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Everything posted by motoman

  1. I tend to overthink things, so I'll embarass myself, and go ahead and throw this question out. - When you say transition in the banks composition, does it matter if the transition takes place from side-to-side on the bank (horizontally)? Meaning, if you're travelling parallel to the bank, and notice it change from chunk rock to pea gravel; this is an ideal transition? - or, if looking at the bank, and there's a bluff wall, that tapers down to a 45 degree chunk rock (vetical transition), then into the water.............??? - or does it matter?
  2. - That road that comes off to the left is Sandstone road. We were there on friday and caught some nice whites (big sows!) on a small rebel silver and blue stickbait. (I think that's what it's called?.....I'm more of a black bass guy............the white thing was a bit new to me) We were in a nice eddy on a gravel bend. Thankfully, a local helped us out, after he caught his limit. (I wished I would've got his name, super nice guy; helped salvage our trip) - We went down there for some whites after having a tough time on Table Rock. - Went back Saturday morning in the rain/sleet/hail/snow, the bite really shut off. Only got one white and some dink largemouths. As we were walking back up the ridge to Sandstone road, we could see the mud slowly making its way down the river. - Just out of curiosity, how far did you have to head upstream for some better water? (we hoofed it a bit, but it was tough to find a good spot to cast from the shore)
  3. Thanks Bill, I've got much to learn about the ins-and-outs of the stickbait thing. - (but I was able to pick up the basics enough to want to throw it some more!)
  4. Dont feel too bad KC. It was a bad week for Cats on The Rock. - I've got an 86 Pantera, and 5 minutes after being on the water, the voltage regulator catches fire.........yes, FIRE! There we are, a drift under the 13 bridge, smoke coming out of the cowl vents, then I lift the cowl, and see flames. I disconnect the starter battery, as my splashing the fire only seems to snuff it for a few seconds, then it flares back up. Mintues later, and the drama is over. (Thankfully no need for the extinguisher) - Fast forward a couple hours later, after trolling back to Schooner Creek, we get it on the trailer over to Carl at Dynaprop, where he does a few quick things to keep us on the water, and a few bucks later (plus a few hours) we're back out....................to catch very FEW fish. - The boats never given me a lick of problems in the years I've owned it, so things could certainly be worse. Hope your issue isn't serious.
  5. - Thanks 't', not that getting anything down deeper would've helped, I'm just grasping at straws here. Trying to learn from my mistakes. As I generally do just fine when I come down, but this time........Nuttin' but heartache! - And the guys that came down, were their for the first time with me, and it did not leave a good impression. (But I make sure to never make any guarantees when fishing)
  6. Techo, Sorry we missed you out on Wednesday. We had engine trouble 5 minutes after we were on the water. But thankfully, Carl over at Dynaprop was great, and got us rolling again on the cheap; and after several hours, we were back in business. - Anywho, so much for getting back on the water; we got our butts handed to us the passed few days. The worst time I've ever had on Table Rock! Every one of my great spots had nothin'! We tried throwing everything but the kitchen sink, with little results. But thanks to the advice here on OAF, we caught a few. Since we had crap luck on The Rcok, we actually went and caught a bunch of Whites on the James to salvage our time down there. But, that bite dissappeared today too. - But, to get back on to the reason for my post. The few fish we did catch, were only on the rogue while we were down. One of the guys down with us is new to fishing, and he was able to get a few on the rogue. So stick (no pun intended) with it, you'll get the hang of it. And heaven knows, I'm still working on it myself. (as I generally stink at it) Our best luck was with the Chartreuse sided/purple back rogue (similar to TRS I think?). - My frustration was coming when we could see fish holding 20-30' down in some trees, but we couldn't quite get them what they wanted. Although, as usual; hindsight is always 20/20. Does anyone throw a rogue with suspendots/suspendstrips on them, to get them down to deeper fish?
  7. - That's kinda funny techo, I've had those conversations re: the age of my boat with people; then things quickly get put into perspective. - That's always fun bringing the young ones out. Although, it can be tough to fish for everyone else. (snagged hooks, tangled lines, etc, etc - I'll be on the lookout for yah in the Skeeter. We won't be down there until about noon, so good luck to yah guys!
  8. Myself and a couple guys will be down in the Kimberling City area Wednesday through Saturday. We'll be in a Basscat Pantera, Blue cap with silver hull. (the ole' nag, circa: 1986) She's not real pretty, but she catches fish. - They'll be 3 of us in the boat (I'll be the tall, goofy guy up front), so it'll be tight quarters. If you see us out, don't be shy; come on over and say hello!
  9. I'll be dipped, look 'e' there. I'm really getting schooled on this crappie thing. - Thanks again Sam!
  10. - MMMmmmm! Crappie and eggs for breakfast........now you're talking! - Thanks for the great info Sam! Not to show my ignorance, but when you mention a swimming minnow, could you elaborate.
