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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by joeD

  1. We do have quality smallmouth fishing. We're just too dumb to appreciate it.
  2. "Illegal" is a strong and loaded word. Let's just say, "frowned upon." In certain "quarters" I might add, with trepidation. BTW, and my mistake obviously, what a great fish bearded guy caught. Congratulations to him. Splendid fish.
  3. joeD

    Roll Tide!

    BINGO! Vs Clemson will be a battle. Looking forward to it.
  4. Where'd ya'll catchit? Bennett springs?
  5. No one answered my question. Plus.. We get to fish for smallmouth bass anytime and anywhere we want. We get to talk about it too, with others out here in binary land. Quit complaining and go fishing and post big fish pictures and little fish pictures and if you must fly fish, submit your videos to the Academy. Good Grief. "Of all the Charlie Browns, you're the Charlie BROWNIEST!"
  6. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    I gotta hand it to BilletHead. Twenty hours and multiple steps and ingredients to make a sandwich. Dedication brethren.
  7. joeD

    Whatchya Drinking?

    There is no reason for any self respecting male to drink Baileys or any other cream abomination. What next, fruit and spices in beer?
  8. Never knew so many forum members fished Bennett Springs in the winter for smallies. Now I understand the collective disgruntlement. Apologies to all.
  9. Someone name one stream that has suffered, directly, from being mentioned on this forum. We've been doing this for years. Pictures, stories, lure choices, advice. There are no secrets anymore. Fish are still out there. Gotta go get 'em, simple as that brother.
  10. Roll Tide! I agree with Al 100% on this sports/other subject.
  11. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    Yes, by all means, roll a bacon and cheddar cheese ball in a Korean chili paste. Serve it with some unleavened African tapalapa (shows your racial awareness) to make it completely inedible. Mazel Tov!
  12. "Why can't we have nice things!?" MP Jr was a trick to make us feel good for a little bit. Now, back to frustrating inconsistency. But at least we can get seats now.
  13. What do you mean "again"? I don't recall stopping. Which begs the eternal question: Is our big fish success due to repetition and knowledge of an area, or, our lack of success elsewhere, always bringing us back to what we are familiar with? (Sorry poor grammar, ending a sentence with a preposition). ( but that is Latin rules applied to modern English language, so, we're ok, though strict grammarians might weep into their heirloom Oxford dictionaries). Big fish are caught where big fish live. They don't live everywhere brethren.
  14. Poor Forest Park, our city’s crown jewel, having to suffer the indignity of hosting yearly events like Loufest, Great Forest Park balloon race, beer festivals, charity walks and other people intensive activities that naturally degrade its beauty. It’s a wonder we still allow it.
  15. Because, that’s why. Lanterns. Not fish poachers. Not chemicals. Not gravel bar miners. Not gun nuts. Lanterns. Peace brother.
  16. I agree. The same thing used to apply to certain bars, where the likelihood of casual hook ups was strong. Back then, I mean. Like June.
  17. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    Kind of funny, but a bit obvious. All good eatin’.
  18. joeD

    What's Cooking?

  19. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    How about a night out? Let professionals take care of you. Here’s a winner from this past Thursday, birthday and anniversary celebration. Simply an outstanding dining experience.
  20. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    "....you don't spell it, you eat it!"
  21. Quit fishing now, while you have a memory and teeth in your head. Go out on top. Undefeated , untied.
  22. Splendid pictorial essay. Please refrain from taking pictures of Fireball. Friends don’t let friends drink Fireball. It’s for sorority girls.
  23. I would like to get my hands on the MDCs foldout brochure of their SMB Management Areas, published a number of years ago. I've lost mine, and/or destroyed it, naturally. I don't think they publish it anymore, as it isn't on their website. So, if any you gents have an extra one that you are willing to part with, or know where I can obtain one, please send me a PM. Thanks in advance. Here is their Trout foldout, same thing.
  24. It's not huge, but it was good. Fished my (our) usual stretch on a gorgeous day this past Thursday. No one around. Beautiful water, lots of fish caught, laughs and brotherhood with my good friend.
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