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OAF Fly Tying Contributor
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Everything posted by DaddyO

  1. Nice job, Brian. Thanks for taking the time to make the video showing us how it is done!
  2. I feel a group hug coming.....
  3. Cool! I can't wait to see that.
  4. You can, definitely, float a canoe from Chewey bridge to Round Hollow. Riverside Floats uses Chewey Bridge as their put-in. I usually pick up a few fish right at the concrete pylons and in the section of water 100 yards down from there and, of course, all along the river.
  5. Brian, Did you make that Craft Fur dubbing brush? I haven't thought of doing the heads that way, but now that I've seen that, it makes a lot of sense. I always like seeing your videos. I pick up a lot of techniques as well as being entertained. Good balance on education and entertainment.
  6. It seems that I can never find a vehicle this nice when I'm actually looking for one. If I was in the market for a vehicle, I'd make you an offer on this one. Good luck with it.
  7. Nice. Mic, what size are the clousers for bluegill?
  8. The Upper will be blown out from all of the rain. You want it to be below 5ft on the gauges for wade water.
  9. Ditto on what Chance said. If you want to fish at night, black hibernator with purple polar chenille worked well, for me. If the water is up, you can fish uv scuds under a lighted indicator. Go by Lilleys fly shop for all of that. During the day, #16 soft hackle partridge and orange or green as a dropper on Jeremy Hunt's miracle fly is a good combination. Or #16 and smaller rusty midges will work also. Have fun and enjoy the river. I hope you get some good wading water.
  10. Mine are the Wilson's Bass Bully's. One in olive and one in black. See the image in a previous post in this thread.
  11. I'm happy, happy, happy! I got mine, too. Nice job guys.
  12. Ya know.... When these flies finally arrive, I'm gonna be a happy man. Maybe this was all part of OB's plan..... Building up the anticipation... Generating all the buzz on this topic.... I mean, look at the number of views this thread has had!! Uh-huh.... Crazy like a Fox!
  13. She plays for Club One 16's Red. We tied for 3rd, with Club One 16's Black, in the Oklahoma Regionals last weekend. We defeated the number 1 teams for Team Tulsa and Oklahoma Charge and lost to the number 1 Peak team in the Semi-finals. She'll be playing school ball for Owasso. We'll probably see you during the school year.
  14. Congratulation, Phil. Thank you for sharing your success with us. Wishing you more good fortune in the coming years. God bless you and yours.
  15. Ness, I like your style! Are you an attorney?
  16. She's ending her sophomore year now. She'll have a month off after regionals and then starts practice for school ball.
  17. DaddyO


    I went for the first time a couple of weeks ago with my brother. He goes all the time and has the rigs to do it. He was a great guide. Caught my fish on the second cast. He caught his on the first cast, first pull. My Dad hooked into 5 of them before he finally landed one. Nephew caught his on 2nd cast. They were all between 35 and 60 lbs.
  18. I'v never gone, but have always wanted to go. It seems like it always falls on a weekend that I have a Volleyball tournament to go to. Regionals this weekend for my daughter's club team. You should go if you get a chance.
  19. A month since he received Ronnie's flies. It shouldn't take that long to split them up and mail them out again. I can locate him, but I'd rather not have to. Why does Gavin think he is on sabbatical?
  20. DaddyO


    @mic - I didn't understand it either until I did it. Nothing prepares you for the feel of a big fish on the end of the line. I've seen smaller guys, actually, jerked into the water because they weren't prepared. You should try it, at least once. @Ffer - In Oklahoma, you are allowed to keep the eggs for personal consumption. You cannot sell them. You can find a few videos on youtube that show you how to process the eggs into caviar. I've had quite a few paddlefish dinners in the last few weeks. Very mild tasting. Meat constancy is somewhere between fish and chicken, leaning more towards chicken. I slice it up into fish stick size, dredge it in cornbread mix and drop it in the fryer for a few minutes. mmmmmmmmm
  21. Seems like it would be like most fish that have red meat. Just cut it out, as Al mentioned. I, also, like to soak the filets in milk. mmmmm.. tasty.
  22. Amen brother, but thanks for allowing God to work through you.
  23. I like the peg board idea. I need to do the same thing. Right now, I have a portable fly tying station that folds up into a square brief case like box with a handle. It has enough compartments to hold my vise, tools, and a lot of tying material. I also have a few containers that I store some of my stuff in. Most of my material is piled in my portable station and I dig through it to find the materials for the pattern I'm working on. (Not a good solution) I think the Peg board will help me get organized. I need to stop procrastinating and implement this solution.
  24. How goes the skip tracing?
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