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smallmouth man

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Everything posted by smallmouth man

  1. 21 boats turned out at Hermatige to fish the first USA Bassin, pomme division, of the year. Paid top 4 places and 2 big bass places. First big bass was 7lb 10oz. First place overall had 12lb 12oz. Second had 12lb 2oz. Third had 12lb 0oz. Fish reported to be caught on main lake wih many baits: a-rig, stickbait, spinnerbait, crankbait, and jig. Check out http://www.usabassin.com/modules.php?name=Divisions&divisionID=101 for full details.
  2. you are true men
  3. ol' oneshot. I wish I was that lucky. One shot a day keeps the horny toads away.
  4. I have a buddy who wants to try some tourney fishing. He asked me about any on Pomme this weekend. I dont know of any this weekend. Joe is 5/14, Grumpys is 5/21, and USA is 5/28, but he needs one for 5/7. This is his only availible weekend for while. Any ideas or suggestions?
  5. Lake is starting to fall again as of today. Hermitage will be ok. Lighthouse and nemo maybe ok too.
  6. You can put in at Hermitage ramp and Hermitage dock is probably ok. Nemo ramp is probably ok, too. you'll have best luck on main lake and linley side.
  7. I went Saturday. I had a 6lb 2oz Walleye early on crank. My dad had one Black Crappie 9.5" on Jig. We had about 12 bass and 7 were leagle. Largest was 3lb 7oz. An other was 16" and smaller from there. All bass on Jig. Water still about 9 ft high and water temp is 57-59ish. Good water color and fish looked good. I'll see ya'll at the USA Bassin' this Saturday, April 30. 6.30am at Hermitage. Entry fee is low-cost. Lots of free give aways. This is a good tourney trail to get involved w/. Check out usabassin.com
  8. Thanks Trav. You're a real fellow.
  9. Use live rabbit.
  10. Well, We fished the Tourney. I was bad. Mid-Upper 30's, Rain/Sleet, and out of 9 boats only 6 lasted till 3pm. Only 3 boats had fish. Only 2 boats had limits. 9 lbs won and 7 lbs took 2nd. Both boats went up the pomme river where you could find 53 degree water. Only one fish in the whole tourney was caught outside the pomme river. 1st place said one fish was caught on jig and would not say much else about how they caught their fish. Water is about 15 feet high and main lake is around 46 degrees. One boat was back in by 10am. He said he had "froze out".
  11. Any word on if the USA Bassin tourney is still on for tomorrow? Weather.com is saying tomorrow will be High 39 and rain/snow. I bet they will keep the date, but I think it'll be a low turn out.
  12. Great reply, MOPanfisher. Thanks for the info!
  13. I know Pomme was about 5-6 feet low all winter and now it is on the rise. I guess they have finished the dam work and now are holding the water to work on the area below the dam. How high could the lake get and when will the Corp open the dam again?
  14. I am taking my dad up to Pomme this weekend and we aint been up there in a while. We will probably fish around Bolivar Landing but we'd be open to fishin' the main lake as well. What I am wondering about is; What can a guy do to catch a good bass at Pomme this time of year? I really want to make sure my dad has a good time, and we dont get to go together much anymore. I'd really appretiate any advice.
  15. Nice one friend! HAWG, GET THE NET!
  16. Just go to Carsons on hwy 160 at the james river bridge between nixa and springfield. Ask the guys in the store if you can get some worms from under their potted plants outside. I knew a guy who worked there a few years ago and we'ed do this all the time. find some moist soil where they have watered and look under big plants. you could get 20-30 big worms in less than half an hour.
  17. I caught a rainbow in the james 2 years ago just below Battlefield, MO and Missouri smallmouth record holder, Kevin Clingin, has caught some trout on table rock lake before. They probably come from roaring river and crane creek.
  18. Same agent is at pomme a couple days a week.
  19. i have fished the james alot the last 2 years. South of Battlefield MO we have had some nice SM, mabye a couple pushing 3 pounds, but nothing over. I did float down at Galena last fall and talked to a guy @ James River Outfitters that said they had caught a 24" smallie last summer on a float, and he had a picture. If you get one 4lb, or 20"+, hold on! I belive there are some out there.
  20. conman, I love the Pomme. I have fished it a lot over the past few years. I Bass fish over 90% of the time while on the water. I will catch a couple muskie every year while bass fishing. Most of the time while throwing a crank. I have seen my dad catch one on a finesse worm. As far a Bassin, a lot of guys catch 'em on Jigs, Cranks. When the water gets high you can flip w/ success. Spinner baits and plastic worms are also good. When Pomme gets hot you can catch a bass on about anything. The main lake has some good off shore stuff. The rivers are also very good. Just like any other lake, remember; water color, water temp, bait fish, spawn, and other lake and weather conditions will tell you what the fish are doing. If you really like fishing Pomme there are several local tourneys at Pomme every year. Get plugged in to one. Good luck man! usabassin.com joebassteamtrail.com
  21. Man, I fished the finley today between ozark park and hwy 65 w/ a small Rapala stick. I got 2 fish to look at it but neither one ate it. I tried to work it slow but nothing.
  22. cool guys. thanks for the info. that all makes sense. by the way, that park ranger was over by that new marina and was working that park area on the north side of the lake.
  23. Hey all you Pomme Pros. First of five USA Bassin tournements is taking out soon! March 14, 2009 Pittsburg State Park @ 7am $50/boat + $10/big bass usabassin.com
  24. Last year in December a buddy and I were taking a john boat out on Spfd Lake and got to talking with a park ranger on the north side of the lake. He told us that the water coming out of the "warm water outlet" was not much warmer than the river water. The power plant had put a cooler on the outlet. I dont know why. I dont know anything besides what he told me. But according to Jonny Law, the "warm water outlet" is no longer warm.
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