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Fishing Buddy
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Brook Silverside

Brook Silverside (11/89)



  1. Sprint....where did the mudline begin? Thx
  2. What part of the lake are you on? If you are on Kings or one of the other tributaries that picks up all the logs and trash i would get out now. It is coming up a foot every 9 hours and that is subject to change for the worse.
  3. Get well soon QB.
  4. Nice job again Ben.
  5. Sounds like it was a good thing the game got called.
  6. Nice fish Travis.
  7. Pepe....how far up the Kings did you make it before running into the logjam?
  8. Thanks Muddy. Stay dry.
  9. Muddy....where at on the Kings were those pictures taken?
  10. Sounds like a great day.
  11. Nice fish again Alex!
  12. Nice video Phil.
  13. Looks like you guys had a great trip.
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