  11. Thanks for the input guys. If anyone has any advice, feel free to speak up. I'm not looking for anyone to just hand over secrets to me, but some direction is certainly helpful. - Kinda like with bass fishing, if I'm having trouble catching 'em, part of the fun is figuring things out. I don't want people spoonfeeding me info, that takes some of the fun out of it. - But regarding the crappie, looks like we won't be holding our breath. But, we will still probably give it a shot. Heck, a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut too.
  12. Believe me Bill, I'm with yah. When at The Rock, I'm a bass guy through and through. One of the guys coming down with us (also happens to be my boss.......Gulp! ) is interested in getting into some crappie; so I'm game, to give it a shot. But, like you mentioned, I don't want to waste a bunch of time looking for 'em; when I can hook into some nice bass; get some great pix, and let 'em swim to fight again! - And my apprehension with fishing resort docks, is for the sole reason you point out; I'm not real comfortable imposing on those spots, intended for guests of the resorts. (public water or not, courtesy goes a long way) - And heck, if you AND Don say not to waste our time for crappie; that's saying something. Now to convince those coming with me.......... - (P.S. .......GREAT seminar Bill! I caught the podcast, and took some good notes. And look, your 1000th post in my thread..........WooHoo.........I'm honored!............you guys are the best!)
  13. What a blast Bill. I was itchin' allday for another fishing report; and this ones a Beute'! - Great job!
  14. Thanks Sam, I'm the same when fishing docks; respectful. If people are out, or on them, I just say hello and maybe make a cast or 2, but may just move on by. - You bring up a good point about plenty of brushpiles in the lake. I know they're out there, just finding them in a timely manner is my concern. - I always bass fish when I'm down at The Rock, so dabbling into the crappie thing will be new for me. But, I've been reading archives on the site here, and taking plenty of notes around the ole' Interweb. - Thanks again!
  15. Thanks Mick, I'm familiar with Gobbler Mountains dock, I'll have to see whats doin' over there. - I hear yah, Don, I was thinking it may be a bit too soon. One of the guys I'm coming down with will certainly persist, so we'll see what happens. - But Mick brings up a good point; fishing other peoples docks. I know it's one thing if I'm pitching into the stalls or casting up under their ramp a few times, then moving on; but have you ( or have you heard) of dock owners getting bent out of shape if you hang out by their dock for a while and fish 'their' brush pile? (or whatever) - I know it's all public water; but you guys know how people get.
  16. Holy hot water Batman, 60 degree water temps!? - Anybody else find anything that warm?
  17. Myself and a couple guys will be down the end of next week for some time on the water. - I get down a few times a year, and can do allright, cracking the bass code. But, the crappie thing.............this will be a first. - I don't see many posts about the crappie, but we would love to get into some, so any help anyone can offer; would be greatly appreciated. - We typically just fish a few miles either way from the Kimberling City area, so if anyone's had any success around KC; don't be shy, let's hear what you've got to say! - Thanks in Advance! - (as always, I'll keep my eyes peeled on the Table Rock thread for any reports; but since I haven't seen any crappie reports in a bit, I thought I'd jump in and get one started.)
  18. How'd everybody do yesterday? - What kind of water temps you guys find?
  19. I'm with yah Sam on the handling of the fish. One thing that makes me cringe, is when I see the fish getting their jaws 'torqued' open on the scales, to show the crowd. - I've read countless articles over the years, (several, in publications from the sanctioning bodies of these tournaments) that discourage the practice of hyper-extending the fishes mouth, as it can have detrimental effects on the fish. - A large fish, is a large fish, whether it's jaw is held wide open for a picture, or not. I'd like to see this practice disappear.
  20. That's exciting Doug! Be sure to keep us posted on who you went with, and how it went. - Also, I saw a precious post of yours, where I thought you mentioned helping out one of the pros with his trailer, that had one of those hard top, clam-shell style things on it? I've seen pix, and read about them, but have yet to see one in person, they sound like they're pretty cool!
  21. motoman

    Big Ky.

    - I'm glad you brought it up snakem, I've been sitting here scratching my head too. - It'll be interesting to see if Lilley comments in your other thread.
  22. motoman

    Big Ky.

    - WWwooooWeee! What a hawg! Man I'd love to get my paws on something like that; just to get a picture with it......................maybe someday.
  23. - I'm with yah techo, I was thinking the same thing. But, someone always seems to figure something out, and bring a big sack to the scales....................(lord knows it's never me, even in the rinky-dink tourneys I've fished)
  24. Several previous posts a while back, (that I kept notes from) seemed to have a common thread of the colors V37, v38 and v59. (But, I imagine any of the craw patterns would be a good bet?) - I don't have pix, but here's a link with a reference to the colors and pix. - http://landbigfish.com/tacklestore/showcase.cfm?PID=4318
  25. Thanks for the reports guys, that's some good stuff!
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