied on different assorted crank baits. About four cast later, I lost the mega bass and started trying crank baits. Found some rather large shad looking cranks and as we were drifting down stream, we would cast back up stream. Give the bait a few slow cranks till it started digging bottom. We would stop reeling and it would just keep digging bottom as we drifted down stream. The hits would come hard! We started picking up nice rainbows in the 16-20 inch range. We continued the drift down past Lookout and I had another slam. My third fish of the day was this 22 inch brown. We came back to the dock for a quick photo, release, and then back up to the trophy area. We picked up several more big rainbows, and another big brown. The numbers and the size of the fish we were catch was better than I have seen in a long time. We wanted to caught some smallmouth and had to switch over to a jig to make that happen. I got to witness some fantastic father/son bonding and unbonding. We decided to end the day after Blake brought this nice bow to hand and loosing the last of 3 crank baits I had that were working for us. This is what the crank bait looked like but it was the next size smaller. We stopped at Wally World to see if we could find something similar and came up with some Bomber Fat Free Shad to try this morning We got on the water about 6 am and headed for the cable. Our first drift was from the cable all the way down to the narrows. We boated 2 triples, three doubles, and over a dozen singles on that first drift. We caught some smaller fish today, but still a lot of them in the 16-18 inch range. Blake was the first to hook up again today. Big smallmouth today. You can see the size and color of the bomber we were using in these pictures. One of our doubles. Beautiful day, beautiful fish, and not so good looking friends having fun! We ended the morning with Jacks personal best rainbow. His first 20 incher.
  14. 30% reduced speed for hp at powerhead
  15. We are getting a lot of what we call short strikes on the jigs. Trout are just nipping the tail feathers and only hooked up for a second or two. Have not thrown a stick bait from the boat though. I think Bill has been drift rigging some rebels and doing well.
  16. Trout boat would be fine right now as long as you have 25 hp or bigger. 10 hp might not be enough to get up stream.
  17. Yes u can. That's what Leonard was doing.
  18. I have no idea what they will do with the flows. Might stay the same or slow down some more if we don't get any rain.
  19. I sure was hoping for some. Leonard was on the shore with his boy trying for some. Don't know how he did yet.
  20. MCD and I boated up to the dam this evening for dinner on the lake with a little fishing. She met me at Lilleys' with subway sammiches after I closed the dock. We rigged a couple rods with 1/8th ounce grey and white jigs and off we went. One other boat on the water this evening. A father and two sons. They looked like they were having fun. We started with one drift down the middle from the cable to the boat ramp. Boated 5 fish before outlet 3. Picked up one or two more on the way to the ramp. Ran back up to the cable and tried the cold water side. Might have boated 2 fish from the cable to the ramp. Ran back up again and stayed on the bank on the warm water side and caught fish on almost every cast. Picked up doubles on small mouth, doubles on kentuckies, and doubles on rainbows. We also boated a brown on that drift. MCD was jigging fast and staying in the upper water column and I was hitting the bottom. Fish were spitting up shad and bellies were stuffed round and full. MCD boated 18 in less than two hours of fishing. I have no idea how many I caught, but it was fun. Lots of fish in the 16-18 inch range.
  21. Here is the shad fly I use and it is the one we sell in the shop at Lilleys' easy fly to tie! 3/4 inch tail, then palmer mink to bead and tie off.
  22. I run one. Tracker 185 with 175 hp sport jet. Uses a lot of gas and not really needed when familiar with the upper end. See about 4 or 5 other tracker sport jets over the course of a year. Some gator jets, shoal runners, and others but the majority are prop boats. I would have to run over wade fishermen with the jet to get up any further than I can with a prop.
  23. MCD and I ran white, double 1/8 oz jig rigs yesterday afternoon to get to the bottom faster. Made two quick drifts from cable to Lookout catching fish the whole way down.
  24. Looks like 1/48 ounce jig head according to package
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