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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Kicknbass

  1. Tabby Cat.. There are stripes on the cat..
  2. Find some big bull bluegill and have fun.
  3. Yes the 4th is typical. I was hoping / worried, they might ripen earlier due to the early spring weather we experienced this year.
  4. Anyone found any ripe wild blackberries yet. The spots I have are loaded with red berries. I was at the farm this weekend hoping to find some ripe berries, but no such luck. Still a couple of week away I guess.
  5. How to survive a Couger attack.
  6. http://www.ecrater.com/p/3318883/fish-gigs-spear-or-fishing-gig You should be able to get an 1 inch or 1 1/8" pole from your local lumber supplier in Steelville or Cuba. If not, the hardware store in Ellington mo has them.
  7. Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded
  8. Live Bluegills, the bigger the better. Woody structure. Find a place where the wind and waves move the wood back into the backs of cuts and coves off the main lake arms near deep water (30 plus) Tie on to a snag, pull the line to another nearby snag say 75-200 ft away. Weight the line near the ends to get it down near (not on) the bottom. Your hooks need to be at multiple depths starting about 10 feet down to about 25' deep. Your only allowed 33 hooks in the water per person at a time. No need for that many in one location. Only place about 10 hooks at any location. Bait up in the evening, due to most fish will be caught at night, but re-baiting in the morning after checking your lines, will yield fish as well, not as many as at night, but you'll catch fish during the day. Move your lines often. If you don't get bit first night, try a new location fast. Also, if you catch a few then the bite stops, move. Remember, more hooks in the water doesn't equate to more fish, but multiple locations will. 6 locations with 5 hook per location will yield twice the fish as 10 hooks at three locations. Find a place that you can catch sunfish every cast, and set your line close by. The fish will be caught deep, but not below the thermal-cline. I'll be down next week running a few lines, I'll let you know how they are biting after next week. Good luck.
  9. Google canoe rentals in Van Buren and you'll find an outfitter. Powder-mill to VB could be done in 1 long hard day if you stay moving (About 12 hours). I wouldn't recommend as a one day float. The river moves steady. If you want to take it in, 2 days would be comfortable. If you fish hard, 3 days possible. Powder-mill to log-yard is about 3 hours of floating. Lots of jet boats on the weekends above Log-yard, and below Waymeyer. Sunday PM can be worst that Saturday. That's the locals day on the water. Below logyard jet boat traffic much less. Beautiful stretch of river worth doing.
  10. Are you sure that it wasn't a Muskrat? Can't tell from the photo. I assume you saw him well enough to be certain it was and otter and not a rat?
  11. Good Luck... I don't have any idea. Are you fishing w/ a trot-line or line and pole? Ya might try Walmart's frozen seafood section:)
  12. What will be your home Jet boat water. I think that means a lot.
  13. I'd call him and ask him "when is the fish fry"
  14. I like Al's slot limit idea. Breaking it down by stream section based on use is a reasonable way to regulate to best meet the needs of the various use groups. A 3 fish 14-20 slot. Would protect larger fish and improve the average size catch in the streams. The 3 fish under would allow the folks that like a fish fry a reasonable creel for a meal. The 1 fish over 20 would allow a trophy to be taken. Ozark Trout fisher: There has been no time in history that the fish in MO streams were not harvested. For thousands of years before the Ozarks were settled, the Ozarks were inhabited by the Osage Indians that lived of the land. Fish included. State wide catch and release is absurd. A slot limit is the best all around management practice. A whole lot better than the current 6 over 12" limits that we have today.
  15. I agree. Let the big ones swim free. 3-12" or smaller fish would be perfect in my mine. State wide. If your going to put a 1 + limit on the fish, it needs to be huge. 24" or so. (I'd hate to be required to turn back a state or world record...not that that is ever going to happen)
  16. Zip keep catching, and Al, keep writing. I enjoy your posts. (Al, go a little easier on the giggers please) Some of the poster in this forum can be nuts, don't be discouraged.
  17. Both are great Cat Fisheries. I have heard that the MO river has a better opportunity currently and in the future ever since the commercial fishing has ceased. However, the MS has the lock and dams that cause the fish to concentrate in a small are. The current record for IL was caught a few years ago below the Alton dam.
  18. Thanks for the photos Al. I enjoy catching those little rascals.
  19. I'm not sure that the good folks at Chrysler Fenton feel as warm and fuzzy about how the stimulus money and bailout money worked for them. The King was no friend of the people in 1776, and our big federal government is not a friend of the people today.
  20. Hillbilly Country Hotel‎- more info » 141 Montgomery Drive, Branson, MO‎ - (417) 336-0328‎ Category: Hotels & Motels http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=J7k&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&resnum=0&q=Table%20Rock%20Dam&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl There are many options.
  21. Use Google maps and search motels.
  22. Google Jetdoctor and call David at Ernies sales in Ellington. He can sell you the pump, and will likely let you pick his brain on the conversion. I believe, that it is more difficult that just changing the Lower Unit. There are linkages that operate differently between the two, and I believe a transom lift will be required on the motor when the pump is installed. Good luck.
  23. Well now for the most important question. Did you catch any fish?
  24. Has the MSA had discussions w/ the NPS regarding changes in the management of the ONSR regarding the SMB fishery? This might be a good place to recommend the slot limit discussed prior since the NPS is currently in the process of updating the management plan regarding the ONSR. The timing on this waterway is good.
  25. That's a good looking pizza.
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