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About Mike3004

  • Birthday 09/29/1955

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  • Location
    St. Louis
  • Interests
    Fishing for species of all types<br />Hunting for species of all types

Mike3004's Achievements

Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. We were on the water yesterday from Stockton State Park to Dam. Everything appeared open although some camp sites are now water covered. We could see about 10 feet deep and our bass (one largemouth and 5 small mouth) in 3 hours of fishing came from water over 10 feet deep fishing with Missouri Craw jig on the bottom. Great day to be on Lake Stockton after 30 years since I was last there. Best 2 hour trip from LOZ I ever made and will not hesitate to make it again. Boat traffic compared to LOZ made fishing manageable and this fishery is just as good as any in the state.
  2. Try shaky head with a trick worm behind docks and on back corners of docks in addition to the methods above. This method took a 6.5 and a couple of 4s this weekend in the Niangua are. There were so many big fish weighed in the 6.5 took in $800, about 4th best bass for the time period. If the fish aren't on beds, try going out to points just outside the spawning cove/pocket fishing for pre-spawn bass with C Rig, wiggle wart, buzzbait. If there is wind an A Rig or spinnerbait may be worth a try. Good luck. Let us know how you do.
  3. Team on Saturday weighed in 25 pounds fishing with spinnerbait, wigglewart, and jig.
  4. Hi dompeters84, we just bought a place last month at MM20. Hope you will post and share your fishing experiences with us!
  5. Just bought a condo on the main lake near the Glaize and appreciate the info in this thread. Will the point bite pick up depending on the dam's water generation? I am sure this info on the dam generation has been posted before, is there a way to check on line the dam's water generation? Thanks in advance for the info.
  6. I have been bass fishing for 40 years. I have fished with some of the guides on this site. I have fished a number of tournament circuits during this time. I have fished for bass in a number of different states. Although I may not be any where close to being a better than average bass fisherman, I think I have a certain degree of knowledge about the sport and about information provided to the average joe angler. I have been a member of the Bassn Bob website and it has been the best $45 I have spent. I am entertained by being able to obtain information from local LOZ anglers that have fished there for decades. I have met some of these people in my travels and appreciate what they do for the weekend angler like myself. If you have invested as much money in a boat, tow vehicle, quality rod and reels, tackle, etc. then you know how big of an investment you have made in this sport. For $45 you get a years worth of tips, suggestions, articles, photos, etc. Truly a bargain and entertaining for those of us that don't live on the water (yet) but dream of some day doing what these good folks do.
  7. Thinking about a weekend trip in the time frame of January - February for family that do not have fly fishing equipment to Taneycomo. Any suggestions?
  8. Any details to share?
  9. That Carlina Rig will work great if you throw it up in 5-10 feet of water and avoid the males up shallow. Start with the pea gravel and work back out to the points until you locate them. You will probably have a mix of pre, spawn, and post spawn bass to fish for so keep your options open. For the big fish, use that A Rig when possible.
  10. FLW TRL tournament from last year was on TV this past weekend. Noticed one of the top finishers was throwing an A rig. I don't have all the details what he was throwing, but maybe somebody else can help out. I do remember that he was using some nickel willow leaf blades for some flash.
  11. We were just at Branson a month ago and had not been there for a while. So we found part of our days taken up exploring some areas and finding some things that you might enjoy if you are on a budget. Branson Landing Area - This is anchored by Belk on one end and Bass Pro on the other with a little bit of everything in between. On the hour there is a free outdoor show with water fountains, gas flames, all to music on the strip. Malls - Tangier(?) and several craft malls in the area if that suits your interest. Old downtown Branson - Number of stores to explore, our favorite being Dick's Five and Dime. Cookies and Creamery - Nice place to top off that meal with your favorite diet busting desert in a '50s style diner.
  12. I am hearing spawn, post spawn patterns. Seconday points with plastics, texas or carolina rigged from two different sources. If you are catching short males on the bank, target deeper water with your casts - 10 feet of water for example. I also would think there would be some topwater action early. If it's sunny, target the boat docks on points near these spawning coves, especially if there are brush piles. Good luck.
  13. The point on Mill Creek is one of my favorites and then we work down the west side of the Mill Creek area. I have not fished this area for a few years, but we used to catch some nice bass in the tree tops along this shore line. I think top water should be dynamite in the early morning. Watch for shad and surface feeding activity. We try to key in on wind blown points near spawning coves after the top water bite fades. Smoke grubs and split shot centipedes are a couple of our favorites at this time of year. Something new and worth trying is the A Rig. Line is very important in clear water and should not be overlooked. It will make the difference in my humble opinion. I would presume the water will be clear based on the weather forecast. There are alot of great spots in this area and within a few miles. Finding the right pattern, location, lure, and presentation is part of the challenge and fun. Keep monitoring the reports on this website and enjoy. One last point, check out the boat docks on sunny days as sometimes this is a gathering point for bass. Years ago I remember a club tournament was won by a team on a 2 day club tournament with almost 40 pounds at this time of year fishing a boat dock near this area.
  14. Thank you for the levity and keeping things in perspective. What happened to the wind this morning? Someone forget to switch on the fan. The only breeze we had was from the bass boats flying by us!
  15. After 4 PM ventured out to a wind blown point near the place where we are staying. Coming up on the backside of the point from the wind I caught several smallmouth and a Kentucky on a smoke grub. None measured but alot of fun!
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