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OAF Fly Tying Contributor
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Everything posted by DaddyO

  1. As always, Nicely Done!!
  2. OK. I'll tell this story here and let you guys share your thoughts. In October, I was fishing TaneyCoMo at night. They had been generating all day and had turned the water off around 10pm. I fished between outlets 1 and 2 until about 1am. I left the water and walked down below outlet 3. I met 2 guys coming out of the water and when I got down stream to the root wad, I looked back up river and there was only me and one other guy left fishing. I worked my way downstream until I got out to the point where the river opens up to bank to bank deeper water. So, there was about calf deep water between me and the opposite bank which was about 40 to 50 yards away. I had begun catching fish and had just released the 3rd fish when I heard a growl, of the feline variety. It was the kind that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. I looked over at the far bank and couldn't see much by the light of the stars and moon. I shouted "Hey!" and heard some crushing of leaves and then silence. I turned my headlamp on, but I couldn't see anything because my breath was fogging up the view. I took my headlamp off and shined it over at the far bank. I saw 5 pairs of eyes staring back at me. I turned the light off and started reeling in my line. It was time to go. Before I could finish reeling in all of my line, I heard a splash in the water downstream and another upstream. I shined my light downstream and one set of eyes was coming my way. I panned upstream, as I started backing out and saw 3 pairs of eyes moving around on the far bank. I panned further upstream and found the 5th pair of eyes coming across the river, also. I decided to alternate my light between the downstream eyes and the upstream eyes as I backed out of there. They tracked me until I got within about 200 yards of the stairs by outlet 3. I never got a look at what it was, all I could see was the eyes shining back at me. It was the first time, in a long time, that I felt that my order in the food chain had dropped a peg.
  3. What was the purpose of that?
  4. I was there Saturday fishing the annual One Fly Tournament. The fly was a #18 black zebra midge. As Nick said, the water was up, but I was able to hit a few spots. The trick was putting enough split shot on the line to get the midge down into the feeding lane. I caught 9 during the tournament from 9am to Noon. Caught about the same after the tournament using various flies.
  5. If we signed up for both, are we tying and submitting 10 of each?
  6. They don't sell Trout Stamps anymore. It's all contained in the license.
  7. My uncle passed down his collection of Tarzan, Rawhide Kid and Sgt Rock comics. Later, I became a fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs and read almost all of his books including the entire collection of Tarzan books and the John Carter Barsoom series. But, keeping with the comic thread, when I think of comics, the ones my uncle passed down always come to mind first.
  8. Dangit! Why didn't I read Flysmallie's post first? I spent an hour looking at those trailers and dreaming.
  9. What a great story. Thanks for sharing that with us.
  10. Yes. Definitely, make sure you have a few on hand, in case they start hatching. I'd have the usual stuff ready also.
  11. I know what you mean. I had gone to their website before my drift boat trip with them. I tied up a bunch but used theirs on the float. Mine looked just like theirs. I, also, had Carolyn show me how to spin a soft hackle. It was an interesting technique but I haven't had time to try it, yet.
  12. I had the opportunity to fish with my Dad, Brother and Nephew on Friday. I was happy to see that the water had cleared up quite a bit. It's not gin clear but it, definitely, is not cloudy like it was. We started the day at the grassy parking lot and just stayed there fishing all over the area. We picked up trout in all of the areas. In the early part of the day, we fished the big water above the kiddie pool. Most of my fish came on the Hair and Copper #14. We couldn't get them to hit a midge. Later in the day, we moved down the Island. There was a midge hatch coming off that was gray, in color. I had tied up some Copper Dun midges for a trip to TaneyComo, so I tied one of them on, (Size #18), and it was on like donkey kong! I picked up fish on every cast. I caught a couple of Browns. It's good to see that they are getting bigger. I hope you guys get a chance to get out and wet a line. Cheers!
  13. I was there last week. Dirty water and slow fishing.
  14. I'll join. Put me down for a midge pattern on the Trout and a Predator for the Bluegill.
  15. Now, this, is a cool thread. The fly looks great! Can't wait to hear the results.
  16. The ObamCare websites were up and running.....
  17. Please, God, let it last until I get there. I'll be there the 9th thru the 16th.
  18. What???? Dude, leave it in the truck. Cut the umbilical. Be in the river and enjoy the low tech life for a few hours. OK.... We're all going to act like you didn't just ask that question.
  19. For me, it depends on what you are tying. I've been able to get away with the strung Marabou and I tie it in by the tips.
  20. Don't rule out the Norfork tailwater. Park in Quarry park, below the dam, and fish all the areas that look fishy. If you are fly fishing, use all the normal tailwater flies. i.e. midges, scuds, nymphs, eggs,olive or black wooly bugger,etc. I like a #18 black zebra midge with a copper bead and copper rib under a small indicator. If you are spincasting, I like rooster tail spinners, road runners, spoons, etc.. Have fun and let us know how your trip went.
  21. Phil, that's great! I like that idea. Keep up the good work! And, good for you, Leonard!
  22. Gene's trout dock is right on the Norfork River, south of Mountain Home. http://www.norfork.com/genes/ It's right on the river. If there is no generation, the Norfork is my favorite place to fish.
  23. I guess it depends on the end result that you are looking for. For me, it was a progression. I enjoy tying my own flies. I enjoy catching fish on flies that I have tied. If you are fishing for meat, it may not be what you are looking for. I enjoy the challenge of fly fishing. For me, "the tug is the drug" and I like the tug on a fly rod more than I like the tug on a conventional fishing rod. The end result, for me, is that I get more pleasure fly fishing than I do conventional fishing. Having said that, I really got a kick snagging spoonbill. I checked that off of my list this season. I didn't use a fly rod for that.
  24. Steve-o, welcome to the addiction! Al and Lancer gave good advice. On top of what they said, don't limit your fly fishing to trout. Techniques for casting and stripping woolly buggers or streamers in a pond for Bass can be applied to trout, also. Same with throwing and indicator rig at Perch. Definitely start tying your own flies. You'll be surprised at how good it makes you feel to catch fish on flies that you tied yourself. Good luck and have fun with it.
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